Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1003

In the Fu family\'s old house and study, Fu Yunting sat at his desk and looked leisurely at the videos and photos uploaded from his mobile phone.

The videos and photos are all Fu Xichen\'s every move in Nanwan middle school.

He looked at Gu Luoluo\'s jealous appearance, a video of him following Gu Luoluo into the bathroom, and a picture of him kissing Gu Luoluo.

It can be seen that Gu Luoluo has attracted Fu Xichen\'s attention step by step.

Perhaps even Fu Xichen didn\'t realize that he had thrown his heart on Gu Luoluo.

So should we find an opportunity to reveal Fu Xichen\'s empathy to Shu Lan, that is, Xia Ling?

Fu Yunting played with his mobile phone and looked at the design drawing on the computer screen with a pair of narrow eyes. His eyes were dark and steady.

After hooking his lips, he turned over the previous photos of Fu Xichen and Gu Luoluo going in and out of the club, put his mobile phone on the table, got up and went out to the bathroom.

As soon as Fu Yunting left, Xia Ling came out of the corner.

He opened the door of the study and probed into it. He didn\'t find Fu Yunting.

After bending her lips, Xia Ling went to the desk and was ready to revise her design again.

Just before she sat down, she glanced at the mobile phone on the table.

The mobile phone screen is not black yet. On it is a picture of Gu Luoluo holding Fu Xichen into the club.

Xia Ling frowned, picked up her mobile phone, touched the screen and turned to one picture after another of Fu Xichen and Gu Luoluo.

Each photo is vivid and fragrant, indicating that Fu Xichen has an affair with Gu Luoluo.

Xia Ling\'s red lips closed tightly, and her eyebrows frowned very tightly. She couldn\'t tell what it was like in her heart.

Some are angry. I don\'t know whether Fu Xichen is angry with Gu Luoluo behind her back or others.

For example, who took this picture?

Who is watching Fu Xichen\'s every move?

Should it be Fu Yunting?

This mobile phone belongs to Fu Yunting!

Why did he do that?

Xia Ling was thinking, when Fu Yunting came in.

At a glance, I saw Xia Ling holding her mobile phone in a daze.

Fu Yunting\'s black eyes moved slightly, and his heart was clear.

I wanted to find a suitable opportunity to tell her, but I didn\'t think she had found it.

This should be Providence.

Fu Yunting hooked his sexy thin lips and strode to Xia Ling with a soft voice, "what are you looking at with my mobile phone?"

Xia Ling looked at Fu Yunting calmly. Seeing that he still had a smile on his face, he immediately got up angrily, pointed to the pictures on the mobile phone screen and said, "Fu Yunting, please explain to me what these pictures are all about?"

Hearing the speech, Fu Yunting said with a smile: "Lan Lan, did you ask the wrong person? Now you shouldn\'t question Fu Xichen and see how he explained to you what happened between him and Gu Luoluo?"

You should pay attention to the way your wife blows hair.

But is her focus wrong?

"It\'s my business whether I ask ah Chen or not. It has nothing to do with you!"

Xia Lingqi didn\'t fight, "Fu Yunting, tell me where these photos came from? Have you been watching ah Chen? You\'re so mean!"

She didn\'t know what she was angry about.

All she knew was that she didn\'t like Fu Yunting doing this.

Is it interesting to pry into other people\'s privacy?

"I\'m mean? Lan Lan, I just want you to see Fu Xichen clearly. He\'s not worth your whole life."

Fu Yunting frowned. Unexpectedly, Xia Ling\'s first reaction was different from what he thought.