Blood Moon Hunters

Chapter 208 - Making a Dream for Elsa

The quiet sky over the St. Paul’s Cathedral was suddenly torn open with a huge crack.

“Buzz! Buzz!”

Several figures came out from it, all covered with blood on their clothes.


Wang Bugui and Hanae Chiou came out last. They looked back at the startling battle in the distance.

“Senior, go!” Wang Bugui roared hard to the inside.


Hearing that, the Blood Demon King made a deafening shout and brandished the blood machete in his hand down. A hundred-foot violent machete power rushed out, annihilating the light of the Bombardment of Five Stars.

It then rushed straight to the illusion in front violently.

“Holy Light—Elimination!”

But the illusion only raised his hand slowly. The holy power of belief burst out from his hand and then rushed out. Numerous white lights surrounded the machete, stopping its violent offensive successfully.

Then, the machete power, surrounded by the white light, began to disintegrate quickly, and it disappeared like a light smoke in a moment. However, after the machete power disappeared completely, the Blood Demon King was also gone.

In the illusion’s eyes, the space crack in the distance just closed, and a blood figure was staring at him before leaving.

“Don’t let them go! Catch them up!”

Jonathan ordered all the Paladins to use weapons to tear open the space.

“Don’t do that. I wasted too much power in this battle. I don’t want to fight any more. My energy should be maintained to deal with those things.” The God’s illusion shook his head and stopped the Paladins.

“But they killed the elders.” Jonathan said again.

“It’s their punishment. The Elder Council is not what I want to establish, and it doesn’t have to exist from now on.” The God’s illusion said flatly.

“But there are so many Paladins dying in the battle! God, please let us chase them!” Jonathan kneeled on the ground and begged.

“If you go, you will die. Wang Bugui is able to kill you, even if he’s seriously injured!”

Suddenly, Druid walked out from behind him and scolded with a gloomy face.

“How dare you say that?!” Jonathan’s eyes were fierce and his chest was rolling.

“I just said the truth. The gap between you and him is too big. I couldn’t hurt him a little even with the Bombardment of Five Stars.”

Druid sighed and then looked at Jonathan, saying, “Your strength is lower than me. And the St. George’s sword and armor are also broken. How can you fight with him?”


Jonathan’s forehead full of blue veins, he said, “Then I’ll use the Longinus. And I will definitely kill them!”


But his words only ushered in a heavy punch at his face from Druid. Druid frowned and yelled, “How dare you mention that thing before God?!”

“You must know the result of using the gun! Even if you want to die, you should die in the battle against vampires, not in the hands of human beings!”

Jonathan was irritated by this rebuke, but he didn’t know how to refute. He could only tighten his fists.

“Enough, go back to the outside.”

Refusing to waste time, the God’s illusion directly tore a crack on the space and led everyone back to the cathedral.

He waved his hand and restored all the damaged areas. Then, he looked down at the Paladin, saying, “I’m going to sleep. You deal with the aftermath.”

“Thank you, God!”

All the Paladins bowed to the ground, watched the figure slowly fusing into the church, and then got up.

“Demolish the Elder Council. From then on, such a rotten organization can’t appear in the Sanctuary!”

Druid ordered to all the Paladins, and then personally took the lead in dismantling the luxurious palace-like building.

“What a luxury! The pillars are made of gold, and the tables and chairs are inlaid with various gems. Hehe!”

With a sneer, Druid smashed the building with his sword. The luxurious palace was destroyed in an instant. Then, the Paladins behind him all followed to do the demolition work.

They destroyed all the remaining pillars, removed all the things that could be sold, and used the pounds exchanged as expenses for the living expenses of the Sanctuary.

In the Blood Hunter Manor in Cornwall.

“Dad, Mom, I miss you. But the bad guys took you away. I’m scared. Can you come back?”

“I’ll be well-behaved and obedient. Come back, please. I’m so cold…”

A young figure kneeled in front of the two new graves, with her small hands folded before her chest, keeping praying to call back her mother and father and for the big brothers and sisters silently.

“Elsa, sorry, I shouldn’t have let your parents do that kind of task.” Kathy also squatted beside her, and there were still tears on her face.

“Sister, I don’t blame you. It was those bad guys who took Mom and Dad away. Big Brother will defeat all the bad guys and let me meet Mom and Dad again.” Elsa comforted.


Kathy wanted to tell Elsa the cruel fact. But after she saw Elsa’s pure eyes, she couldn’t bear to do that. She could only hide the words in her heart, feeling much guiltier.

