Cooking Genius With God

Chapter - 306 Episode 301. Ironical apple pie (2)

If you like dessert, you may have eaten pie.

There aren't that many specialty restaurants, but it's a dish that you get a chance to eat at a hotel or dessert cafe.

That's just the way it is with food. It's a dessert, but it's not good to eat warm.

The sugar cools and becomes crispy, and the apple tastes better only when it is a little hard.


So one day I sneaked open the window.

In the morning, the breeze laid a plate in front of the creeping window, and put a golden apple pie on it and began to cool it down.

Then he shouted, looking at the ceiling of Amen as if he were some kind of movie star.

"Well, all we have to do is cool it down and eat it. Well, the pie went so well today that I'd be so sad if someone stole it."

Haru, just in case. Let's not go anywhere and act. For the sake of course. You know what I mean?


I did my best, but Choi Han-seok sincerely complains.

Haru, who avoided his eyes as if he was awkward, dressed up and prepared to go out of the house as if he were going to work at a restaurant.

Choi Han-seok took a few steps away and said, "Is this real? I glared at the pie with a look full of words, "I don't think it's possible."

And it's been less than 10 minutes.

It's ridiculous.


A pale hand fluttered in front of the window.

From hand color that looks like a lot of white powder to black robes that come down to the way down.

I could tell who it was from the sight of a dead and awake person.

I can't believe this is ridiculous. the real thing

Choi Han-seok scratched his head and soon burst into laughter.

Then, calmly, he flung out to the window, flicking his hand at the coveted pie.


See you again?

"Oh, my God, that was a trap!"

No, brother. It's a trap. Sleep tight. Who in the world is fooled by this? Yes?

As expected, the day's forecast was just right.

The angry and regrettable-looking reaper was dragged by Choi Han-seok with his wrist held.

The day I was waiting in the living room glared at him.

The reaper avoided the eyes of the day with a guilty look.

"Do you have something to say to me?”

"Ta, not really? I don't have anything.….”

"Sit down for now. Eat a piece of apple pie before you go. But since you're here."

"But I'm not supposed to be here. It's a rule not to get caught, and if you get caught by your superiors, it doesn't just end...….”

"I'll also give you a spoonful of vanilla ice cream."

"It just doesn't end, but I can't stand it. Mm-hmm."

Reaper keeps looking at what's so scary, and yet sits down to see if he can't win Pi's spell.

As expected, the hypothesis of a day seems to have been correct.

'Cause the grim reaper is a ghost after all.’

Food is also the biggest reason why ghosts are so close and trustworthy in the day.

Warm, heart-warming food.

Ghosts can't eat the food itself.

Because there's only one person who can fill the stomach that's always cold and empty.

But I found out by continuing to meet the Grim Reaper, who also had similar situations.

It's not that I can't eat completely. It's too hard to eat in the first place.It's a very strange situation to eat at a human-run restaurant, and it doesn't mean anyone can cook for you.

Hungry and hungry are the same as ghosts and grim reaper.

Of course, the world was a place where people lived, so it didn't make any difference because you were a foreign envoy.


The reaper looked at the pie and swallowed his mouth.

He looked like a man whose soul was stolen by some pie before.

Before that, I was confused by the black robe that I always wore, but I could tell for sure from this close-up.

"We're seeing each other again."

"Ahaha... I know. Oh, I didn't expect this."

"Let's talk while eating the pie, because an appointment is a promise. Oh, what can I get you for a drink?"

"Do you happen to have milk?"


Clattering, clattering.

I prepared a plate for him with the noise of the kitchen.

It's definitely better to add sweet things to sweet things.

After scooping up a large slice of cooled apple pie, remove vanilla ice cream from the freezer and scoop it out.

When I sprinkled maple syrup and sprinkled cinnamon powder a couple of times, it looked good enough to be sold at the hotel.

If you pour milk into a big cup, the serving is done.

'By the way, it's unusual. It's not coffee or tea. It's milk.’

The image of the envoy and the reaper that I've felt so far is a bit scary. He was strong. He had that image.

'He's a little bit awake. LOL.'

But what about the man in front of you for the day?

I've felt this for a long time. It looked quite far from scary.

How should I put it? If I can compare it to an old college student who likes games or computers?

Although he was wearing a black robe with a sickle, there was still an atmosphere of a man who could not be hidden.

"Let's eat first?”

"Have it. I made it for you to eat it.

"Well, then."


