Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 174

"If the second young master wants a female assistant, you can, but this needs to be reported to the president. The president is meeting with four vice presidents at the top level. I will arrange for your assistant after he has finished his meeting. Before arranging a new assistant, your assistant is me. " There was no change in Lu Qin's face. When he spoke to Jing Yiran and Jing Yichen, his tone and attitude were exactly the same. They were respectful but would not give in at will.

With Lu Qin in, Shangguan Ning is naturally happy that he doesn't have to fight with jingyiran. Every time she faced him, she had a feeling of helplessness, because he did not eat oil and salt, soft and hard, but blindly died. This kind of person is the most difficult to deal with.

Perhaps the best way to deal with him is to leave him alone.

"Also, the second young master's office is not on this floor, but on the lower floor. Please follow me."

Jing Yiran immediately jumped off, patted the table and called out, "I have half the inheritance right now. Why can't I work on this floor? I don't want to be lower than jingyichen! I'm going to be on this floor! And I like this one! "

"Which one do you like? After the president's meeting, I'll report to the president. After the president's approval, you can go to the next floor with me."

"The president, the president, you know the president! This childe is the second young master, he is the president! I want to be president, too! "

Jingyi ran listens to Lu Qin and doesn't buy his account at all. She is so angry that her pretty face is flushed and her roar is so loud that she makes Shangguan Ning shake her head beside her.

It turns out that Jingyi is afraid of Lu Qin who keeps reciting the hoop curse like the Tang monk!

Lu Qin just said a few words, and he went crazy. On weekdays, jingyichen beat him to death, and beat him with broken arms, legs and ribs. There was no good place in his whole body. However, he was still full of strength, and he didn't almost want to go crazy like now.

"If the second young master wants to hold any position in the group, it also needs to be reported to the president for approval. As for you want to be the president, you need to be approved by the president in person. Before the president holds a meeting to examine and approve your position application, you can only be the second young master."

Jing Yiran was almost spitting blood by Lu Qin!

He can't help but leave shangguanning's assistant office and head for the largest meeting room upstairs. Before he came, jingzhongxiu gave him a Jingsheng access card, allowing him to enter and leave every floor of Jingsheng's office building at will.

Jingsheng group's building has a total of 77 floors. The top floor is a variety of meeting rooms for the group's major meetings. There are nine in total, among which the middle one is the largest and is used for the annual general meeting of shareholders.

Jing Yiran opened the door and saw that there was no one in it. Jing Zhongxiu never allowed him to participate in the affairs of Jingsheng group, so he knew nothing about the situation here. He thought that jingyichen, the president of jingyichen, would choose the largest and best one for the meeting.

He found all the rooms in the meeting room.

The sound of opening the door startled the people who were talking inside. They looked at jingyiran at the same time, and then looked at jingyichen sitting on the throne.

What they are talking about is very confidential, and it can't be disclosed at will, even for Mr. Jing er.

Jing Yichen is just a light way: "continue."

Then the four people began to report, and from time to time they had fierce arguments. All four of them seemed to have different opinions. Jingyichen did not say a word, listening to the four people's verbal arguments. After they had finished, he made a light decision: "our financial business started late, and we need to develop faster. The four of you can tap the market information Everyone has to submit a copy. I'll talk to Jishi group about the specific business. We'll cooperate with them in the early stage, and then we'll kick them out when we're mature. "

Hearing his decision, all four people nodded and agreed. No one is more suitable to talk about business than Jing Yichen. As long as he is a leader in the financial industry, Jishi group will bow down.

"Break up!"

With jingyichen's order, the four vice presidents who can call on the wind and rain in a city and even the whole country immediately got up and left.

From the beginning to the end, no one looked at Jingyi more than once. They ignored him, holding Jingsheng's core secrets and talking about the broad.

It seems to believe that he can't understand and get involved!

As soon as the four men left, three tall foreign men in suits and leathers, led by shangguanning, entered a slightly larger conference room nearby.

Jing Yiran hears that Shangguan Ning is talking to three people in fluent Russian and French. Then Jing Yichen passes by him, ignores his existence, and directly enters the conference room. Like shangguanning, she also communicates with three people in Russian and French.

He can understand some Russian and French, but it is impossible to be as fluent as jingyichen.

Jingyiran suddenly some frustrated, he has already run to jingyichen to challenge, but he simply ignored!

What's more, everyone here listens to Jing Yichen and ignores him, the second childe of the Jing family!

Is he too successful in his casual image, or is jingyichen too dignified?How did he feel that although his father gave him half of the inheritance right, he could not command the things he wanted to inherit!

Jing Yiran no longer had the excitement and arrogance when she first came. She went home depressed and irritable.

As soon as he entered the door, Zhang Rong immediately pulled him into his room and couldn't wait to ask him, "did you see any other shareholders in the company today? Are they respectful to you? Would you like to work with you? How much money does the group have now? How much can you get... "

This is his mother!

Don't ask him whether he is happy to go to the company, whether he is suitable or not, whether he has been bullied by jingyichen, just ask him how much money he can get!

Jingyiran's repressed mood broke out in an instant and said angrily: "money, money, you know money! Did my dad need your money?! Your bag, your shoes, every piece of clothing and every piece of jewelry on your body are all valuable! Is it so difficult for you to be your rich wife every day? Don't worry about my affairs in the future

He tried his best to seize the inheritance right of Jing family, not for money at all! He just doesn't want to lose to Jing Yichen!

Jing Yichen keeps the inheritance right to death, not for money. He just thinks that it belongs to him, and others can't touch it!

Jing Yiran came back depressed and irritable, and left angrily.

Like Jing Yichen, he doesn't like this family!

He would rather spend the night in a bar than sleep in a luxurious and empty villa.

The old lady Moran and the old man Jing Tianyuan set out early this morning and went abroad for a tour together, so there is no one in the family who is in charge of the scenery. Now he can go in and out at will.

Jing Yiran, full of anger, drove the car to the official house, where the family may be in urgent need of his help!

He wants to "help others" once! , the fastest update of the webnovel!