Cooking Genius With God

Chapter - 174 172. Unusual Arring (1)

There are times like that in life.

How can I explain this? No, I was wondering if I could explain this in words.

There are times when I feel a little chilling in my spine and I think this.

No way.

Don't tell me. That's ridiculous.

I feel like I'm cursing myself. The moment my spine gets cold.

Everyone will be there at least once.

I'm sure your mother, who is supposed to be back by now, suddenly can't contact you.

It's like a child who has time to come from the academy has prepared all the meals and hasn't heard from him.

The sirens of ambulances running down the road are bothering me like crazy.

I keep looking at the clock and the cell phone alternately.

Of course, the conclusions of these things are largely fixed.

My mother's cell phone was dead, and I was late to talk to the lady president in front of the house.

The child who finished the academy forgot the time while chatting with his friends in the park.

Then, the chilling feeling disappears at the same time, and a sigh of relief flows out automatically.

Usually it was. That's how it ended.

I had to.

by the way

"What's going on……I hope it doesn't look like it. I think it's time for you to come."

"Come on, don't tell me. What's the matter? It's just, I guess the delivery is busy. What?"

"I guess so. You've predicted that you've prepared a gift for yourself. Are you preparing something else?" I don't think Ye-young will just accept it."

"Kk, is that so? I think it's possible if it's a preliminary."

Even though it was 2 o'clock, I couldn't hear the motorcycle.

I guess he's late to buy a present. It seems that the time to choose a gift is getting longer.

After many thoughts, it became 4 o'clock.

"Now, I'm really worried.”

Come on, don't do that. It's Yeyoung's birthday, so she can play with people at work or other people. It's kind of like that, right?

"As expected, right?”

I guess. I'm not the only friend Yeyoung has.

Even if it was a delivery company that worked outside most of the day, there was no particular reason to spend a precious birthday with Yumi, who had a good job only once a year.

I'm sure you used your annual leave. I'm sure you're having fun.

Of course, it was a shame.

I was looking forward to it. I thought it was a surprise, so I even made ice cream.

Still, it was inevitable.

Haru, Yumi. By the way, is that ice cream okay?

"Actually, it's still a close call. It's made without any preservatives or emulsifiers. You're supposed to eat as fast as you can after making it. What should I do with Yumi?”


Yumi and I waited for one day, but the ice cream didn't.

I made it hard, but I didn't want to throw it away.


A motorcycle passed by loudly outside the restaurant.

Yumi's head that just went around.

But it was not a preliminary. It was just a delivery motorcycle.

Yumi, who smiled in vain, shook her head, saying, "I can't help it."

"I'll just eat it. I don't know!"


Then he opened the freezer door coolly.

* * *

Normally, the closing time of Bapsang Heaven is between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m.Because I make the last order after seeing the customers' situation around 8 o'clock.

That's why it's about 10 o'clock when all the guests are out, clean up again, and start cooking.

The door to heaven is closed for the table, but we need to receive ghosts.

So around 10 o'clock today, I'm starting to prepare dishes for the ghosts.

It's out of the blue. Really.

Choi Han-seok suddenly looked out of the window and murmured.

The time when summer was coming to an end.

Shoot, a shower of lingering summer was falling violently.

"I'm sure there wasn't any rain in today's weather forecast.

Summer is like that. There was no news, then suddenly it rained. Then, it stopped as if it had never happened.

"Tell him it's raining! Just pour it out!"

"Yumi, you seem to be very disappointed, too.

-I know. When it rains, she worries about Yeyoung's driving. You're a bit of a temper today. Cute. Very.

When Choi Han-seok teased her, Yumi greatly inflated her cheeks, saying, "Stop it."

Thanks to that, everyone was able to giggle and change the atmosphere, but Yumi was an exception.

"Don't worry too much. What's the matter?”

"I'm not worried! You said you'd come on your birthday, but you never contacted me. I'm going to get angry now!”

Yumi, who is angry, entered the kitchen vigorously to solve the problem with cooking.

Today's menu was curry, and I started frantically trimming the ingredients for potatoes and carrots.

The knife of anger, I guess.

Of course, the day was a shame, and it was always a worry.

"I hope everything's fine."

"Uh, boss. I think we're running out of time. We have to raise the water now!"

"Oh, it's already 11 o'clock. I'll be right there! Mr. Yumi!"

But, as everyone else does, they're working like crazy. Looking at it, such concerns were bound to go out of one's mind as if it had never happened before.

As I was busy cooking with the sound of rain falling outside the window, ghosts began to come in just in time for curry to be completed.

