Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 949

"Well." Dabao can understand her mood.

"However, long pain is better than short pain. Since the result is the same, it's better to tell him earlier, brother, right?" Niuniu also struggled for a period of time before she finally made such a decision.

Before, she didn't quite understand that her brother, Xiaobao, or even daddy was a gentlemanly person at home, but most of them were cold faced when facing other women outside.

Only recently did she realize that for some people who have expectations and expectations for you, your tenderness and consideration will only make her and others have unexpected expectations, which will make her fall deeper and deeper.

For one-sided feelings, determination and indifference are true kindness.

Early the next morning, people fly to another city for publicity. As Sihan expected, Sijun is in a bad mental state.

However, his attitude towards Sihan is no different from the original. He is as considerate as ever, but he keeps an appropriate distance.

If it wasn't for the extremely obvious dark circles under his eyes, Sihan almost thought that what happened last night was a dream.

Si Jun doesn't mention anything about last night, so it's hard for Sihan to mention it again. The two people get along as usual, though, each seems to be somewhat deliberate and unnatural.

This kind of deliberate and unnatural, but did not last long. Because Sihan's schedule this week has been fully arranged by the film publicity. At every publicity point, she has to face and deal with the media reporters and fans in the best state. This kind of wholehearted investment indirectly weakens her guilt for Sijun.

Si Jun, after all, is the boss's assistant. Even if he is temporarily arranged to accompany Sihan in the publicity, he usually has to deal with a lot of his own work as an assistant. Therefore, Sihan's indirect refusal has been diluted by his busy work.

After a week's publicity, Sihan and Sijun finally got on the flight back to r city with the army.

At this time, it was more than 8 p.m., and Sihan, who had been running all day, was so tired that her eyelids could hardly open. After getting on the plane, Sijun asked the stewardess to come and get a blanket, which was supposed to cover Sihan.

Sihan, however, always remembers the principle of not having too close contact with him so as not to think too much. When he hands it over, she quickly takes the blanket over.

"Thank you Sihan whispers, opens the blanket and looks up at Sijun. Seeing that the other person's face is lost and helpless, she says, "Sijun, I'll sleep for a while."

Si Jun nodded silently, hesitated for a moment, or handed her hand to help her put the horn under her shoulder.

Sihan pretends not to see his considerate behavior and slowly closes her eyes.

But even if she closed her eyes, she could still feel the burning sight of Si Jun stopping on her face for a long time.

Just when Sihan feels that her face is about to be burned by the hot sight and wants to open her eyes to break this dilemma, a slight sigh comes from her ear, and then Si Jun's deep but clear gibberish.

"Sihan, we have known each other for nearly ten years. Over the years, I regard you as my best friend. No matter what your identity or background, you will always be my best friend."

Sihan knows that he just wants to make himself at ease. And she, of course, is also embarrassed to pretend to sleep.

Open your eyes, to the boss Jun slightly with a tired face“ I always thought you were my best friend

Si Jun reaches over and gently rubs her head. This action is actually too intimate, but Sihan can't bear to avoid it.

"Yu Shao is a rare good man, you will be happy!"

Si Jun helps her to trim her slightly messy hair. He is very calm. He is a gentleman from beginning to end.

Or, in fact, he never expected the result of this unrequited love, because from the beginning, he knew that the other party was a distant existence, so it was the greatest happiness for him to know that she had a good lover who loved her.

"Thank you Sihan said sincerely.

"Thank you. I should say it to you."

Sihan wants to say that this is not the case, but Sijun quickly goes on, "if you have never been to a welfare home, if I have never known you, my life will definitely be a different situation."

Si Jun is very clear that if it wasn't for the support of Ji's family, he would be forced to drop out of junior high school like many children in welfare homes. It's impossible to have a good education and a good job like now. No matter what you see or what you contact, it's a much wider world than he can imagine.

Sihan quietly looked at him for a while, "Si Jun, the influence between people has always been mutual. If I didn't know you, I would not be Sihan now. "

If you don't know Si Jun, Sihan will probably always be the Ji family daughter who doesn't know what sorrow is. After knowing her real life experience, she probably can't accept it so calmly, and know how to be grateful and cherish everything in front of her.

After the two said it, the awkwardness and estrangement that existed before disappeared bit by bit.

After all, they are intimate friends who have been in friendship for nearly ten years. No one is willing to hurt this rare friendship for the paper that has never been pierced and will never be pierced again.

Sijun's feelings towards Niuniu are changing. Even Xiaobao, who doesn't often deal with them, is aware of the change. He asks Dabao privately, "Ji Dabao, you can't hold your breath at last. Are you showdown with Sijun?"

Dabao glanced at him faintly, shook his head and said, "no!"

"You didn't? How can I feel that his eyes on his sister are no longer obsessed and attached? "

"Because your sister had a showdown with him!" Dabao's face is still light, but the tone seems to have a little flaunting flavor.

Xiaobao looked at him with a smile, "tut Tut, look at you! How happy is it to be declared

Dabao chuckled and flicked his forehead. "When you fall in love with someone, you'll find that it's wonderful!"

Xiaobao felt the forehead hurt by the bullet and turned his eyes helplessly.

"Will you die if you don't show your love one day?"

Dabao nodded honestly, "yes, if you don't show it, you will die. Clearly love each other, why not show? If you can't stand it, please find someone to show. Otherwise, don't say you can't stop me. You can't stand their fancy show of love, either

Xiaobao is speechless.

Because dad really likes to show more and more recently. For example, now, when Ji Ming has a lot of things to do, he makes up his own mind to help Mommy take half a month's holiday and fly to the other side of the earth to play.