“Miss, don’t be too self-blaming. After going through this event, you must learn to think more comprehensively.” Lyon caressed her head.

At this point, it was no use to comfort Kathy. Only she could help herself to get out of the shadows. It could be believed that she should be able to grow a lot after this time.

“Whiz! Whiz!”

Several figures came out of the forest, rushing to Kathy and the other two hastily.

“Elsa, I’m back.”

Walking to the small figure, Wang Bugui called her name softly with a sunny smile.

“Oh, Big Brother!”

Hearing that, Elsa immediately raised her small head. But when she turned her head back, she was frightened a lot. With tears in her eyes, she sobbed, “Big Brother, what happened to you?”

“And why are all the other brothers and sisters injured?”

Both Wang Bugui and the people behind him were stained with blood, which indeed scared little Elsa.

Hearing that, Wang Bugui slowly squatted down, touched the lovely face, and said, “Elsa, we are fine. The bad guys who took your parents away have already been killed by us.”

“But, are you hurting?” Elsa frowned, and explored her little hand to touch Wang Bugui’s head.

“No, it won’t hurt as long as it is to protect Elsa from being bullied by the bad guys.” Wang Bugui smiled tenderly.

He, at the same time, held the petite and cute hand with his warm hand, and quietly put it on his face.

“That’s good. Let me blow the wounds for you to reduce pain.”

Elsa laughed, and then began to blow the wounds for Wang Bugui.

“Good girl.” Wang Bugui revealed a doting smile.

“Brother Bugui, how do you feel?” Kathy also looked anxious, came over and asked.

“We are fine. The God of the Sanctuary is indeed strong. But the members of the Elder Council are still killed by us.”

At this moment, Hanae Chiou uttered, and then quietly looked at Wang Bugui who was squatting on the ground.

“Oh, that’s good.” Kathy whispered. She had heard about the cool and domineering woman in front of her.

The woman was Wang Bugui’s beloved one who was willing to die for him. And he was also willing to do everything for her. A person and a puppet were connected by the souls.

“Then, Big Brother, when will Mom and Dad meet me?” Elsa asked softly. She kept thinking about it.

“Did you talk to them, Elsa?” Wang Bugui asked.

“Yes, I said a lot of words. I’m very obedient!” Elsa slammed her little head and waved her hands.

“Good, then go back to sleep now. Mom and Dad will come to see you later. They said they had a gift for you.” Wang Bugui replied with a smile.

“Really?!” Elsa shouted with excitement. Her watery big eyes lit up.

“Of course yes! I’ve made a deal with them. As long as you’re obedient and go to sleep on time, they’ll come back to see you tonight!” Wang Bugui said solemnly.

“That, then, I’ll go to sleep now!” Elsa broke away from Wang Bugui’s hand, about to run back to her room.

“Wait, I’ll take you to your room.”

Wang Bugui picked up Elsa, letting her ride on his neck, rushing toward the manor at full speed, accompanied by Hanae Chiou.

In a well-decorated pink room, Elsa lay on a small bed, wrapped in a pink quilt and couldn’t wait to close her eyes.

“Good night, Elsa.” Wang Bugui revealed a smile at the door, saying goodbye to her.

“Good night, Big Brother.” Elsa responded lazily.

Without a moment, she fell asleep sweetly. She was so tired tonight. She cried for a long time, and was hit ruthlessly.

Her spirit was already exhausted, and now she fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes.

Staring at her for two minutes, Wang Bugui then went to her pillow and put down a pink bow.

“You really prepared a gift for her.” Hanae Chiou was somewhat moved.

Wang Bugui said with a nod, “I’ll definitely do what I’ve promised. I’ll cast a spell to let her meet her parents in the dream tonight. Before the dream ends, they will leave a bow.”

“She must be very happy when she wakes up tomorrow.”

Hanae Chiou slowly nodded, and said, “I hope the dream you made for her can last a little longer.”

“If it is possible, I really don’t want her to wake up. But people will eventually grow up, and time will let her understand everything.” Wang Bugui sighed.

“Aren’t you afraid that she’ll be more painful after she wakes up and find that you are always cheating her?” Hanae Chiou asked.

Wang Bugui shook his head and whispered, “As long as she can get the love of her parents in the dream, I will try my best to create a more perfect and warmer dream for her.”

“I won’t blame her, no matter if she’ll hit me or yell at me after she wakes up. But now, I want her to have a happy childhood in her dream.”

“As long as she can be innocent for more than these ten years, I’m willing to be the sinner.”