The same rotation as ever after.

Serve curry for each person and make it simple for ghosts who want to eat something else.

He takes the drunkness of ghosts moderately and cleans the dishes and makes some snacks.

It was when I was doing business with a big smile.

President Haru, listen carefully. Oh, my God, you know what? When I was in the army, the division commander suddenly called me! I heard something urgent just happened!

Yes, yes. Say it quickly. So? So?

So I ran frantically to the division commander's office...….



The ghosts, who were talking loudly while drinking, suddenly stopped in unison.

As if I've seen a ghost.

The hairs on the ghosts' bodies, which used to be human figures, sprouted in unison.

The eyes of the ghosts who had goosebumps in a group soon turned to one place.

The entrance to heaven on the table.

Cheer up~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

At this time, it opened with a bell, which had never been opened.

And what appeared soon.

What is it?

"Don't ask—I'm not in the mood."

A grim reaper with a far worse look than ever.


Ahaha, Yumi. And Mr. Haru! I'm sorry. I'm a little late, right?Yeyoung says hello awkwardly.

It was just around 2 a.m.


Yumi made eye contact with Yeyoung.

* * *

"Yes, Yumi. Oh, do you want to stop by the convenience store? I want to eat ice cream."

"I don't have any money."

"I'll buy it for you! I got allowance because it's my birthday!"

The summer of childhood.

The day someone put an umbrella on Yumi who was alone.

It was raining as well then.

"What ice cream are you going to eat?”

"Hmm. I like chocolate. I like chocolate ice cream.”

"Okay, then I'll take this!"

"Huh? That's bungeoppang ice cream. My grandmother used to love it."

"I like this one."

"You look like an adult."

"That's fine. I don't like that word."

Yumi was alone, and to be honest, she was a little lonely.

I did not pessimize or dislike such a situation.

Yumi wasn't like that in the first place.

Nevertheless, the reason for not trying to make old friends and not being involved in children was simple.

I didn't feel the need to.

But when I met Ye-young, she thought she was mature.

There is a need for that.

"You're very close to all the kids.”

"Well, that's the way it is, isn't it?”

"Are you having fun? Do you like it?”

Eating chocolate ice cream, Yumi, who sat at the bus stop in the rain, asked Ye-young.

Then she answered without any hesitation.

"Of course it's fun. It's better to play with multiple people than to play alone.

"When I play with kids, can I have fun like you?”

"Of course! Do you know how to play jacks? One card?"

"I've never done it before…….”

"Oh, I'm so jealous!"

"Why are you jealous of something you haven't tried?”

"How fun it is to learn from scratch! Getting better little by little. And. And, I learned skills one by one. Anyway, it's going to be fun. Definitely!"

"Like you..."

It was a simple feeling.

Ye-young looked mature and happy. Young Yumi wanted to smile like that.

With such simple emotions. A really trivial ice cream completely changed the character of young Yumi.

And that made Yumi what she is now.

It was when Yumi became a middle school student that she found out that the reason why young Ye-young was so mature was because her parents abandoned her at the age of seven and grew up under her grandmother.

Ye-young wasn't mature, she had to be mature.

Learn everything fast, grow fast. The child, who had to grow up quickly, grew up and rode a motorcycle.

Ye-young, who said that it was rewarding because people were quickly conveying what they needed, was truly enjoying her work.

The situation was not good, but Ye-young was living a happy life just as she was when she was young.

But. Why.

"Did you come this late?" You said you'd be here early. You idiot. You...…, you idiot!!"

I'm sorry. I didn't know this would happen.

I didn't know I had to go this fast.

Maybe it's just because he was a kid who lived fast.

Yumi couldn't tell.


When Haru called her name, Ye-young bowed her head and smiled awkwardly.

But there weren't many people who could accept greetings.

Thanks to the emergence of the grim reaper, the atmosphere inside the restaurant was already cold as ice age.The grim reaper, who was looking through the frozen ghosts, opened his mouth as he frowned.

"Ha, Haru. Sigh. I don't even know. It's not something that's very rare. Let me explain quickly. I'm busy tomorrow, and I don't want to disturb your business."

"Yes, Grim Reaper. Tell me."

Tell me, the next world.

Haru and Choi Han-seok opened their mouths first because Yumi was just silent.

The grim reaper looked at the pre-young and said,

"Yeyoung, she's not dead for now. First of all."

"You're not dead? The Grim Reaper, then!"

Yumi jumped up and shouted.

But the grim reaper sighed and said:

"But I don't know. What the hell is going on?"
