Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 628

"The sequelae of forced breakthrough is really big." Li Xian had a sad smile. After a little thought, he understood the reason for this situation. In the past, he carried Wang Tianhe hard to attack, and then broke through the fitness realm by force, which caused a huge burden on his body. However, when he just made the breakthrough, Li Xian's spiritual power didn't fade away, and he killed Wang Tianhe with a strong hand. All these made his body a huge burden. Every drink and every Peck is a definite number. It's really a headache. Fortunately, the war is over, and it is not difficult to deal with these problems. At present, what really worries Li Xian is the revenge after Wan Jianzong. Now it is certain that Wan Jianzong has more powerful power in the larger world. There is no doubt that when they react, the Tang Dynasty will suffer more violent revenge and crisis. Undoubtedly, the importance of having a strong army at this time can be imagined. In fact, this has always been Li Xian's obsession. Is it to enhance the strength of the practitioners to form an elite team, or to increase the strength of the army as a whole so that they have the strength to fight against the practitioners. The two are bound to be unable to take into account, always give up one side. After thinking about it, Li Xian finally decided to develop the strength of the army first. At present, it is unrealistic to have a large number of practitioners in the Tang Dynasty in a short time, so he can only start from the soldiers. After the recovery of Cang region, the Tang Dynasty did not lack of military resources, even in training this fast, the original Qing Dynasty training level is also very high, so it saved Li Xian a lot of trouble. The most important thing is that Li Xian needs a person who is proficient in all kinds of miscellaneous studies to sort out the things found in the mausoleum. Those things are of great importance. Li Xian doesn't want outsiders to interfere. In any case, at this stage, what Li Xian needs is someone who can quickly put into use. After a long hesitation, a person's name suddenly pops up in his mind. "Ding, congratulations to the host. Li Chunfeng was successfully summoned." Li Xian nodded when he heard the sound of forehead prompt in his ear. As he entered the realm of fitness, Li Xian felt more and more the light wave of the world. Even if his cultivation was not just a way forward, there were all kinds of differences. For some people, the focus of the road is the end, while for some people, the scenery along the way is common. In a word, it is unrealistic to cultivate a large number of experts and make breakthroughs at the same time as before. Therefore, Li Xian focuses on miscellaneous studies. Li Xian only had a cursory look at the books, arrays and other things he got from the mysterious mausoleum that day. He didn't have time to study them carefully. To be honest, even Li Xian did not understand. Now, with Li Chunfeng, a great master, those things should also be able to sort out a lot of value. The most important thing is that Li Chunfeng has learned so much that he is proficient in everything. It can be said that Li Chunfeng is a versatile talent and can be put there where he needs to be. It can be said that Li Xian is the most needed person. "The call begins." After that, Li Xian immediately summoned three times to use, but unfortunately the summoned people could not satisfy Li Xian. "Zu Chongzhi, Pei Xingjian, Han Shizhong." These three people are also very famous tasks in history, but they are no longer strange than Li Xian now. "Random treasure box open." At last, Li Xian opened the treasure box given by the hidden mission. "Ding, congratulations to the host. Don't be evil when you get the broken sword." "Ding, the host starts the task of general moye. The task requires to find two swords of the lost general moye. The reward for the task is unknown. There is no time limit for the task. " "What a coincidence." Li Xian smiles. He didn't expect that there would be a moxie sword in it. Take the broken sword in the box in your hand, and the system gives the attribute immediately. "Moye sword, incomplete, inferior to Lingbao." There was nothing more than a simple introduction. Li Xian waved it a few times. Although it was only a defective product, it was still extremely sharp. But he didn't know where to find it. Anyway, there was no time limit. Let's go step by step. Think of here, Li Xian comfortable deep a lazy waist. This time, although it paid a great price, it was also enough to make the reputation of the Tang Dynasty resounding. There should be a relatively stable period of development next. Soon, Li Xian put the several people he called into each department. With the appearance of Li Chunfeng, the progress of Ou Yezi was much faster. What only distressed Li Xian was that the sunset arrows and the moon arrows were disposable items, which were very costly in the first world war with wanjianzong. "How can this business be regarded as a loss to me?" Li xianpan was in a bit of a dilemma when he thought about the gains and losses of the war with Wan Jianzong. To be honest, if it wasn't for a hidden task, he really didn't want to fight. After all, there would be too many troubles after the war. How can a hermit take revenge. Assassination, no, that's too low. Li Xian couldn't find any clue after thinking about it. Early the next morning, someone from the royal guards reported that the waterfall at the cliff of Qingliang mountain had suddenly stopped, and all the spiritual traces around had disappeared. Li Xian understood that this should be Wan Jianzong's concession. However, why did the other party leave in such a hurry? In the final analysis, Wan Jianzong's inexplicable departure relieved Li Xian. On the other hand, another good news came. "Your Majesty, the Xueyuan fortress built by general Xue Rengui has a large scale. Your majesty, you should go and see it for yourself. It's a magnificent sight." Chang Yuchun met Li Xian at the top of his voice and talked about his trip to Xueyuan. "Your Majesty, you don't know. The Xueling clan is very interesting. People just stand in the same place. After a while, there will be no Kung Fu." On this trip, Li Xian sent Chang Yuchun to deliver supplies to Xue Rengui's army. Although Chang Yuchun had read all these things in the memorial, he still laughed at Chang Yuchun's vivid performance. "Snow plain." Li Xian smiles a little and looks at the rising sun on the edge of the sky. Once more than a few years ago, he was still a prince who was struggling to survive. If he was not careful, he would be broken to pieces. But now, he is the overlord in charge of life and death. "It's really ironic that things are changeable!" Li Xian chuckled and drew a big red circle on the map in front of him, which is the scope of canghuan. Obviously, his next goal is to pass through the snow, the magical realm. ..