Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 910

Mr. Mai's severe threat and warning made the female models wake up from the gnashing teeth jealous woman mode, immediately make birds and animals flee, and instantly disappear.

Dabao didn't want to stay at the banquet for a long time. He didn't see anyone in the afternoon. He thought that it would be more convenient to find a space to be alone as soon as possible.

"Mr. Mai, let's go first. Tomorrow I will deliver Sihan to the hotel on time."

Holding Niu Niu to Dabao in front of Mr. Mai, he politely says goodbye, and then walks out of the banquet hall with Sihan in his arms.

Tian Fang, as an agent, refuses Dabao's proposal to send her back first and insists on staying.

First of all, she is not so illiterate. She is a powerful light bulb in a car with two people.

Second, she really has to stay and help Sihan get along with her.

Although Sihan's background is very strong, it doesn't mean that she doesn't have to do anything as an agent. Since she is in her position, she has to seek political support. This is Tian Fang's principle.

Dabao and Sihan just left the hall. Just now, some female models who were not afraid of death flashed to Mr. Mai's side to inquire intentionally or unconsciously.

"Mr. Mai, the young man just now is Sihan's boyfriend?"

Mr. Mai glared at them, "don't talk nonsense, it's Sihan's brother! In a word, I warn you, no matter who Sihan is, he is right. He can't have anything to do with you. If you are smart, just think about how to make a good show tomorrow. Don't think about some unrealistic things. The story of prince charming and Cinderella is just a fairy tale to cheat children! "

On the other hand, Tian Fang, who is staying to help Sihan manage her relationship, is also surrounded by several women. These women talk a lot about it. Naturally, they want to get more information about the elegant young master just now.

Tian Fang is noncommittal. She shrugs her shoulders and says that she doesn't know very well. She's just Sihan's agent, but she doesn't have the right to check other people's ancestors.

It can only be said that the social circle of these female models is too narrow and their knowledge is too obscure. This is because in recent years, Dabao has often attended some very important meetings and negotiations on behalf of Ji. As long as he has a little status in the business world, few people do not know Ji Yu, the prince of Ji.

Or, to put it another way, Dabao is too clean and self loving. He has never attended any entertainment parties like other rich children or the second generation of officials. Therefore, he has no chance to let these supermodels know.

In the end, Tian Fang was really annoyed by these people and said, "however, I'm sure of one thing, because the senior management of our company has told us that Sihan's background can't be provoked by ordinary people."

This is exactly the same as what Mr. Mai warned them. In the end, although these famous models were tickled by mysterious handsome guys, they were afraid of causing unnecessary trouble. Even if they were tickled, they could only tickle silently in their hearts!

In the car, Dabao sits in the driver's seat and Niuniu naturally sits in the co driver's seat.

"Yangliu originally wanted us to go out and play together. She said it was to wash the dust for us. I'm afraid you're too tired, so I refused her. If she calls you later, you'll just say you're tired and want to sleep."

In fact, not only Niuniu is tired, but Dabao is also tired.

Originally, Ji was busy enough, but he had to be distracted to deal with some of Yang's affairs. Although he was smart and capable, he was not an indefatigable robot.

"Well, I know that you are tired after a busy day. In fact, you just ask your uncle to call the driver to pick me up. Otherwise, I can take a taxi to go back by myself. That way, you can have more time to rest."

Niu Niu stares at his beautiful side face with dim road light.

Dabao suddenly turned his head and gave her a gentle smile. "I'm not tired to see you!"

That pair of beautiful black eyes, in the orange light, appear particularly deep charming, also special gentle.

"But I still don't want you to run like this!"

Niuniu leaned over, gently stroked his warm face, and then said in a soft voice, "really, I'm not a child. You're tired, you can let me handle my own affairs. Then, you can also ask me to be spoiled, just like Xiaobao."

It's really like Xiaobao's privilege to ask Niuniu for favors. Has Dabao ever thought about it? Niuniu doesn't know, but he doesn't seem to ask her for favors.

Dabao's eyes seemed to be still very focused on the road, but from the angle that Niuniu couldn't see, there was a thin mist and a thick touch.

Holding the steering wheel with one hand, she raised her right hand over her hand touching her face, put her fingers between her fingers, squeezed them, and then pulled her hands down and put them on the steering wheel.

"It seems that my child's daughter-in-law has finally grown up, so that I can act like a spoiler and compete for favors?"

Niuniu gave a reply, because for some reason, her throat suddenly tightened and she couldn't say more.

In other people's homes, parents pull their children to grow up. In Ji's family, although their parents don't want to take care of their children, strictly speaking, Xiaobao and Niuniu are brought up by Dabao. Both physically and psychologically, Dabao pays more attention to them.

Niu Niu was silent for a long time, until her heart was moved to calm down.

"Brother, if there is a next life, let me be your mother, then I can take care of you and grow up like you take care of me in this life!"

Dabao glanced slightly, "why, don't you want to be a lover with me in the next life? Want to be my mom? "

Although, everyone knows, next life this kind of thing, have another say, even if really have, also can't help them ordinary people decide next life's identity.

But even though she knew it was like this, Niu Niu hesitated, "it seems that... I still want to be more lovers with you."

Dabao smiles, puts her hand back on her thigh and taps it again.

"If there is a next life, let's be a pair of brothers and sisters who have no blood relationship. In that way, you can pet me, love me and have a beautiful love with me!"

Niu Niu silently imagines this setting in her heart. It seems that the picture is very harmonious and beautiful. It seems that this idea is also good!

"Well, the age difference should not be too big, otherwise, I don't think I can accept it. Well, that's right. It's about the same age difference as me and Xiaobao! "

When Niu Niu said this, she didn't think much about anything else, but the speaker didn't pay attention to it. She saw Dabao, who had been raising her lips slightly before, but she twisted her eyebrows slightly.