Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 580: Is it so simple to solve?

What Lin Rui has to do now is to cultivate and study hard.

Now Lin Rui's cultivation base has reached the third floor of the foundation building, and the speed is not too slow, but she still looks disgusted.

Bai Jinchuan was very sad when he knew it, but he knew that he had successfully built the foundation and was already very satisfied.

After taking a break, Bai Jinchuan sorted out the foundation building experience and sent it to two friends.

Then...Meng Yuanxi and Wang Ziyang made an appointment to visit Lin Rui together.

Yes, it is the word visit.

After all, Lin Rui's cultivation base is now a realm higher than the two of them.

The place where the three met was in a teahouse in Jincheng with a good environment, and the enchantment was set up, so there was no fear of outsiders peeping.

As for why not to the Lin's house... Meng Yuanxi thinks that after all, Lin Zikang's petting daughter is like looking at her eyes, and it is not convenient to go to the Lin's house.

Lin Rui was noncommittal, bringing the exercise book and test papers, and waiting for Meng Yuanxi and Wang Ziyang as he worked on it.

As soon as the two of them arrived in the agreed private room, they saw the little girl doing the problem seriously, and suddenly a little messy.

Especially when I heard that Lin Rui has already built three foundations...

The two were completely speechless.

This person is better than a person, and sometimes, he can be angry to death.

Fortunately, Wang Ziyang returned rationally in time. He coughed slightly and said, "Senior Sister Lin...I came to visit you with Lao Meng to beg you to build Jidan."

Senior Sister Lin yelled inexplicably embarrassed, and Wang Ziyang was so calm and belched because of an embarrassing address.

Meng Yuanxi looked at her old friend sympathetically, but she bit her head and said, "Sister Lin, like Lao Meng and Lao Bai, I have been stuck in this state for too long, so we want The mood of building a foundation is particularly urgent."

"Oh, that's it." Lin Rui raised his head, turning the ballpoint pen around his fingertips.

She blinked and said, "You can exchange it with treasures full of spiritual energy. As long as the treasures meet my requirements, I can build a foundation for you."

People who are so calm as Wang Ziyang are not calm anymore.

"It's that simple?"

Over there, Meng Yuanxi said tentatively, "We may not be able to produce such a powerful treasure as lightning strikes wood for thousands of years."

"It doesn't need to be so powerful, anyway, as long as there is aura in it, bring it to me to see, I'm sure it will do."

When Wang Ziyang and Meng Yuanxi left the teahouse, they still felt a little fluttering.

What they have been worrying about for so long can be solved so easily?

"Lin Ruixin is too kind." Finally Wang Ziyang concluded.

Meng Yuanxi also nodded.

Lin Rui didn't know at all, just constructing Jidan was enough to make all the people who cultivated their true self-interested.

Not to mention, she always creates all kinds of miracles!

Meng Yuanxi sighed, "I feel that we are going to win new developments."


The most terrible thing is if one layer remains unchanged.

With changes, even if the changes are accompanied by dangers, they are also accompanied by opportunities.

The two sighed for a while, then they separated, went home to play tricks, and see if they had any treasures that met Lin Rui's requirements.

And Lin Rui was... after finishing all the test papers and problem sets, he left the private room.

The reason why she wants something full of spiritual energy is because she really wants to cultivate faster and faster.

The aura in the gem Aze gave her last time has been absorbed by her.

Dongfang Qingqiu has been missing for a long time, and is still missing.

There are too many evil places on his body, and there is always a feeling that a poisonous snake is still dormant.