Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 731

Aunt Dou is very happy to cook. She thinks that the hostess is really lucky. MuQing is handsome and has a good temper. She is also a famous Dean. She is really a good man with lanterns!

She thought that when they got married, they might come here often.

Living alone in such a big house, she always feels strange and wasteful.

She must find out the hostess's preferences and make more delicious food for her!

Zhao an and Mu Qing sleep all afternoon, until evening, Mu Qing wakes up from sleep.

As soon as he woke up, he saw Zhao an's quiet nest in his arms, and his heart felt filled with happiness.

He couldn't help but bow his head to kiss her. Zhao An'an fell asleep and suddenly woke up.

"When is it? Are you ready for dinner? "

Mu Qing laughs: "are you a pig? You know what to eat except sleep

"People are iron, rice is steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will get internal injuries."

I can't get up from my swimsuit. I can't look at my own clothes! How can I buy this kind of swimsuit

Mu Qing pulled the tie off the back of her swimsuit. The swimsuit suddenly slipped off, revealing Zhao an's beautiful spring.

Zhao an screamed when settling down. He put his hands on his chest and said, "Mu Qing, you bastard, take advantage of me again!"

Don't you see it all over me? Kiss me! I always feel that they are getting bigger these days, and I can't hold one hand at all. "

Zhao an directly threw her sexy swimsuit on MuQing's face, then, regardless of MuQing's life or death, she wrapped herself up in a quilt and ran out of the door. She went to the bedroom where she changed clothes and went to wear her own clothes.

When she put on her clothes, the big diamond ring on her finger caught her clothes.

Zhao an takes the clothes away carefully. She is not afraid of breaking the clothes. She is afraid of breaking the diamond ring.

Although the diamond ring must be stronger than the dress, she was obviously more nervous about the ring.

Zhao's family is a jewelry family. She grew up in colorful jewelry. In fact, she doesn't feel much about jewelry any more.

But this diamond ring is very popular with her. It is not because of the high value of the diamond ring itself, but because the person who sent it is MuQing.

The meaning of this ring is too special, so it was treated with care as a baby by Zhao An'an.

The diamond ring the size of a pigeon egg is slightly exaggerated on her slender fingers, but Zhao An'an feels very happy.

She didn't want to take it off, so she put it on her hand and hummed to find Mu Qing to eat in the restaurant downstairs.

The whole villa, the first floor is divided into two areas, accounting for more than half of the area is the hot spring, the other half is the restaurant and kitchen.

The area of the hot spring is more than 200 square meters, and the dining room and kitchen are more than 100 square meters, which is very wide.

When Zhao an goes to the restaurant with MuQing, after the hot spring, he sees the clouds and mist in it, like a fairyland, and his hot spring addiction comes up again.

She tugged at Mu Qing's sleeve: "how about we soak for a while after dinner?"

"If you like, I don't care if you like it."

This is the promise.

Zhao an's happy eyes bent into crescent. She ate a lot more when she had dinner, which made aunt Dou very happy.

This is the most encouraging dish for her!

After dinner, Zhao an ran back to her room in a hurry, but when she saw the exposed swimsuit, she had a headache again.

She sat on the bed with her chin in her hands, trying to find a way.

Before she came up with any good idea, MuQing even didn't knock on the door and walked in directly.

"What's the matter with you? You don't knock at the door! What if I'm naked now

"I just wanted to come in while you were naked, and you were dressed!"

What are you doing? Go out and wait. Don't come in again

"I also bought you a present."

Being driven from her own room, MuQing doesn't care about her at all. Instead, she takes out a delicate jewelry box.

Zhao an was silent when he settled down.

There are still gifts!

How many things did he prepare!

Mu Qing handed the box to her and whispered, "open it and have a look. I have chosen it for a long time."

Zhao an opened curiously and saw a diamond necklace lying quietly in the black velvet box.

The necklace is very simple, not too complicated design, but the interweaving of platinum and diamond makes the whole Necklace twinkle with dazzling light, which is incomparably luxurious.

Roughly, there are about 100 diamonds.Sure enough, at the next moment, MuQing said, "there are ninety-nine diamonds in total, which means a long time. I think it's simple and beautiful, and I think you'll like it."

In fact, this kind of gift is the most suitable one for two people to give when they get married. They usually don't give such expensive gifts when they are engaged. Otherwise, they can't find anything that can surpass the engagement gifts.

But when Mu Qing picked out a gift, he didn't think about his marriage with Zhao An'an. He just wanted to buy the best for her.

Zhao an likes this diamond necklace very much. This necklace just fits into a set of rings. It can be blinding when placed together!

This necklace and ring must be priceless. Zhao An'an doesn't know their specific value, but he also knows that MuQing will lose his fortune in order to buy them.

"Where do you get so much money to buy these? Robbing the bank? "

Mu Qing suddenly laughed: "why, I don't have money to support you in the future? Don't worry, even if I don't rob the bank, I can support you with my medical skills! "

In fact, as long as the anticancer drugs developed by him are successful, once they are put into the market, the profit margin will be huge.

They invested nearly 500 million yuan in the early stage. Although Jingsheng group has injected capital into it, and the dividend is sure to be the largest part of jingyichen, Mu Qing's future income will be very considerable.

His wealth will increase rapidly, so there is no problem raising Zhao An'an.

However, even if he had no money, he would not save the things he gave to Zhao An'an.

He may not be as rich as jingyichen, but he is not poor. The annual profit of Mu's hospital is still considerable.

He can't afford six helicopters, but he can still afford things like diamonds and roses.

Zhao An'an is not the kind of woman who is open to money. Even if Mu Qing is poor and has no money, she should like him or she will like him.

She likes MuQing just because of him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!