Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 658: Quite imposingly

"Oh." Lin Rui looked calm.

Anyway, she will take the college entrance examination at the end of her sophomore year.

Lin Rui raised her head and said with a smile on her face to Fang Ge, "Fang Ge, send Miss Cheng out. If she still doesn't leave, she will throw it out."


"Do you dare? Do you dare?!" Cheng Xiao screamed.

But Fang Ge, who never knew Lianxiangxiyu, came over to pull Cheng Xiao's arm.

Cheng Xiao also brought two bodyguards.

Seeing that Grid was about to do something, the two bodyguards rushed over immediately.

But in the blink of an eye, the two bodyguards that Cheng Xiao brought with him slumped on the ground.

Cheng Xiao knew that Fang Ge was not easy to provoke, so he immediately turned around and ran out.

While running, he shouted, "Lin Rui, you wait for me!"

Quite imposingly let go.

In the space, Xiao Qibao said amusedly, "The flowers I waited for you are also grateful..."

After Cheng Xiao and the people she took left, Mrs. Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

The old lady looked at the box of beeswax on the floor with lingering fear, and said, "Rui Rui, that thing..."

"Oh, this thing is very expensive. Grandma, if you like it, keep it for yourself. If you don't like it, let Uncle Zhong sell it. Well, you can sell it for a lot of money."

After Lin Rui said this, she turned around and left. As she walked, she made a call.

Here the old lady Lin looked at the beeswax with a dazed expression.

She choked.

Is this true or false?

No, no, no, let Ah Zhong sell it.

Lin Rui dialed his father Lin Zikang's phone and said, "Dad, Cheng Xiao came to show off at home just now, and her dad should also come to Jincheng."

Lin Zikang looked at the man sitting in front of him and said to his daughter, "Well, Rui Rui, are you okay?"

Lin Rui paused slightly when Lin Zikang said these words, his tone a little strange.

She immediately understood.

"Cheng Jing has found you?"

Lin Zikang sighed that his baby daughter is so smart.

But he didn't want his daughter to worry about him.

So Lin Zikang said immediately, "Rui Rui, don't worry about me."

"Dad, you turn on the hands-free phone."

Lin Zikang didn't know why, but only his daughter followed him and immediately pressed the speakerphone.

Cheng Jing, who was sitting opposite, raised his head questioningly.

Here Lin Rui said to the phone, "Dad, Cheng Xiao just came to the house to make trouble, but you can rest assured, I have kicked her out. I really don't understand her. For so many years, our family has treated her well, you give her back Buying a car and buying so many things doesn’t matter if she is not grateful, she is now Pan Gaozhi, and she is back to bully us.”

Lin Zikang cooperated and said, "Xu Man has been educating her over the years. Hey, I don't know why she became like this."

"Although Xu Man has not been very good to me over the years, she is really good to Xiaoxiao. I see it in my eyes, too, after all, they are mothers and daughters. Every time I see her treat Xiaoxiao so kindly , I miss my biological mother so much. But I don’t understand. Now Xiao Xiaofei is Huang Tengda, but how come I don’t care about Xu Man? I always thought that the relationship between their mother and daughter is very good. Hey, Xiaoxiao is such a white-eyed wolf. No matter how nice others are to her, she doesn't know how to be grateful."

"Some people, if you are kind to her, she may not be grateful. When one day you are unable to continue to treat her, she will kick you away impatiently. Rui Rui, let's not follow her."