Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 609

Once in the Qingliangshan, Li Xian felt something wrong.

Vaguely, it seems that there is an invisible force around. Since he had some insights, Li Xian had many new ideas about the way of cultivation.

For example, this spiritual power has different attributes, and the power generated by different methods of use is also different. With these subtle differences, it is even possible to guess what means the other party is using through the operation mode of inductive spiritual power.

The fire attribute is violent, the wind attribute is fierce, and the wood attribute is full of vitality.

However, when Li Xian entered the depths of Qingliang mountain, he immediately noticed the problem. The operation of the spiritual power here followed a very obscure path, which was much stronger than that outside.

"There seems to be something strange here, sire."

At the moment, Zhanzhao also found something wrong and whispered.

Li Xian nodded and didn't answer. He looked around and soon found the most powerful part of his spiritual power.

Where I want to come is zhetianjian.

From here, zhetianjian is a natural waterfall, with little water flow and lush vegetation around, which is quite extraordinary.

Li Xian is not a timid person. Although there is a kind of strange uneasiness, he raises his feet and walks away after a little hesitation.

All the people are practitioners, so the speed is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

But after walking for a long time, Li Xian suddenly stopped, and a look of doubt appeared in his eyes.

According to his feeling, the gathering place of spiritual power was right in front of him, but it seemed that there was still a long way to go in the jungle and lush vegetation.

"No, there's a problem."

Li Xian didn't think that his feeling was wrong. He slowed down and looked around carefully.

"Your Majesty, but what's wrong?"

Zhanzhao asked softly.

"Didn't you notice that just now we saw that Zhetian stream was not far away, but after walking for a long time, we didn't even see the shadow of Zhetian stream, and the forest. Don't we think it's too big?"

Li Xian said with a frown.

"Yes, haven't we just started?"

Zhan Zhao's face suddenly changed when he heard the words.

"Just started?"

Hearing this, Li Xian takes a look at Zhan Zhao, who is full of amazement. Then his eyes fall on Zhang Haining and the guards behind him. Their faces are as confused as Zhan Zhao.

It seems that, in their sense, this journey has just begun, and everything before them has just happened.

In a trance, Li Xian couldn't believe his own judgment. He was not such a hesitant and indecisive person, but now he felt strange. He looked in a trance. An inexplicable anger surged from the bottom of his heart, which made him feel irritable.

However, at this time, a clear stream of water was used from the Dantian, and the supreme emperor decided to run. The anger disappeared, and Li Xian was calm again.

Looking back on what happened just now, although I don't know what happened, Li Xian also knew that he had a bad calculation.

Turn to see, Zhan Zhao, Zhang Haining and others one by one face red, obviously is the premonition of the devil.


Li Xian didn't dare to neglect it. The emperor decided to give a shout of anger. The voice of the sun just came to the sun was like the morning bell and the evening drum, which made everyone wake up suddenly. Several bodyguards of strength and status suddenly encountered this change, and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

"Your Majesty, what the hell is going on?"

Zhan Zhao was the first to react, but he didn't understand what happened just now.

"There's something strange about this place. We're always working on it. Don't be careless."

Li Xian is also not clear what happened, in addition to careful defense, can not think of a good way.

"Your Majesty, we may have fallen into the array by mistake."

Zhang Haining on one side suddenly said strangely.

"Array, Zhang Zhenren, what array can let us be calculated silently, almost burst body and die."

A bodyguard said with disbelief. The other people's faces were all the same. Even Zhan Zhao didn't seem to believe it.

It's not their fault. As far as they are concerned, the array is not powerful. More people know and understand that it is still on the top of the military array. In other words, in their sense, the array is a kind of deep cooperation skill. Even if Zhang Haining's sweeping array has a miraculous effect, it only improves the strength.

Just now, this kind of unpredictable and silent power that almost killed them came from the array. They didn't believe it.

However, Li Xian, who has seen all kinds of mysterious means of Jiutian Xuannv and the strange array of the moon shadow clan, doesn't think so.

"What's the basis for you to say that?"

Li Xian asked.

"Tell your majesty, I'm not sure. It's just that according to the records, there are merits and demerits in the array. A good array can kill people invisibly and change the world. Of course, it's just a legend. According to the rumor, some mysterious arrays are also unsolved mysteries for the people above. "With that, Zhang Haining took a careful look at the sky.

What Zhang Haining said was not clear, and Zhan Zhao and others were all confused. Li Xian was famous for his meaning.

It's like the industry has a specialty.

For example, he knows what chemistry is, but it's impossible for him to explain what chemistry is and what chemistry can do. Although he also knows a few simple formulas, it's children's house.

But in the hands of real chemical experts, anything can make a powerful bomb.

What Zhang Haining means is that for them, array is like chemistry. What he doesn't know is fur, which is useless. But when he reaches a real expert, he can produce the effect just now.

"Well, it's useless to say that now. Zhang Haining, take two people back and order the army to advance. I'd like to see what's weird here."

Li Xian snorted coldly and looked at the hanging waterfall again.

Li Xian's meaning can't be understood more clearly. It is clear that he wants to use the army to level this place down. He will never allow this unknown thing to exist in the Tang Dynasty. No matter how mysterious the array is, no matter how mysterious it is, he must make everything clear. Maybe there are too many things that can't be controlled during this period. Li Xian is somewhat paranoid, but

"Your Majesty, no, no!"

Zhang Haining said in horror.

"Why not?"

Zhanzhao frowned. Although Zhang Haining was always on the right and left, for the first time today, he was afraid.

"Your Majesty, let's take a long-term view. This may be the gate of seclusion." ..