Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 296: Commemorate my dead love

The old lady was a little confused, "But..."

"Mom, during this period of time, you can go to live there for a while. It just so happens that you haven't seen your uncle and them for a long time. I will pick you up again when things are stable in the company during this period."

Mrs. Lin was caught off guard by this series of changes.

When people reacted, they had packed their things and were sent out.

The old lady didn't react, Lin Zikang didn't say when she would pick up Xu Man and Lin Feng.

At the same time, Xu Man boarded the plane very nervously.

She hoped that what Lin Zikang had said on the phone before was false.

He would never send Xiao Feng over.

Maybe it was because she called the old lady again, and Lin Zikang was angry, so she said something angry, right?

In this way, Xu Man was anxious for several days, and she was absent-minded when she helped Lin Xiao go through the enrollment procedures.

And Lin Zikang here is naturally not just talking.

When he was forced to marry Xu Man, there was also an old lady.

Since the Yuluo accident, Mrs. Lin has been thinking about asking Lin Zikang to marry again.

But Lin Zikang already knew that he could no longer fall in love with other women.

But before his death, Old Man Lin left the Lin Group to him, and asked him to take care of Mother Lin.

Old man Lin sighed, "Akang, your mother has many shortcomings, but her heart is kind. After I leave, follow her more, don't ask for anything else, I I hope she can be happy in her later years. Akon, she is your mother after all."

At that time Lin Zikang thought his mother wanted him to remarry, and he remarried.

Mother wanted a grandson, and he gave it to her too.

Otherwise, Lin Zikang would definitely not spare her because of Xu Man's derailment.

Over the years, he has also been lukewarm to Lin Feng.

All his fatherly love was given to Rui Rui.

But now it seems that this kind of giving and asking is really good for the mother?

Is such a family really good to Rui Rui?

This home is very harmonious and warm on the surface.

There are old people, children, gentle wives, and lively voices.

But is it really lively, is it really warm?

Lin Zikang sat wearily on the sofa, rubbing his eyebrows vigorously.

If it were not for her daughter's sudden change, I am afraid he would have been kept in the dark.

All the appearance of harmony now is just an illusion.

It is ridiculous that all these illusions were created by him himself...


Lin Zikang really understood that when he heard the news of Yuluo's death, his heart was actually dead!

Just as Lin Zikang commemorated his dead love, Lin Rui had already met with Bai Jinchuan and others.

In addition to the grandparents, Bai Jinchuan and Bai Yixiao, Lin Rui also saw another elderly, very elegant man.

Wang Ziyang.

That is, the group leader Ziyang Taoist in the WeChat group.

Wang Ziyang's cultivation is also stuck here at the Great Perfection of Qi Refining. Shui Linggen, himself a professor in the university, has a gentle personality and looks like a person with a good temper.

In fact, he has retired, but his teaching reputation is particularly good, so he was re-employed.

After Bai Jinchuan introduced the introduction to both parties, Wang Ziyang had known from Bai Jinchuan about Lin Rui's opportunities for training. He looked at Lin Rui in surprise and said with emotion, "It's really the waves behind the Yangtze River pushing the waves forward."

Lin Rui wanted to say that she was actually the wave ahead.

Okay, and fortunately, Taoist schools are all based on seniority. When she goes up to her cultivation base, she can justifiably be regarded as seniors by these gray-haired elders.

So for the time being, let's be patient.

After a few people here exchanged greetings, they brought up the matter of Dongfang Tuo.

Wang Ziyang said, "Dong Dong's body is better than mine. I have made several breakthroughs before and suffered a little damage to the body after failure. In principle, Dong Dong should not die suddenly."

"I think so too. It is impossible for him to die naturally so early. If it is an accident... the other party's cultivation base must be higher than him!"