Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 189

Shangguanning didn't blame him at all. She thought he had come fast enough!

In the morning, she knew that jingyichen had gone to Jishi group, and jingyichen specially instructed her to change the meeting in the morning to tomorrow.

Ji's group is more than half a city away from the Civil Affairs Bureau. He can appear in the Civil Affairs Bureau in advance. I don't know how fast he drove the car!

"Well, am I not all right? Don't blame yourself. It's my own carelessness. I didn't expect that my father would pretend to be ill and cheat me to go back. Naturally, I won't be cheated. You're not a God. How can you expect what's going to happen? You can appear in front of me in time, I have been very satisfied

At the moment, jingyichen hugs her so tightly that she can hardly breathe.

He cares so much about her!

Shangguan Ning's heart throbbed. He couldn't help looking up and kissing his cold lips.

Jing Yichen didn't expect that Shangguan Ning would kiss him. After a second of stupidity, she immediately turned from passive to active. She clasped her big hand on the back of her head and pressed her hard against himself, turning and sucking.

"Ah Ning, no matter what happens in the future, you can't leave me, divorce me, marry someone else, you can only be mine! Did you hear that? " Jing Yichen breath micro chaos, but still control their emotions, seriously looking at Shangguan Ning eyes, some overbearing admonishment her.

At the thought that shangguanning was taken to the Civil Affairs Bureau by jingyiran today, jingyichen's heart felt like a knife cut. He couldn't stand his wife being held in his arms by other men to register with the Civil Affairs Bureau!

This is his life!

Shangguan Ning knew what he was worried about. She nodded her head in a short breath and said in a gentle way: "I will not leave you, and you are not allowed to leave me! Your wife can only be me... "

Shangguanning had already inhaled part of the overpowering drug today. Her body was more sensitive than usual, and her emotional outburst was more intense. However, Jing Yichen did not take the next step because of self blame.

She felt that her body was getting hotter and hotter. She rubbed uncomfortable in his arms. She even took off her coat and pasted her hot skin on his cool skin to cool it.

She tore jingyichen's shirt and whispered in his ear: "Yi Chen, I want you, hurry up..."

Just a few words, coupled with the delicate and charming voice, all of a sudden ignited the desire of jingyichen!

Married for so long, shangguanning has never been so active, let alone said so let his blood spurt words!

He had loved her to the bone, and wished she could not be kneaded into his own body. How could he stand the enchanting tease of her!

He took off his shirt three or two times to show his strong and strong chest, and then he pressed the Shangguan under his body. The rain like kiss fell on her face, clavicle and plump, which made the delicate people tremble.

The appearance is ordinary, the interior is luxurious in the Volkswagen car, immediately sounded the fine shallow chant sound, the atmosphere becomes hot and full of passion.


After the passion, Shangguan Ning lies in jingyichen's warm arms, tired even his fingers don't want to move.

Jingyichen took out the white pad in the suit pocket, carefully wiped off the sweat on her forehead, and gently dressed her.

"Ma'am, who can't wait to tear my shirt? The strong man even pulled off two buttons. How can he not move now? "

Thinking of the initiative just now, Shangguan Ning's face turned red. She curled up in shame and buried her face in his arms.

"Shut up, don't talk nonsense. It wasn't me just now!"

Jingyichen laughed: "besides you, who dares to tear my shirt? It's OK, baby. I like you just now. I have a lot of shirts. You can just tear them. I'm just afraid that your hands hurt. "

Shangguan Ning was still embarrassed to look up and said in a few inaudible voices, "take me home to change clothes. I'll go back to work in the company in a moment."

Jing Yichen stopped making trouble with her. After putting on her clothes, she put on his shirt, which was pulled off two buttons by Shangguan Ning. She was a little spoiled and said, "we don't go to work today. The scenery here is very good. Your husband will take you for a ride."

The blush on Shangguan Ning's face finally subsided, and when he heard jingyichen's words, he could not help looking out of the car.

Around the tree shade, vanilla everywhere, flowers in full bloom in the grass, not far away is the towering mountains, there are clouds floating in the hillside, just like fairyland.

Shangguan Ning was attracted by the picturesque scenery in front of her eyes, and she couldn't help exclaiming, "how beautiful!"

"Look, what a wonderful place your husband has chosen. There are few people, beautiful scenery, luxuriant vegetation and abundant oxygen. It's the most suitable place to do sports in the car. You can come here next time!"

Shangguan Ning, ashamed and annoyed, spat at him and muttered in a low voice: "the skin is getting thicker and thicker!"

What's the matter with this person? How big is the gap between before and after marriage and after people's predecessors! On weekdays, he was serious and cold, and he was thick skinned and frightening in private. He was just an ordinary husband who could not be looked up to any more.Jingyichen's ear is sharp, listen to shangguanning's words clearly, immediately straight and forceful way: "how can I be thin skinned in this kind of matter, your skin is very thin, my skin is thin again, when can I have a son!"

He said, bending down to fasten the seat belt for shangguanning, and took the opportunity to peck at her slightly red and swollen lip. Seeing that her lips became more and more ruddy and glossy, he sat back satisfied.

"Sit down, I'll show you a mountain bike ride!"

As soon as his voice fell, the car suddenly flew out, which made Shangguan Ning scream and scream.

Jingyichen's driving skills are excellent. In addition, the car has been refitted, and its speed has reached its peak on the grass. The whole car like a cheetah galloped into the woods, then climbed the steep hillside and kept circling along the slightly rugged mountain road.

Shangguanning has never been as exciting as today in her whole life!

Since she was a child, she had no relationship with her mother. In addition, Shangguan rouxue, a good girl, has always been cautious in her life. She has always been a good and obedient child since childhood. She has never done anything like Ge'er. She has never experienced dangerous and exciting things like racing.

And because she had a car accident with Xie Zhuojun in the past, although she was only slightly injured, Xie Zhuojun was hit by a vegetable, so she always drives carefully and never speeding.

And today with jingyichen together, experience what is exciting!

No wonder the car has been so prosperous, it is really an exciting, boiling sport.

Jing Yichen looked at his wife's little excited face, and her lips could not help smiling.

Although he drives very fast, he has driven on this mountain many times before, so it is still very safe. Otherwise, he would not have done such a dangerous thing with shangguanning.

"Sit down, go down the hill!"

He said in a cheerful mood, and then went straight down the mountain, causing Shangguan to keep screaming in his ears. , the fastest update of the webnovel!