Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1465

Jingxi holding Lou Ziling's waist, listening to his powerful heartbeat, his mouth unconsciously filled with a faint smell of blood.

She loosened her teeth in tears, and then saw that the white shirt in front of Lou Ziling's chest was dyed red.

She bit the skin off his chest.

Jing Xi raised his face and looked at the nearby Lou Ziling: "I bit you and bled. Why don't you stop me?"

"I'm cold-blooded, I can't feel the pain."

"Nonsense, you are also a person, how can you not hurt?"

After Jingxi bit Lou Ziling, he felt hurt first.

She released her hand, stepped back and wiped her tears: "in order to let me die, you even distorted the fact of saving me. I am different from others. By the time I was eight years old, I had a good memory. I remember all your words and deeds. I don't need to discredit yourself

Lou Ziling stood upright, as if the person who was bitten was not him, as if the person mentioned by Jingxi was not him, as if nothing could penetrate into his heart.

"However, you have to remember, it is your choice of solitude, all the women around you, I will clear away!"

Jingxi wiped away her tears, smoothed her hair with her fingers, took the black mobile phone Lou Ziling put on her desk as a mirror to make sure she was in good condition, and then threw the mobile phone back to the table at will.

She walked steadily out: "now, I'm going to pick up the flowers first! You'd better not go down to support qiduoduo, or you will be hurt by mistake. Don't blame me for my ruthlessness

She did not look back out of the office, I went downstairs, Ziling stood in situ, lost for a long time.


How could he support qiduoduo!

Accidental injury?

Well, she was merciless, like a little lion with angry hair.

Floor son Ling subconsciously touched the chest by Jing Xi bite position, can not help but pain "hiss" a.

The little girl has sharp teeth and sharp mouth. Her mouth is really cruel!

After easily can't provoke her again, otherwise will really be torn by her raw!

Lou Ziling slowly walked to her seat and sat down. Her eyes were fixed on the document for a long time, but she didn't even see a word in it.

He could not help unbuttoning his shirt and looking down at the bloodstained tooth mark on his chest.

It was not until she bowed her head for too long and her neck was sore that Lou Ziling took back her eyes.

But after a while, he wanted to see the tooth mark again.

Lou Ziling pinched her eyebrows and felt that she was crazy!

He thought that tooth mark was very beautiful and even lovely!

He's really crazy!


Jingxi took the elevator directly to the first floor of the hall, she went to the front desk where the female staff, ignoring her surprised eyes, light asked: "where is Qi Duoduo?"

Some female employees couldn't respond: "ah?"

She is still shocked how Jingxi came out of the building. She didn't let Jingxi in!

"Where did Qi Duoduo, who came just now, been taken by Lou Ziling's assistant? Take me to her. "

"Miss, our visitors are confidential. If you are friends, I'll ask Miss Qi if she can see you."

Jingxi was hurt by Lou Zi Ling, and she had no good temper at all. She waved to the two bodyguards waiting outside, and they immediately walked in.


"Go in and find where Qi Duoduo is, and bring people down. I want to see her."


The two bodyguards quickly walked in, and the female staff at the front desk couldn't stop her. She was anxious to ask the security department for help with her walkie talkie, but all the security departments were out of action, and it was no use at all!

The strength gap between the two sides is too big. Each of Jingxi's two bodyguards is superior in strength. After a while, Qi Duoduo is taken down.

Jingxi took the chair at the front desk and sat in the clean and spacious front room. Ignoring the instructions of the staff of louziling company, he calmly waited for Qi Duoduo to approach.

Qi Duoduo was held by two bodyguards, almost barefoot was dragged to Jingxi.

She's so big that she hasn't been so embarrassed in front of so many people!

When I came to Jingxi, I saw Jingxi's face. Qi Duoduo's hair was going to stand up!

She tried to break free of the hands of the two bodyguards and roared angrily, "how can it be you again?! I was pestering Zi Ling yesterday, but I came to see him again today, right? It must be Ziling who won't see you, so you'll be angry with me! No shame

Jingxi sat there gracefully, holding out a beautiful and slender hand and gently swinging it: "no, Miss Qi, Lou Ziling just met me. If you don't believe it, you can ask his assistant. I just came out of his office."

She glanced up and down at Qi Duoduo and shook her head faintly: "Oh, how ugly you are

This feeling of King's contempt made Qi Duoduo, who had always been used to being aloof, almost vomited blood.

Yesterday, she was poured a large glass of water by Jingxi. She has not found Jingxi to calculate this account. She did not expect that today's old hatred has not been eliminated, and a new one has been added!

Qi Duoduo doesn't care what kind of image he is. He doesn't care about many people around him. When he goes up, he grabs Jingxi's hair and stretches his sharp nails to Jingxi's face.

Jingxi sat motionless, but Qi Duoduo's hand stopped one centimeter in front of her, and could not move forward any more.

Because Jing Xi's two bodyguards have quickly held her down.

Then, she was yanfan left far away.

Qi Duoduo was lying on the ground and felt that his internal organs had moved. After a while, he began to cry with pain and grievance.

"Where's my bodyguard? Where are you all dead! It's all rice

"Ziling, someone bullied me! I'm going to be killed. Come on

"You are so vicious, you will never get Ziling's heart! He only likes me


Qi Duoduo swears. Jingxi gets up from her chair and walks to her.

It's obvious that he didn't get hurt so much.

Jingxi said: "Qi Duoduo, today is just a little lesson for you. If you dare to find Lou Ziling, you will be beaten every day! Of course, the beating must be heavier than today, and it's only for the face! "

Qi Duoduo climbed up from the ground with pain, but then she found that even if she stood up, she did not seem to have jingxigao, and she could not despise her opponent from the perspective of overlooking.

She was very angry, even her voice was extremely sharp: "who do you think you are, dare to teach me a lesson? You wait for me. The influence of my family will make you regret coming to this world! "

Qi Duoduo knows that he can't beat Jingxi's two bodyguards, so he decides not to fight against him and go home to rescue the soldiers first!

Jingxi light way: "good, I wait, my surname is Jing, then can not find the wrong person."

Surname Jing?!

Qi Duoduo's eyes flashed a moment of surprise!

No, it can't be!