Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1001

Gu Luoluo, who was not far away, certainly saw this scene.

The warm yellow sunshine poured on the group, and the men in straight suits were particularly noble and elegant in the crowd, which made people unable to move their eyes at a glance.

Fu Nanchen will also appear in Xiwan middle school?

Looks like you\'re here to meet poor students funded by Fu?

According to her understanding of Fu Xichen, he is generally reluctant to attend such occasions.

After all, supporting several poor students is a small thing for him. How can we invite him?

So why did he come here on a whim today?

Shouldn\'t it be

A possibility flashed in my mind. Gu Luoluo\'s Apricot eyes glittered, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously curved.

Don\'t tell her he\'s here because of her?

"Sister, Miss Su."

Gu Ningjie\'s cry sounded in his ear.

Gu Luoluo returned to his senses and saw Gu Ningjie running towards her in a moving shirt with two long legs exposed.

He was also followed by several male students, who followed him and called elder sister and teacher su.

"Ah Jie, is it time to start the game?"

Gu Luoluo smiled and helped Gu Ningjie straighten his coat, which was not messy, with a gentle face.

"Yes! Sister, you should cheer me up."

"Yes, I will."

"Ah Jie, with such a beautiful sister to cheer you on, it\'s unreasonable not to win the championship today!"

"Yes, ah Jie, we will cheer you up with our sister. Don\'t lose our face."

"Hey, this is my sister. Don\'t get close."


Several of them were talking and laughing. When you said a word and I said a word, the boy was very active and almost ran into Gu Luoluo.

Gu Luoluo quickly stepped back, but he didn\'t want to stagger under his feet.

"Be careful."

Su Qian quickly held Gu Luoluo and said with concern, "are you okay?"

"I\'m fine." Gu Luoluo shook his head.

Gu Ningjie hurriedly stopped fighting with his classmates and went to help her, "sister, are you okay?"

"Don\'t get in the way. Go and make preparations."

"Well, I\'ll help you to sit down over there."

"Oh, I\'m not an old woman in my 70s and 80s. I need your help."

Gu Luoluo said and laughed, but his heart was warm.

"Hey, my sister is so beautiful that I don\'t feel at ease if I don\'t look at it."

Gu Ningjie glanced ahead and said to Gu Luoluo, "elder sister, don\'t you find Fu Xichen over there looking at us all the time? He seems to be paying attention to you all the time. Especially when teacher Su helped you just now, I can feel his death gaze. Elder sister, does he intend to pursue you? However, I still don\'t like him."

Hearing Gu Ningjie\'s words, Gu Luoluo pursed his lips and smiled, "well, don\'t worry about my sister. Your classmates are calling you. Go and get ready."

Does Fu Xichen really care about her contact with other men?

Onlookers are clear. I hope it\'s not their illusion.

If he really cares about this, doesn\'t it mean that he cares about her very much?

The mood was very happy. Gu Luoluo sat on the chair, trimmed his hair and pretended to look at Fu Xichen\'s direction inadvertently.

The tall figure of the man still stood, as if listening to the words of several students in front.

But far away, she could clearly feel his sight on her.

You are far and deep, with a domineering spirit like nothing.

It\'s like looking at your possessions!