Breaking up, No Joke

Chapter 24: Seeking for Help

Translator: Du Yiran

Proofreader: Prof Zhu Yuan

Ye Hang is also a smart man. Knowing that those eldest sons of a rich family don’t like him, he decides to give up joining them to avoid being hated.

At a glance, Ye Hang sees Qi Yan chatting with Chu Wenwen, and he thinks that his opportunity comes again.

Chu Wenwen’s family background is not a secret in entertainment. She has beauty, wealth and acting skills, so her acting opportunities in entertainment are also very good. It is pretty well if he can make friends with her.

Ye Hang is determined to greet her, “Elder Sister Chu.”

Chu Wenwen raises her eyes and glances at him, sneering coldly: “I’m only 25 years old this year, younger than you. I’m not your elder sister!”

Ye Hang is stunned, standing awkwardly, and looks at Qi Yan for help, hoping that Qi Yan will say something for him.

Qi Yan sneers. The reason why he brings Ye Hang here is that that idiot can set off his smartness. But unexpectedly, Ye Hang wants his protection?

Ye Hang is combating again and again, and there is a sigh of depression in his chest. His face turns dark, but he doesn’t dare to lose his temper.

Chu Wenwen languidly bows her head to play with her mobile as if she doesn’t like anyone.

“I’ve heard that Bo Yu has auditioned for Three Thousand Disasters.” Qi Yan says again. He knows that Chu Wenwen despises Bo Yu, so Chu Wenwen must talk with him if he mentions Bo Yu.

As expected, Chu Wenwen raises her head, unhappily looks at Qi Yan and says, “Bo Yu auditions for the male protagonist?”

“Yes.” Ye Hang immediately interrupts her, pretending not to see Qi Yan’s angry expression, “It is his assistant who tells me. It’s absolutely reliable, but I don’t know whether he succeeds in the audition or not.”

Chu Wenwen sneers, “He? It is impossible!”

Qi Yan says, “Why Bo Yu’s assistant tells you that?”

Ye Hang says, “Ran Fei wants to make trouble for Bo Yu, so he bribes Bo Yu’s assistant. I know that by chance.”

Qi Yan doesn’t know about it before, so he is very interested. He glances at Chu Wenwen without trace and says with interest, “Why Ran Fei wants to make trouble for Bo Yu?”

“A person of high position is liable to be attacked. Moreover, if Ran Fei wants to be popular, he has to make trouble for those who hinder him.” Ye Hang says casually.

Qi Yan lowers his eyes, and nobody knows what he is planning.

Chu Wenwen suddenly stands up and is about to leave with her bag. “An actor is just an actor after all. In order to be famous, he can be shameless. Disgusting!”

Chu Wenwen’s voice is low in KTV. Only Qi Yan and Ye Hang can hear that, while people in the same room only see Chu Wenwen’s angry departure without knowing the details.

Ye Hang looks at Qi Yan and says, “Qi Ge, what should I do?”

After saying that, Ye Hang still wants to explain to the rich lady.

Qi Yan squints at him. “They say that you are disgusted, and you will be more annoying if you still explain to her.”

Ye Hang smiles awkwardly without replies.

Qi Yan takes his glass and sips it lightly. “Ran Fei wants to make trouble for Bi Yu. Why don’t you tell me in advance?” Because I can help him let Bo Yu die faster.

Ye Hang smiles without saying a word.

Ye Hang looks at the direction of the door and thinks, “If Chu Wenwen is not a rich lady with great wealth and nobody escorts her at the back, she dare not say that the actor is disgusting,”

If she really has the ability, she can quit the entertainment. While making money in entertainment, she really is ashamed of the uncleanness of the entertainment.

She is just like the dog who won’t allow a horse or ox to eat the hay in a manger, and even minds the dirty hay.

She is a bitch!