Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1372

Zheng yuluo uses chopsticks to pick tomatoes into Jingzhi's mouth. Jingzhi eats with a smile.

In fact, he doesn't like sour food. He prefers sweet food, but this is Zheng yuluo's dish. Even if it is sour, it becomes sweet.

"Great! It's delicious. My wife is the most virtuous wife in the world. I wish I could marry you back earlier

Jingzhi does not grudge his praise. Although Zheng yuluo's cooking is a little salty, it's hard to achieve this level for the first time!

Zheng yuluo was very happy. She was full of happiness.

Cooking for the man you love is a satisfying thing.

Zheng yuluo thought is more traditional. She always thinks that a qualified wife should at least be able to cook for her husband.

Before she lost her memory, she entered the entertainment industry before she had a chance to practice cooking. After losing her memory, she faced Deng Kun every day, and she did not have the motivation to cook.

Now, she's kind of in love with cooking.

Zheng yuluo turns to make fried meat with chili, while Jing Zhi cleans rice and puts it into an electric rice cooker to cook rice.

The kitchen soon wafted out the attractive smell of food, and Jinxin was attracted by the smell as soon as he came back.

He did not even put the bag, directly ran into the kitchen, and when he saw the two busy people, he was shocked: "you two, a young master and a young lady, can you really cook?"

Zheng yuluo said with a smile: "brother Jin, you are back!"

The cry of "brother Jin" made Jinxin shiver and almost didn't stand firm!

This is really flattering!

Jinxin didn't know how to respond!

Jing Zhi stares at him with cold eyes: "my daughter-in-law talks to you, how can you ignore people?"

Jin Xin couldn't stare back. He beamed at Zheng yuluo: "come back, you can cook when the rain falls. It's really virtuous! I'll have a good mouth in the future

Some people praise their virtuous, Zheng yuluo is particularly happy: "I just started to do, do not do very good, you do not dislike the line."

She knows that in the past year or two, Jin Xin has been taking care of Jing Zhi. Jing Zhi has a bad temper and he never cares about it.

She hasn't seen any agent who can do this, so she is grateful to Jinxin from the bottom of her heart. If Jinxin also likes to eat her dishes, it would be great.

But Jingzhi didn't have this consciousness. He said to Jin Xin discontentedly, "this is my daughter-in-law's cooking for me, mine! I want to find a wife to get married without you

"I'm not a marriageable person. What kind of marriage should I marry! At the beginning, you said that if you stuttered, you must have me. How could you forget it so quickly? "

Jinxin doesn't care what Jingzhi says. He has experienced Jingzhi's venomous tongue for a long time, and has a strong immunity.

He put the bag on the marble countertop of the kitchen, and then he rolled up his sleeves and helped Zheng yuluo stir fry dishes together.

The speed of cooking by two people has obviously accelerated a lot. Moreover, Jinxin's cooking experience is much better than Zheng yuluo and Jing Zhi. With him personally demonstrating Zheng yuluo and teaching her some small skills, Zheng yuluo has a feeling of sudden enlightenment.

In this way, the kitchen is more lively. Jinxin teaches Zheng yuluo for a while, and fights with Jingzhi at the same time. Seeing that Jingzhi doesn't avoid him at all and kisses Zheng yuluo at any time, he will deliberately sour Jingzhi.

Three people made six dishes and two soup, steaming on the table, Zheng yuluo sat in front of the table, inexplicably have a sense of satisfaction.

She felt that she would have to learn more from Jin Xin in the future. He was not only good at cooking, but also good at making soup. The most important thing was that he had lived with Jingzhi for so long, and knew Jingzhi's preferences like the palm of his hand.

For example, Jingzhi doesn't eat garlic, ginger, tomato scrambled eggs with salt, and scrambled eggs with sugar.

He didn't like all kinds of vegetables. He liked meat and seafood soup.

Many of them are unknown to Zheng yuluo. When she made scrambled eggs with tomatoes, Jing Zhi didn't say anything. She didn't mention putting sugar at all. She said it was delicious.

It's been a long time since Jingzhi had such a meal around the table with other people. He used to drink instead of eating. Even if he was forced to eat something, he was forced by Jinxin to drink a cup of protein powder.

The warm feeling of home makes Jingzhi want to cry happily. He suddenly wants to drink to celebrate their first formal dinner.

Zheng yuluo and Jin Xin refused to let him drink.

Zheng yuluo poured a glass of orange juice to Jingzhi, and then to Jinxin and himself: "OK, orange juice instead of wine, let's drink! I hope we will always be together and happy forever

Jin Xin originally did not want to see Zheng yuluo, but this night, he changed his outlook on Zheng yuluo.

She is a soft and cute little girl. She doesn't have any opinions. She can listen to all the opinions you put forward with her. She is very clever and obedient.

Speaking of words, gentle as water, eyes clear, so that Jinxin, a big old man, dare not speak to her loudly, so as not to frighten her.Close contact for a night, Jinxin suddenly some understand, why Jingzhi will like Zheng yuluo, why will always miss her.

Her personality is very suitable for Jing Zhi.

Only a person like her can make Jing Zhijian's heart soft.

Moreover, we can see that Zheng yuluo loves Jingzhi very much. We can see from some casual details that she takes Jingzhi more seriously than herself.

Jin Xin raised his glass and cheerfully called "cheers" and drank the orange juice like wine.

Jingzhi doesn't force him to drink. In fact, he still prefers oranges. Wine is what he uses to paralyze himself, not because he really likes it.

Three people eat and drink enough, Jing Zhi drives a car to take Zheng yuluo and Jin Xin to the bar.

The waiting bar has been redecorated and will resume business this evening.

Jingzhi has a special feeling for this bar. Zheng yuluo also likes it very much. So they come to play together.

Maybe it's because Jing Zhi cleaned up a large group of local ruffians today. The waiting bar has a big business today.

In such a strong bar, you can have a better time here, and you don't have to worry that someone will dare to find fault.

The owner of the bar is worth a lot of force, and his relationship is extremely hard. He injured hundreds of people. Instead of entering the Bureau, he was beaten in.

There are few people who know Jing Zhi in the bar. Before, Jing Zhi kept a low profile and was silent and cold. Except for some women who are crazy enough to chat up with him, the men don't pay any attention to him.

He was wearing a baseball cap today, with his head slightly lowered and half his face covered. He came without much attention. , the fastest update of the webnovel!