Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1599

Jingxi originally wanted to help, but after Lou Ziling said so, she didn't dare to speak.

She can only take advantage of Lou Ziling to work in the company, to call Tan Ruyi, ask her situation.

She thought that Tan Ruyi would be depressed, but she did not seem to be affected, still a happy appearance.

"Hi hee, I've applied for an exchange student in the United States. I can go to the United States to study in two days! It's just that Feiyang is busy in America during this period, so it's much more convenient for us to meet! "

In the face of such a positive and happy Tan Ruyi, Jingxi really can't say the words to hit her.

Should not Tan Ruyi doesn't know that Luo's family is against her and Luo Feiyang, right?

Jingxi tried several times and finally found that she did not know.

Hang up the phone, Jingxi some Zheng Zheng.

Luo Feiyang protects Tan Ruyi very well. He was originally a dandy who seemed so unreliable. He shouldered all the wind and rain on his own, only letting Tan Ruyi live in the beautiful sunshine.

This is what a man should look like when he falls in love with a girl.

Luo Fei raised his heart, but I'm afraid it won't go well.

Luo Feiyang and Tan Ruyi's affairs are not smooth. He is not busy in the United States, but his parents have not allowed him to return to a city. The company in a city has been temporarily handed over to Luo feiran for management.

"Dad, Ruyi is a good girl. Since I want her, I have to be responsible for her!"

Luo Yi's tone was a little harsh: "what did you do with those girlfriends before? What did Tan Ruyi do! You've had so many girlfriends, isn't everyone responsible? "

Luo Feiyang stood in the study, choked his neck, and said with some impatience: "Ruyi is different from them. Without me, she certainly can't live on! I promised to marry her, but I never promised anyone else! "

"As I said, Tan Ruyi can't! The tan family doesn't even have any strength. If you want money, you don't need people. If you encounter difficulties, your father-in-law can't help you any more! "

Luo Yi's eloquence reflected that Tan Ruyi's father had died early. If Luo Feiyang married Tan Ruyi, he would not have a father-in-law.

"Then my sister-in-law's family background is very ordinary, how can my uncle let my brother marry?"

"Although your sister-in-law's family background is ordinary, she is 100 times stronger than the tan family! Her parents are both parents. Lou Mingyang has just helped your uncle win a big project recently, and the net profit will be 100 million! Is the tan family OK? "

Luo Yi has a good impression on Lou Mingyang. He always thinks that his two children have been very successful in education.

But Tan Ruyi's surname is tan, not Lou!

Her upbringing and backstage are qualitatively different from Lou Ruofei.

"In addition, your sister-in-law has a younger brother who is more and more powerful. Lou Ziling is Li Xiao, or did you tell me that if you control the Li family, who dares to look down on Lou Ziling? What's more, the person Lou Ziling wants to marry in the future is Jingxi. Can you compare your sister-in-law with Tan Ruyi? "

Luo Feiyang's face was a little cold: "I don't need to marry a girl with a strong background. I'll try my best."

Luo Yi didn't take his son's words to heart at all. He expected Luo Feiyang to create a world of his own, which was no different from dreaming.

He thought of Jingxi, feel flesh ache, this should be his daughter-in-law!

What a good daughter-in-law, good-looking, family background, high IQ and EQ, his future grandson could have a grandfather like Jing Yichen!

Now, it's all cheap. The building is famous!

If his son can't marry Jingxi, Luo Yi will accept his fate. But he can't let his future grandson not even have a grandfather, can he?

Take a look at Xiao Luohui, not only grandparents love him, but also grandparents want to pet him to the sky.

Luo Yi thinks that he will certainly be a good grandfather, and his wife will definitely be a grandmother who loves her children. However, he still hopes that his grandson can love him more and that his family will be stronger, and his future dependence will increase.

"You must break up with Tan Ruyi. Your mother and I won't let her in anyway! You and she are two world people, the door is not the same door, not allowed to meet again in the future! If you feel sorry for her and ask her to make an offer, we'll make it up to her! "

Luo Yi suddenly remembered the diamond ring and frowned: "I heard Xiao Liu and Alice say that Tan Ruyi has the habit of stealing things. We don't want such a girl in the Luo family! If you say it, you will be laughed at

"They're lying. If you haven't stolen anything from me, she's been planted." And those who planted it were his good brother Xiao Liu and Luo feiran's ex girlfriend Alice.

Unfortunately, it has been too long, Luo Feiyang has no evidence to prove Tan Ruyi's innocence.

Xiao Liu was named not because he was the sixth, but because he had six fingers in his left hand.

He used to be one of Luo Feiyang's followers. He fought with Luo Feiyang, drank wine and soaked in girls. He had a very close relationship.Alice has emigrated to the United States since her grandfather's generation. She has the best family background and the longest association with Luo feilou.

After the break-up, she and Luo feirao have always maintained a good friend relationship, so Luo feirao's wedding day, she also came to attend the wedding.

Therefore, when these two people and several other friends together accused Tan Ruyi of stealing his ring, Luo Feiyang had no doubt at all.

At that time, he directly sent his anger to tan Ruyi. Because he didn't know Tan Ruyi, he thought that her personality was wrong.

"I don't care whether she has stolen anything or not, but her reputation of being dirty is already out there. Many people know that she has a problem. We can't explain it to everyone! The best way is not to marry her, but to have a good personality and family background! "

Luo Feiyang felt that this was unfair to tan Ruyi. He yelled angrily: "if someone framed her, she would have to bear the name of a thief for no reason. She did nothing wrong! She is more simple and kind than anyone else

Luo Yi also tried hard. He stood up fiercely and said sternly, "kindness is useless! If you are not Luo, if you are a poor boy, Tan Ruyi will like you? Did she marry you because you were kind? "

Luo Feiyang sneered: "if I don't have any money, Ruyi will still like me! She wants to marry me, not because of my money! She is not so vulgar as you think

"Let's try. Does she like money or you?"

Luo Yi called the assistant and gave a few orders.

The next day, Tan Ruyi was taken to a cafe.

"Miss Tan, please leave my second young master. If you make an offer, it will be regarded as the second young master's compensation to you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!