Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 801

"What's more, we are brothers and sisters. It's not acceptable for us to get married."

Zheng Lun said the most fundamental reason, but Zhao An'an didn't think it was a big problem.

"If you want to marry someone you like, what's the matter with those people! Those people are really full of food and have nothing to do. Just take care of yourself and others have no money to take! "

Zhao an has always been somewhat unconventional. She has been used to it since she was a child. She never cares about other people's opinions.

"Besides, you two are not brothers and sisters. What are you afraid of when you get married? Come on, it must be right to listen to me. You should have a baby first, and then your mother will force you to marry Zheng Jing immediately

Zheng Lun looks at Zhao An'an in a daze, pregnant first?!

"This can't do it, this can't do, unmarried first pregnancy will be laughed at dead, then my father and mother's face will be lost by me, how can they go out to see people in the future?"

"Er Isn't that a good idea? "

"That's a bad idea!"

Zheng Lun affirmed the way.

"Well, you don't have to worry about my affairs. Anyway, my brother will always love me. I will always be his sister, and I will be very happy if I don't marry him. You'd better take good care of yourself and improve your immunity. "

Zhao An'an has lost a lot of weight, which makes people feel sad.

Zheng Lun is eager for Zhao An'an to get better. In the future, they can go shopping and chat together.

She has very few good friends, and if she loses another one, she will suffer for a long time.

Seeing Zhao an take a lot of medicine at noon, Zheng Lun could not help admiring her strength and bravery.

If she had such a disease, I'm afraid she would have cried to death in a few days.

Zhao An'an is not very energetic now. Chemotherapy causes her hair to start to fall off, which makes her tired easily. However, she can't stop using chemotherapy completely, otherwise her spreading speed will be faster.

Mu Qing's drugs, in fact, have greatly reduced the number of chemotherapy, maximize the protection of Zhao an's body function, did not let her hair all lose.

Zheng Lun accompanied Zhao an for a day. She would take a nap from time to time. Zheng Lun would talk to Zheng Jing when she was asleep.

She likes to follow Zheng Jing.

Zheng Jing is basically with Mu Qing. In addition to saying a few words to Zhao An'an from time to time, he doesn't care too much about Zheng Lun.

He wanted Zheng Lun to be more independent and happy without him.

However, every time Zheng Lun looks for him, it is his happiest time.

Their brother and sister are used to cuddle up since childhood, without each other around, they will feel a little uncomfortable.

In the evening, they went back to the hotel together.

Instead of calling a taxi, Zheng Jing took Zheng Lun along the neat and clean streets of Germany.

Walking along, I don't know when, two people's hands are together.

Men are tall and brave, women are beautiful and gentle. Walking on the road full of exotic customs, passers-by frequently stop and watch.

Zheng Jing looks like a European. He has three-dimensional facial features and deep eyes. He is tall and straight like a European. He has a strong temperament. He is the most standard handsome man in the eyes of German girls. Therefore, he has harvested many beautiful women's smiles and eye waves along the way.

Zheng Lun also received a lot of German handsome men's eager eyes. This is not because she looks like a European, but because she looks like an oriental classical beauty. She is gentle and beautiful, with Oriental charming black hair and black eyes. Such Oriental beauty is very popular in Europe.

Zheng Jing's eyes on all women are very calm, but Zheng Lun is a little embarrassed. The enthusiasm of the Europeans is not hidden. Even if she stands beside Zheng Jing, those people will still whistle at her, making her embarrassed and embarrassed.

As a result, Zheng Jing used to hold Zheng Lun's hand, which soon became a state of embracing Zheng Lun's waist.

And he held Zheng Lun tightly for fear of being snatched away by other men.

Their posture, like the most intimate lovers, is really effective. Many people can't whistle at the beautiful Zheng Lun any more.

By the time they got back to the hotel, Zheng Lun's face had turned into a ripe tomato because of his shyness.

They opened two rooms, but Zheng Jing didn't go back to his room at all. Instead, he hugged Zheng Lun and went to her room.

He put Zheng Lun against the door of the hotel and began to kiss her crazily.

Zheng Lun was almost lost by his kiss. She hugged Zheng Jing's broad waist tightly, and soon felt the place where he became hard.

After the crazy kiss, Zheng Jing forced himself to stop.

He wants Zheng Lun too much!

However, he must control himself. Their first time with each other should be perfect and happy, instead of being so furtive as now.Zheng Jing didn't even dare to touch Zheng Lun's soft and beautiful rabbit. Her temptation to him was deadly. He didn't know what he would do next.

Although Zheng Lun has no intention, she does not know nothing about men and women.

She knew that Zheng Jing, in order to protect her and respect her, was enduring with superhuman perseverance.

The key part was held by the beloved woman, and Zheng Jing's blood gushed down his body. He growled: "seven seven, don't move!"

If she did this again, he couldn't help it!

Zheng Lun in fact in the heart has been shy can not do, heard him shout, subconsciously on the release of the hand.

After a long time, Zheng didn't suppress his desire. He released Zheng Lun and quickly entered the bathroom. After half an hour's cold bath, he returned to normal.

Seeing him wet all over the bathroom, Zheng Lun was very distressed.

"Brother, it's easy for you to catch a cold like this."

Zheng Jing pinched her small hand and whispered, "I'm ok. I'll go back to change clothes and come back to accompany you later."

Zheng Lun is too timid to sleep alone in an empty hotel room.

So even though we have reserved two rooms, Zheng Jing still sleeps with her at night.

Zheng Lun didn't want to stay alone in the room, Zheng Jing went back to his room to change clothes, she reluctantly followed the past.

Zheng Jing didn't stop him, even in front of Zheng Lun's face and changed his clothes. Zheng Lun screamed and turned away immediately.

"Brother, why don't you go to the bathroom and change? You hate it

Just a moment ago, she looked at Zheng Jing's body all over!

Moreover, she found that she could not help looking at her brother's place! , the fastest update of the webnovel!