Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2534

Another strong man of the Dragon elephant family appeared. He was also an old man, but he was young and had more blood than the three elders. He didn't hide his strength and breath, so those who had come around could easily feel his strength.

It is said that the three elders of the Dragon elephant family are the perfect God King. I'm afraid this man is close to the half step God King.

The warriors all around dare not come forward to ask, so they are all warriors of the half step God King power.

After a while, some huge flying boats will appear. These flying boats are much larger than those here now. It is obvious that the warrior of the God King level forces has arrived, and a breath of God King will also be diffused.

Among these huge flying boats, two are the most remarkable. One is the dark and bloody flying boat, which is the warrior of the dark kingdom, and the other is the power of time around, which is the power of the Heavenly Kingdom.

"Don't you know that the blood devil God King and the evil fire God King will appear this time?" Many of the warriors said to each other.

"I don't think so, but I think the dark god and the south wind will show up!"

"Ah, it's really a struggle between the strong. We'll suffer!" Others said with emotion.

"The reason why the Dragon elephant family made this battlefield of death is that the dark blood demon clan, the evil fire god king, and the vein of the king level mineral source made us have to enter."

"We can't help it. If we don't participate, we will die directly. If we enter the battlefield of death, we should be less greedy and more evasive. As long as we stick to it for three years, we will be OK!" Others responded.

The eyes of the warriors of the Dragon elephant family also looked at the two flying boats. They were also looking forward to the arrival of the blood devil king and the evil fire god king.

But unfortunately, they were disappointed in the end.

If there is no battlefield of death, the king of blood devil really decides to fight with the king of evil fire. But now, he really won't enter the battlefield of death. This is also the decision he made after meeting the king of evil fire again.

Because they enter the battlefield of death, the God King of the Dragon elephant family may really secretly fight. The God King of the Dragon elephant family is absolutely likely to directly control the battlefield of death they open up outside.

Of course, they are also likely to attack Nanfeng secretly, but Nanfeng has its own defense.

This is also the reason why the evil fire god king let Nanfeng enter the battlefield of death.

"I don't feel the breath of those two people. It seems they won't come." The elder said, "it's a pity."

"It's expected, but if only the south wind comes!" The old man said, "they all think that our biggest targets are the blood devil king and the evil fire god king, followed by the vein of the king level mineral source, and finally the south wind."

"In fact, our goal is only Nanfeng. Our dragon elephant family's release of the battlefield of death this time is only Nanfeng!"

"Yes, our goal is just Nanfeng. All the people look down on our dragon elephant family." The tone of the three elders also changed, sneering.

"What can a king of blood devil and a king of evil fire do when he gives them ten thousand years or even tens of thousands of years? What can they do if they reach the half god? In the eyes of our dragon elephant family, they are just mole ants, not worth mentioning. "

"As for the vein of the king level mineral source, our dragon elephant family really wants it, but there is no shortage."

The goal of their dragon elephant family is Nanfeng. It's just Nanfeng. Nanfeng's talent is too against the sky, his luck is too against the sky, and his progress is too fast. If it goes on like this, it won't take ten thousand years, I'm afraid it will only be thousands of years, and their dragon elephant family will be trampled by Nanfeng.

"Elder, I don't know what I have prepared for Nanfeng this time?" Immediately, the three elders also asked curiously. The three elders knew that the aim was the south wind, but they didn't know how to deal with it.

This old man is the elder of the Dragon elephant family.

The elder of the Dragon elephant family is definitely a half step God King.

"Laosan, look at the gods who came here. Can you see who they are loyal to? To whom? " The elder answered by voice.

Hearing this, the three elders immediately understood and said, "I see!"

"Of course, it would be better if Nanfeng could die in the hands of some dark god son. I'm afraid that the dark god son wants to kill Nanfeng more than us!" Said the elder.

"Elder, it's natural, but I'm worried that if the dark god son and the God kings here can't kill Nanfeng, what will they do? After all, there is a chaotic empress beside Nanfeng. " The Third Elder worried.

"Of course, we can't do it. One is to avoid Tianmen, the other is the battlefield of death. Even the owner of our family can't control everything inside, because the battlefield of death is the world that already exists, just a little modification." Said the elder.

"And really if these two killing moves can't kill Nanfeng, you can only start the last killing move."

"After three things, he will never be able to resist our last killing move!"

"What else? What's that? " The third elder was even more curious and asked.

"I don't know what the last killing move is, because it was arranged by the owner himself!" Elder tone also with curiosity said."If it is arranged by the owner himself, then Nanfeng will be doomed." The three elders said, "but on the other hand, it's a pity that such a genius has fallen."

"There's no way. Who can't let him be used by our dragon elephant family? If the genius growing up in our dragon elephant family can't be used by us, there will be only one end."

"I'm looking forward to what kind of killing moves the master has prepared, because the master of our Shenjun family hasn't made a move for a long time, and this move is aimed at a middle God." The Third Elder said.

Under the same vision, on the boat of the dark kingdom, ten figures came out. Two of them, Nanfeng, are absolutely familiar with Tianlan God King and the former Tianlan God son, who is now the dark god son.

The people on Nanfeng's side also stepped out of the boat, led by the empress of chaos, Nanfeng, then the goddess of Tianshi, Shiling and Han Lao, as well as the other five members of the Shi family.

At that moment, the south wind and the dark god's eyes stood against each other. Under the momentum of power, they all burst out invisible sparks.

"This time, in this battlefield of death, the son of benshenzi will do it himself." The dark god son silk doesn't hide to kill intention, in the confrontation directly open mouth to say.

"Do you know why it's called the battlefield of death? Because you are the grave of the son of the dark god. You should thank me for preparing such a huge grave for you." Nanfeng replied with a sneer.

"Between the two, it was really full of gunpowder!" Seeing this scene, many martial arts people sigh with emotion. "Maybe the battlefield of death this time will be one of them."