Bride Of Hades

Chapter 80 - 79

"No! You\'re lying to me! That can\'t be possible, Dimitri, could never kill anybody," Aurora justified. Dimitri could not be the gangster that Nicholas paints him to be. How could they be total polar opposites? She saved lives while he needlessly took other people\'s will to live.

Nicholas chuckled, "Oh my dear, you are so innocent. I can\'t wait to see the look on your face when you find out what else he is hiding from you," he sneered. He was definitely enjoying her anguish.

It was undeniable that Nicholas was not a good man, his family was messed up which made him the man he is today. At least Dimitri being the leader of the underworld had a family that loved and respected each other.

She did not like what Nicholas was telling her, but what else is Dimitri hiding from her? Why did he have to hide all this information from her if it was really true? Doubts suddenly started worming their way into her fragile heart. "If he could lie about a major detail like in his life, what else was he lying about? Does he really love me?" she wondered, "No, I shouldn\'t think like this," she said to herself.

"Well, I\'m getting more than I bargained for, and I can\'t wait for all this to unfold. Let\'s wait for your husband, shall we? He can explain everything," He winked at her and left Aurora to her thoughts.

"Wait! Don\'t go!" she pleaded, she wanted him to explain further and not leave her locked up in that room again. Nicholas stopped with his back to her, but after a second, decided to keep on walking.

"Nooo! Talk to me," She caught up to him and tried to pull on his arm, but his bodyguard on instinct hit her head with the butt of his gun. Aurora saw stars, she fell as blood trickled down her face.

"Stop!" Nicholas yelled, "You idiot! I told you not to hurt her. Go and get the doctor. I want her alive and awake when Dimitri gets here."

Dimitri was in a meeting when he learned that Aurora had been kidnapped. He had been trying to avoid this from happening, but Nicholas was more resourceful and more ruthless than he anticipated. His blood ran cold, and it felt like the rug had been pulled from under his feet. He was falling into the pit of despair.

He left the meeting without any explanation, his goal right now was to find his wife and make sure she was unharmed. Fear gripped his heart at the thought of not seeing her again. He kept blaming himself for exposing her to danger, this was all his fault, just because of that damn business deal he could not let go of.

"Fuck that power-hungry Nicholas! I will kill him if something happens to my Aurora," he thought angrily. He was livid and was ready to kill anybody that would cross his path.

Nicholas was ignoring all his calls. Of course, he would. He had an advantage, and he was milking it for all it was worth. He wanted Dimitri to feel helpless, and only then can he be under his control.

"Dammit!" Dimitri cursed. He dispersed all people to find Aurora\'s whereabouts, somebody had to know something, a city this big, nothing is kept secret for very long. He instructed them to find a property that Nicholas owned where he had been seen recently and had more armed guards than usual. Dimitri knew that that\'s where Nicholas would have his wife.

"Sweetheart, I will be there soon, wait for me," Dimitri whispered in his heart as he pictured her beautiful, carefree, smiling face in his mind to keep himself from going insane. He vowed that if Aurora had even a tiny scratch on her, Nicholas was going to pay for it ten times over.

In no time, Dimitri\'s men found out where Nicholas was holding Aurora, and he did not waste time getting there. By that time, she had gained consciousness, and her wound had been treated.

Aurora was waiting in the same room she had been locked in and was staring at the pristine white walls while the maid prepared her food.

"I\'m not in the mood to eat, you can take it away," she said with a resistant voice.

"I can\'t do that, Sir Nicholas said you should eat something, otherwise he will come here and feed you himself," the maid replied.

Aurora scoffed. She could not figure out what game Nicholas was playing right now. He was trying to feed her, yet at the same time, he was threatening her as well. So she tried to eat as much as she could push down her throat.

Her mind full of Dimitri\'s deceit, she could not digest the truth about her husband and his real identity. She kept asking herself why... Why would Dimitri lie to her? There must be an acceptable explanation for this. Right?

When Dimitri reached the building, Nicholas had been waiting for him with a smug smile on his face. "Was it hard to find me Dimitri?" he looked at his watch, "It\'s impressive that you found her in much less time than I expected."

"Where is she, you asshole?" Dimitri said as he clenched his teeth together, stopping himself from reaching over and pulverizing Nicholas\' face to a pulp.

"Take a seat, relax, we\'re not in a hurry," Nicholas waved Dimitri over to a chair. He didn\'t even notice his surroundings, all his focus was on Nicholas.

Dimitri banged his hand on the table, "Stop toying with me! Give me back my wife!"

Nicholas smirked, "It\'s nice to see you all riled up. The very cool and collected Dimitri Santoris is showing some emotion at last."

Dimitri was riled up alright. He pulled a gun on Nicholas and aimed it at his head.

But Nicholas was unfazed, "Should I be scared now?" he said sarcastically.

Dimitri exploded, "Don\'t test my patience! I will not hesitate to pull this trigger on you."

Bodyguards from both camps started drawing their guns and pointing at each other.

"Give me what I want, then you can have her," Nicholas demanded. He wanted Dimitri to shake in his boots, to show him that he could control him.

"Show me my wife, and then we\'ll talk," Dimitri demanded. Nicholas raised his arm, and someone behind him moved. In the near distance, they could hear a door being slammed.