Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1348

Most of the people in the mountain village are very simple.

Ignoring wenruoqing and Jiang Lingyun\'s refusal, Wang Qiang turned and walked in.

Wen ruoqing and Jiang Lingyun looked at each other and sighed.

She leaned against Jiang Lingyun\'s arms, "husband, I love Uncle Wang and that Li Li, that Wang Tieshu. Damn it. And my mother... She\'s not good either!"

How can you transfer your children to others?

Li Li will die. She is also an indirect murderer.

"Don\'t think about it. Go back."

Jiang Lingyun knew in his heart and patted Wen ruoqing\'s back to comfort her.

Wen ruoqing pursed his red lips and looked at Wang Qiang\'s home with apricot eyes.

He quickly pressed her slender hand and whispered, "what are you doing? Don\'t be naughty."

Wen ruoqing was stunned when he heard the speech. Then he thought of something and couldn\'t help giggling.

"Honey, what do you think? What do you think I want? Is it difficult to have estrus here? The thought is really dirty."

Jiang Lingyun: "......"

The eldest lady always doesn\'t play cards according to common sense.

"Do you still touch?"

Then he took out a bag of Lingyun\'s eyes and put it in his face.

"Oh, I just want to take this. My thought is really impure!"

Jiang Lingyun: "

It\'s a wallet!

Cough, cough, he thinks too much!

Jiang Lingyun coughed and quickly changed the topic, "what do you do with your wallet?"

"Give me the money."

Wen ruoqing looked at the cash in his wallet, thought about it, took out a pile of money from it, looked around with apricot eyes, walked quickly to the table and pressed the money under a cup.

"Uncle Wang is a good man. He provides us with clues and brings us small dishes. We have a lot of stupid money, so we should exchange it."

Jiang Lingyun: "

Money is enough, people are stupid

He won\'t admit it!

However, he agreed with his fiancee.

Jiang Lingyun hooked Wen ruoqing\'s small waist and spoiled him with a smile, "wife, you are very kind."

"Is this a compliment? You know what I\'m doing? Then you should treat me well!"

Wen ruoqing\'s green fingers are disorderly on Jiang Lingyun\'s chest like playing the piano. They are picked on the beautiful apricot eyes, showing a charming color.

Jiang Lingyun\'s breath sank and quickly caught her restless fingers and kissed them at the corner of her mouth.

The voice is a little hoarse.

"Well, don\'t make trouble."

"OK, listen to you. Don\'t mess up until you get back."

Wen ruoqing leaned against his chest and his voice was sweet, greasy and charming.

Jiang Lingyun\'s throat and hair are tight, and her eyes look deeply at the woman in front of her. She can\'t bear her provocative actions from time to time.


"Come on, take it!"

Wang Qiang\'s hearty laughter came, holding an oval jar in his hand with a smile on his face.

"I made it myself. It\'s very refreshing. Don\'t dislike it. If you can\'t get used to it, you can lose it back."

Hearing the speech, Jiang Lingyun loosened Wen ruoqing\'s small waist, stood up straight and took the jar from Wang Qiang.

"Why? Thank you, Uncle Wang."

"No thanks, no thanks. If you\'re free in the future, you\'ll often come and play. Although it\'s located in a remote place, it\'s better than beautiful mountains and rivers and beautiful scenery."

Wang Qiang rubbed his hands, smiled on his face, and the folds of his hands were deeper.

"Uncle Wang, thank you. Then we really have to go."

Wen ruoqing took out a business card that Jiang Lingyun carried and handed it to him, "this is our contact information. If you still think of any clues or have difficulties in the future, you can come to us."

Although he is not related to them, he is a kind man.

As if they were grateful for the hard-working woman.

After all, her child was changed because of her mother!