Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 767

When Dabao came back from work, he opened the door of the yard and saw a friendly man and two dogs on the grass over the yard. The corner of his mouth suddenly rose.

They crept towards the figure with their back to them. The two dogs were usually very sharp. When each owner came home, they would shake their head and tail and run to meet them. But today, they were being caressed by Niuniu, who was quietly listening to what the girl said in a low voice.

Dabao came closer and finally heard Niuniu's nagging.

"Big ash, tell me, Xiaobao has long wanted to leave here and go to other places for University. Alas, it's a pity that I probably can't be as good as him to go to B University... Besides, when I go to university three years later, he will soon graduate... Alas..."

Dabao stops behind Niuniu, and listens to her sigh repeatedly, which makes her feel sad.

This is to secretly listen to a few more words, but the body's reaction is much faster than his brain. When his brain reacts, his big hand has already touched her head and made a few gentle strokes.

"Silly girl, it's more than two hours' flight. If you want him, just fly over and have a look at him." The words of comfort came naturally.

Niuniu turned around, a little surprise flashed in her eyes, and soon she returned to normal.

"Brother, why don't you walk soundlessly?"

Dabao didn't reply to her. He blinked, threw his bag on the grass, sat down on the grass and pulled Niuniu to sit down.

"I miss Xiaobao so soon?"

Good temper to ask, explore the eyes fall on the face of the little girl, big hand extremely light to her hair.


Niu Niu didn't conceal anything and nodded her head.

Dabao lowered his head, rubbed her beautiful forehead with his lips, and then buried his face in her back neck. It seemed to be a low voice, and it seemed to be accusing, "Ji Sihan, what should I do? I seem to be jealous."

Say, the nose tip of straight and straight has not once ground rub to move in her back neck.

"Ah?" Niuniu's brain didn't turn as fast as Dabao's, and her back neck was made to look like several caterpillars crawling over it.

Uneasily struggled a few times, side head to hang an eye to see to still make fun of oneself of person.

"What do you mean, brother?"

Niuniu was afraid of itching. After being rubbed like this for a short time, she felt as if she had been in a cup. This feeling was very strange, but Niuniu didn't resist it, because it was her big brother's feeling. Even if she was strange, she was willing to accept and try it slowly.

This cognition came into being when she boldly confessed to Dabao.

Dabao left a special breath behind her ears and neck. Even if it was only light, it could temporarily relieve his bad thoughts from time to time.

He moved back, pulled the distance between himself and Niuniu a little bit, forced her body over, took her face in his hands, and hummed, "you miss Xiaobao so much, I'm jealous!"

Niuniu looks at him in surprise, Dabao doesn't evade, and looks directly at her. For a long time, Niuniu's dark eyes turn up.

Little by little, the smile spread from the corner of her eyes to the bottom of her eyes. Dabao felt a little annoyed.

In fact, he is not really jealous of Xiaobao. Most of the reasons why he said that solemnly just now are just to tease the little girl, so that she can disperse her energy and stay away from the sadness of parting.

But now the little girl's shining eyes, clearly floating on the detse and proud, that look, just like looking at a blind jealous hairy boy.

But he is not a hairy boy, he is a rational mature adult!

In the chagrin of Dabao want to open his mouth to save his image, the little girl's face without warning to come over, in Dabao has not yet made clear what the situation, the lip was the little girl's lip gently touched.

Dabao's bad thoughts, which he managed to suppress, immediately made noise in his heart. He is a mature adult who knows how to control his emotions rationally.

But the delicious food to the mouth pushes away this kind of stupid thing. As a mature adult, he certainly can't do it.

As a result, the little girl's active touch out of appeasement turned into a passive acceptance of a long and aggressive French kiss.

Big Bao, who boasts to be mature and rational, is about to be breathless, so he has to let go of the girl in his arms.

Niu Niu is even more kiss only out of the gas did not enter the gas, the whole person soft on his body, gasping heavily.

The beautiful atmosphere filled the whole yard, and the dusk light wrapped them through the low wall of the yard.


Niu Niu is still breathing heavily. However, she thinks it's better to say something clearly on the spot. She has no experience in love, but she knows that the biggest enemy of misunderstanding is timely communication.

"Well?" Dabao looked at her tenderly, but he was still savoring the wonderful taste just now.

"In fact, when you went abroad... I felt 10000 times worse than now." Niu Niu's breath was not stable, but she puffed out what she wanted to say.

Dabao squints and stares at her thoughtfully. Niuniu thinks he doesn't believe it and licks her lips nervously. "It's true..."

There was a slight sigh in Dabao's heart, and he could not help holding her tightly in his arms again.

Niuniu was strangled by him, but she didn't dare to move, because she thought he was really jealous. She also thought that he didn't believe what she had suffered three years ago.

"Brother..." Niu Niu's words were forced to suffocate in Dabao's thick chest.

Dabao hugged her tightly, felt her temperature spread out in his arms, looked down at the top of her hair, vaguely felt that his eyes were a little hot.

Dabao blinked desperately. He bowed his head to kiss her on the top of her hair. Finally, he was willing to let go of the girl in his arms.

"Brother, what I said is true!" After Niu Niu regained her freedom, she stressed to him again very seriously.

Dabao nodded, "well, I know!"

Niuniu didn't know that her brother Dabao was just teasing her. Even though he had nodded to show that he knew, she was still worried.

Niu Niu suddenly took Dabao seriously, raised her hands to hold his face, and fixed her eyes on him.

"Ji Yu, what I like is you. Xiao Bao is my younger brother."

Dabao was so happy that he just teased her, but unexpectedly he got another serious confession.

But Shuang guishuang, Dabao was afraid that the little girl would find out the truth. He quickly learned from the girl and nodded seriously, "well, I know!"