Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 334: No, Miss Lin ran away

Fortunately, the small snowflakes in the sky gradually fell down, purifying all the dirt.

Some naughty snowflakes landed on the transparent umbrella, and then rolled to the side obediently.

Lin Rui just wandered through it like this, her beautiful profile and calm and indifferent temperament attracted the attention of many people at once.

"Who is that little girl? How can you walk inside this snowy day?"

"It's cold outside, isn't she afraid of the cold? I don't see her wearing a scarf."

"In such a hurry, shouldn't it be to meet your boyfriend?" There are also more romantic people, guessing there.

Although many people are very curious.

However, on this cold day, everyone was curious and curious in the air-conditioned car.

It’s still an old grandmother who couldn’t see it. She rolled down the window and shouted to Lin Rui who had just passed by, "Little girl, don’t you get cold, or get in the car to get warm?"

Lin Rui turned her head slightly, smiling peacefully.

"I'm not cold, thank you."

Lin Rui did not stop, and continued to walk forward, but the square left in place immediately called Yunze.

"Boss, it's okay, Miss Lin ran away!" He said anxiously.

Yunze was taken aback.

"What ran away?"

Fang Ge was also in a daze. He took a breath and said, "No, it's not that she ran, but she got out of the car and planned to walk by herself."

Yunze:! ! ! ! !

Little girl, do you want to see him so eagerly?

Yunze stretched out his hand and gently placed it in the position of his heart.

He couldn't say what the sudden throbbing was, but he knew very well that he didn't dislike it.

Even, a little obsessed.

Ever since he left the farm, Yunze found that he would often miss the little girl.

The few WeChat messages every night couldn't satisfy him, so he went to watch videos of the little girl playing basketball over and over again.

Never tire of it.

However, no matter how the video is, it is two-dimensional after all.

Therefore, Yunze is especially looking forward to spending Christmas with the little girl this time.

He didn't know what this feeling was, but he didn't want to think about it.

It was a mysterious feeling, a vague figure that had appeared in his dreams for so many years, and now that he had concrete reality, that unspeakable emotion had instantly penetrated into his limbs.

So, it is definitely not letting go.

Yunze stood up suddenly, put on his jacket, and was about to go out.

It happened to be opposite to Chen Qi.

Chen Qi immediately stopped him, "Brother Yun, do you want to go out? It's snowing outside, and someone is freezing to death. Don't go out!"

"Go away."

"But Brother Yun..."

At this time, Luo Huacheng also came over, and he said, "Aze, it's too cold outside. I just went out and stayed for a few minutes and caught a cold. Don't go out."

Yunze frowned, he glanced at his cousin quietly, and then decisively continued to walk outside.

Luo Huacheng gave Chen Qi a wink, and Chen Qi immediately rushed over and hugged Yunze's waist.

He whimpered and said, "Brother Yun, your body is not just your own body. You must know how many of us have their wealth and lives in your body. Your body belongs to all of us, so, surely Cherish it."

What a mess of this!

Yunze twitched his eyebrows.

However, although his body has recovered a little now, Chen Qi's strength has always been great, and he can't break free.

Yun Ze gritted his teeth, "Chen Qi, believe it or not I will fire you in the next second?"

Chen Qi: o(╥﹏╥)o……