Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 440

Father Ji can't help him realize his baby's birthday wish. Even if he has the ability to control himself to force himself to accept the fact that Ji Rui and Letong are together for his baby, he can't control Ji Rui and Letong so that the two young people can live with him. That is to say, I want to know that with the disdainful attitude of Letong and her son, can I get along well with myself?

The driver drove Mr. Ji to the mansion. Sitting in the back seat, Mr. Ji kept his eyes closed and seemed to be asleep. In fact, his mind was stuffed with a lot of things. Sun Tzu is full of coquetry, and his son's harsh words are always in his ears.

When I got back to the mansion, I opened the door. The woman who had been with me for more than 30 years had already met me.

"Back? How's it going? "

The middle-aged woman, with an urgent face, asked him in a hurry as she took off her coat.

"Not so much!"

Ji Laozi shook his head, facing this woman, he didn't even have the courage to tell the truth.

This woman, full of thought, today is the baby's birthday, he went, the son always look at the grandson's sake, reluctantly agreed to his some small requirements.

However, Ji doesn't even have a chance to talk about it. Every time he wants to talk about it, Ji Rui doesn't pretend to be stupid, or he just ignores the intimate drama between him and the woman Letong.

"Ah Wen and ah Wu..." the woman's voice was slightly choked.

"I can't die!"

He loves and hates these two sons who always make trouble for him!

When can these two wretches be as calm and reliable as their elder brother?

"Coco she..." the woman timidly handed a cup of tea to Mr. Ji.

"Don't mention her!"

Ji's trouble this time is not generally big, it has far exceeded Ji's expectation.

At the beginning, he just promised to cooperate with her to win over his son, but he didn't expect to lead the wolf into the room.

The woman bowed her head in silence.

"Don't make any small moves behind your back. It's not just a Rui who's suffering from Ji's downfall."

Ji's tone was gloomy. He took a sip of tea and didn't look at the woman again.

"I..." the woman huddled beside him, not daring to say anything more.


Two days after the baby's birthday, Yang Sheng returned home.

It's not good news, but it's not bad news.

After some of his activities, the court session was delayed by one month, that is to say, they fought for one more month to find a solution.

However, although he won an extra month for Ji, he was invited home by the Yang family on the day of his return.

"I'll go with you. I've got my own feet. Don't bother." This is what Yang Sheng said at Ji Rui's office to several bodyguards who came from Beijing and wanted to escort him back to Yang's home.

"Young master, the old master's health is getting worse every day. When he went to the bathroom last night, he fainted to the ground."

Ji Rui and Le Tong, who are on the side of Yang Sheng, almost say it in one voice.

"Elder martial brother Yang Sheng, go back!"

Yang's bodyguard said that reason, whether true or false, Yang Sheng should go back to have a look.

Ji Rui doesn't want Yang Sheng to be accused of being unfilial for his reasons. He has no way to get along with his family. He doesn't want Yang Sheng to make the same mistake for his work.

Yang Sheng struggled for a while, and finally told him what he was doing. Then he flew back to the capital with his bodyguard.

In the past few days after Ji Rui's return to China, the domestic bad situation has been basically controlled, and now many of the huge waves that were difficult to resist at that time have been sorted out. In addition, Letong has gradually adapted to her new job. Although she is not as capable and experienced as Yang Sheng, on the whole, it is very good that she can be competent for Yang Sheng's job in such a short time, which is far beyond Ji Rui's and Yang Sheng's expectations.

Their work is gradually on the right track, busy as usual, but no matter how busy they are, they will try their best to spare time in the evening to go home with their baby.

For Letong's medicine, aunt Guan gets up early every morning to boil it. Then, after they have finished their breakfast, Letong carries a thermos with two meals of Chinese medicine in the morning and afternoon.

"It's so bad!" Le Tong is carrying bowl to frown to hum a way.

This is the medicine made from the new prescription yesterday. It seems to taste worse than the old one.

"Be obedient and drink it up!" Ji Rui doesn't care whether the medicine is hard to drink or not. He just wants to see the healthy and ruddy Letong as soon as possible.

Letong curls her mouth, and after all, she is reluctant to hold her nose and Gulu, and drinks all the medicine in one breath.


Holding the cup of warm water in front of her, Letong took it in surprise.

"Ji Rui, what's the matter with you?"

Now, she has no doubt that Ji Rui really likes her.

But just because he likes her doesn't mean he will treat her with a low brow,

"You're a masochist, aren't you used to being nice?"

Ji Rui seems to see through the confusion in her eyes, picking eyebrows and pretending to stare at her sternly.

Le Tong drank medicine, a small face bitter ha ha of wrinkle into a ball, very unwilling to return to stare at him.

"Yes, if I'm not a masochist, how can I stay under you for so long? I heard from elder martial brother that your secretary has never worked for more than half a year! The devil

"That's because they're incompetent. It has nothing to do with me." Ji Rui doesn't think that's his problem.

"You dare to say that you don't know how hairy you are!" Yue Tong complains indignantly.

Letong, who is forced to drink two bowls of traditional Chinese medicine decoction every day, has a serious psychological imbalance. Remembering that she was oppressed and bullied by this hateful man, she hates her teeth even more.

Ji Rui doesn't dislike Yue Tong, who is more and more casual and shows her true temperament in front of him. On the contrary, he thinks she is very lovely and casual.

Think about it, before this, her calm and cold temperament, I'm afraid it took a lot of effort to camouflage it?

"OK, it's my fur, it's my fault! Is our Secretary going to criticize me in front of all our employees? " Ji Rui amuses her.

"That's not necessary. I wish I knew it myself!"

In Letong's opinion, Ji Rui, who is so happy and angry, is the only one who can see him. Other people just need to see his cold and paralyzed face.

At this time, Letong did not realize that this is the so-called possessiveness.

Because I like it, I always hope that what I see is different from what everyone else sees.

Hope, his good, his bad, his happy, his sad, his positive and negative, are only shown to her!