Cooking Genius With God

Chapter - 293 Episode 293. A Day When You Want to Eat Strawberries

[Dumpling soup]

The moment I saw it, Haru and Yumi felt it at the same time.

There's no food in the world that's harder than this.

"Dumpling soup is actually……. It's a really funny dish. I don't know if I can say it's funny about the food."

"I agree with that. Especially from the perspective of restaurant owners."

I've probably had all the experience of buying dumpling soup at a restaurant.

It's a menu that is sold a lot at snack bars, Korean restaurants, and even if you don't choose and eat it, isn't it a regular menu that comes out once in a while at places like the army, company, or school?

And one day I could guarantee it. Maybe 99% of them are factory-made dumplings.

For the restaurant owner, this is the most convenient menu. Just put dumplings and vegetables in the broth, beat the egg and boil it, and it's over. It's the same as making ramen, and it tastes good.

"Frozen dumplings are also very popular these days. Some are expensive and delicious, and some are really cheap, but some are somehow tasty."

Besides, what kind of food is dumplings?

It is a food that spreads in many ways around the world as if all mankind had promised, regardless of the East and the West.

So there are few likes and dislikes. No one hates dumplings much, if nothing else.

…and that's the problem.

"Common sense, the Grim Reaper wrote this down. You're not asking for frozen dumplings."

The next world told me I'm at least 100 units old. Did you have frozen dumplings a hundred years ago? Not a chance. I'll just put my hands on my hands.

"Ha... ..Hand dumpling. It's going to be huge again. It's not a holiday special. Haru, are you okay? If I were to do business a day, I'd have to make at least a few hundred dumplings."

"In fact, if you call Ye-young and Bonam, they're going to stretch their hands. There's a real problem. There are so many kinds of dumplings in Korea."

Even if the region changes, the taste of dumplings changes dramatically.

Kimchi, tofu, meat, chives, etc.

Dumplings taste different from house to house beyond the region.

"Chef Choi Han-seok. You don't know where the Grim Reaper is from, do you?”

- How do I know that? He doesn't even tell me his name, let alone his age. I just asked him so hard that he couldn't hear me, and he just hit the wall. I just gave up, too.

Choi Hanseok is waving his hand, saying it's not possible.

It's true if he said this, not anyone else.

In the midst of a mountain, that's exactly how I felt one day.

Besides, Haru or Yumi should have made dumplings.

These days, unless I worked part-time at a handmade dumpling store, there was no opportunity to make dumplings, except for family gatherings.

Dumplings have always been by our side, but strangely far away from our hands.

It was such an ambiguous food that seemed both soul food and not.

In the end, Haru, who agonized for a long time, chose one answer.

He picked up his cell phone with a grim expression and called somewhere.

Tousuru--- Tousuru---.

Uh, Haru. What's the matter?

In an instant, the phone rang, and a familiar voice came over.

Fortunately, it was not a busy time, but the noise around it was rather small, but it was still noisy with the sound of several kitchen utensils moving busily, starting with the cutting.Haru asked with all his heart.

"Chef Park Joohyuk. I'm really sorry to call you after a long time, but...Do you know how to make dumplings?

What? Dumplings? Why all of a sudden?

"There's a customer who must eat dumplings."

What the hell is your restaurant in this world, Haru? What kind of customers always...…. Ha, it's done. Wait a little.

"Thank you!"

If you want to thank me, come and raise sales! I actually made a new menu, and it was a bit vague, so I was thinking about it. That's great. Anyway, then...….

Park Joo Hyuk, who is grumpy as always, takes good care of me.

Talking on the phone with him suddenly reminded me of a similar person.


Why is it that I suddenly remembered him.

I'm busy, so I'll sing it once. Write it down well. First of all, the basic base starts with ground pork and a little bit of fat.

"Yes, chef. I'm writing it down!"

However, the question, which was briefly raised like a haze, disappeared to somewhere after being pushed by Park Joo-hyuk's voice.

I came to my senses and it was the next day.

Haru and Yumi returned to the table heaven, with their hands full of ingredients at the market.

Even though I ordered the delivery by truck, as I do every day, there was a noise of its own.

Today is overwhelmingly more food ingredients than other days.

Because Haru was not sure about cooking, he wanted to test many things.

Well, I didn't worry about it though. Thanks to Bonam, a strong supporter.

Armed with sanitary caps and rubber gloves, Bonam opened his mouth as he looked at the mountain-like ingredients.

"It's been a while and it's amazing. Yeyoung is working so hard. I'm not saying I do this every day. Look at that pile of onions."

"But when you get used to it, it's worth it. If I want to cook something delicious for you later, I'll have to learn hard! The dog at the seodang recites a lot, and I've improved a bit.”