Melting ice cream, dripping syrup, crunchy golden pie.

What more words do I need?


You didn't even have to ask if it was delicious.

The envoy of the day's special apple pie looked really happy.

Busily moving the fork, which was not that big, and without knowing that syrup was on his mouth, he quickly finished a pie like a child.

When I drank even savory milk, my sweet mouth washed away, leaving only a pleasant afterglow.

He, who had emptied the plate, melted like ice cream.

"Did you like it that much?”

"Chef Haru won't know. It's very soulful. beyond words."

You were eating like you've been given a kick. You looked like you were crying.

"That's how delicious it is! Chef Haru's food, I've only heard of. I knew it for a reason. There's something that touches your heart. Really?"

You said you'd go crazy if you got something.

"I can sort it out somehow, but I can't eat it unless it's now!"

That's ridiculous. the real thing

I wonder if the pie taste was impressive, but the reaper is actually scolding Choi Han-seok.

One day intervened when Choi Han-seok, who was dumbfounded, snorted.

I'm sure you're full. It's time to get paid for the meal by the guest.

"Well, anyway. Now we need to talk, right?”

"But I'm a bit of a busy man."

"Why don't you sit down before you call the Grim Reaper for a meal?"

"……Hmmm. Yeap."As the day glared, the reaper, who was trying to sneak away, jumped to his seat.

It's really time to go to work in a little while.

It wasn't just enough time, so I brought it up right away.

"What are you doing? Can you tell me?”

"Well, I mean."

"You can't tell me?”

"In fact, I didn't say that I shouldn't say this. Maybe even the top guys postulated this situation."

Reaper sighed, scratching his cheeks.

Looking at the call of the upper part, he seemed to have a lot of trouble like the grim reaper who was captured by the underworld.

By the way, postulate and send this situation at the top.

'As expected.'

Roughly, the picture was drawn in my head. The determined reaper opened his mouth.

"You remember what I told you last time? Chef Haru's case is drawing attention from the underworld all over the world."

"You said you even published a paper. The Lord of the Underworld wrote."

"Yes, chef Haru, who's still a human being, doesn't know, but this is a bigger deal than I thought. To exaggerate a bit, the paradigm of the afterlife could change?"

"Well... .. even if you say so, it doesn't really hit me."

I don't know what to think, but one day it was real.

The afterlife of the world, the underworld or whatever. It felt like a distant future to Haru.

Ripper nodded gently because he knew it, too.

"Anyway, the discussion is getting deeper these days. Besides, Chef Haru came to America and showed the kids the holy grail."

"I've had Ike and children in the United States."

"Yes, it's as if they've verified it from our perspective. "This really works."

Reaper said.

In the meantime, there have been many people who dismiss the small miracles of the day as a simple happening.

But even in other countries, one day has been achieved, and that has become irrefutable evidence.

"Now, except for a few minutes, everyone is acknowledging Chef Haru. It's a big deal.”

"I don't get it. It's a big deal."

"You don't have to care right now. At least for now. Anyway, that's why they sent me to America. I want you to cooperate with King Yeomra, who is in charge of the underworld of Korea, to find out more."

"With the Lord of the Underworld?"

But soon, a name came up that could not be easily handed over.

The presence that gives goosebumps all over the day. King of the Underworld, Yeomra.

The Reaper did not sneak into Korea.

"It would have been crazy if I had really sneaked in. It'll be gone the moment it's caught. Ugh, it's terrible just to think about it."

"Wait, let's talk about it more. So what's the reason for coming here? Why did you chase Hwang's grandfather?”

A premonition passed through the spine.

His whole body, which had been a little relaxed, was tightened, and his eyes had veins in them.

The slightly frightened Reaper stammered as if he was embarrassed.

"Well, I mean, I told you. It's cooperation. Hwang's grandfather was supposed to have died 2 days ago.”


One day he doubted his ears for a moment.

I didn't even imagine anything like this.

Hwang's grandfather. You're supposed to be dead? What are you talking about? Hey!

Choi Han-seok, who had been watching the situation as usual, rushed as if he could not let it go this time.In an instant, the reaper, who was surrounded back and forth, sweated.

"Don't do that to me. It was their decision in the first place."

"All right, so tell me the details. What happened to Hwang's grandfather?"

"You're not supposed to say that…….”

"Oh, I'll give you all the leftover pies!"



Ripper's eyes turned to Pi, who was still full.