"Really? Then I'll have to study hard so that Ye-young doesn't have water on her hands!"”

"……can't you go away and stir-fry sesame seeds?

Naturally, Yumi, who was peeling the onion, spewed a sour taste.

Ye-young and Bonam scratched their heads awkwardly, and really went to the corner of the kitchen to trim vegetables and start stir-frying sesame seeds again.

One day I could only feel it at that point.

Is this a couple?

I'm afraid of something.

Anyway, regardless of that, the opening time was approaching and we had to follow up on cooking.

Chef Park Joo-hyuk told me that the most basic dumplings are.’

Of course, Park Chu-hyuk also asked about the region.

But I didn't know anything for a day, so I just asked for the most basic recipe.

The oral version of the dumpling, of course, starts with pork.

Half and half sirloin and half pork neck, plus a little bit of fat.

I chose a part that's light and doesn't smell like pig.

I added a little fat for the savory and juicy juices. Not much, about 10 per cent?

After preparing a lot of meat like that, I added a basic seasoning.

"Mr. Haru, the noodles are cold!"

You can't leave out noodles in dumplings again.

Boil it in water with soy sauce and cool it down on a strainer tray.

If you do that, the noodles stick to the starch and turn into rice cake.

Chop it finely with a knife and put it in. This was a tip I learned from Park Joo-hyuk."The vegetables are done."

"Bonam and I thought we were losing our arms."

Ye-young's family also made her work fast.

If you add the chives, shiitake mushrooms, garlic and a little onion that the two cut into small pieces, all the ingredients are included.

I think 150 servings would be enough.’

Even though I used a huge basin, the amount was so large that it was piled up on top.

Looking at it like this, I realized that we shouldn't make dumplings on holidays for no reason.

There's no other way than to gather all the family members to take care of all this in a family home.

Haru, who was wearing thick rubber gloves and sanitary gloves, kneaded thoroughly with the taste of his hands.

A familiar delicious smell came up and the dumpling filling was made.

And the cow was divided into three.

One is meat dumplings, the other is kimchi dumplings.

The other one will be saved for now just in case.

Then it's just the beginning.

The four families of the table heaven sat in a circle and began to make dumplings one by one.

"Something's funny? It's fun to make them one by one."

"Haha……I'll leave no comment."

It was only in the beginning that the atmosphere was naturally good.

Making dumplings is more fun than you think, time flies, and it's good to concentrate.

And about an hour later, everyone realized something was wrong.


Soon the restaurant became quiet. Even Ye-young's family, who used to stir-fry sesame seeds.

As the number of dumplings created exceeded 50 per person to nearly 100, my hands hurt, and most of all, I felt like I was going to lose my mind.

In the end, the worse day lifted the white flag first.

"Honestly, I think this is more than enough for lunch. Let's stop here. Shall we think about it while eating lunch?”

"Yes, yes!"

Of course, the reaction of the three was fixed.

The first round of making dumplings.

Preparing to boil today's menu, dumpling soup, I steamed a few dumplings a day with the thought of trying it once I made it.

It tastes good. I've tried it since I made the filling. But it still feels different.

The dumplings fresh from the steam steam that emanated white steam were incredibly hot.

But how many people can resist this?

"Whoa, whoa."

The taste is split in half.

Haru and Yumi picked up meat dumplings as if they had promised, while Yeyoung and Bonam picked up kimchi dumplings like ghosts.

The dumpling skin was slightly scratched, removed from the steam, and then dipped in soy sauce and put it into the mouth.


"Oh, this is a dumpling……wow……."

Elasticity couldn't help but protrude by itself.

The pork was lightly oiled, so first of all, the clear juices burst out.

Additionally, chewy noodles, light pork, soy sauce to reduce the greasiness.

What about kimchi dumplings?

Kimchi, which is sour and spicy and even chewed, had the magic to make dumplings constantly edible.

It was so delicious that I wondered if this was Korean food and this was food. from the ground of one's heart



One day I felt something indescribable.

"It's a little disappointing.

Of course it's delicious. I mean it, and I'm confident.

No one would say it's not delicious because it's served.

No, the use of handmade dumplings in these restaurants in the first place was far beyond common sense.

But at the same time, the chef's sense was speaking very strongly."I don't think I'm going to live up to the grim reaper's standards. It's a delicious dumpling, but something is missing. Something.'

What kind of dumplings does the grim reaper like? Meat? Kimchi?

For what reason, why, out of the blue, she left a dish called dumpling soup.

We still have one more chance.’

I'll have to pay more attention to the guests today.

That thought crossed my mind.