Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 121

Shangguan Ning accompanied Mi Xiaoxiao to look at several stores, but could not find her favorite dress.

When they were about to enter another store, a familiar voice came from inside.

"Lili, this dress is the most suitable for you. It's very beautiful. It makes you slimmer."

"Ha ha ha ha, isn't it? Snow, or you have the most vision! Waiter, wrap up the skirt for me. I'll take all of them, so that no one will bump into my shirt with the princess! "

As soon as the waiter heard that she wanted all of them, she was very happy. She said with a smile, "there are only two dresses in a city. You can rest assured that no one will collide with you. Even if you do, others will not be able to wear your temperament."

Shangguan Ning heard the conversation inside and pulled the MI Xiaoxiao who wanted to go in: "Xiaoxiao, let's change a store!"

Mi Xiaoxiao looked at her suspiciously: "why? Although the clothes in this shop are a little expensive, the quality is still very good. Maybe there is a skirt I like! "

"Then we can look at other stores first and come back to see this one later." Shangguanning didn't explain the reason. She didn't want to meet those two people, so as not to argue again and spoil the shopping mood today.

But the people inside didn't seem to let her go.

"Oh, look what green onion is outside, dressed like a fox spirit, come out again to seduce men!" Jilili inadvertently saw shangguanning from the fitting mirror, and immediately turned back to ridicule.

Shangguan Ning took Mi Xiaoxiao's hand and stopped.

Mi Xiaoxiao knew why shangguanning didn't go in, but she didn't speak as well as shangguanning. When she heard the people inside, she took shangguanning and walked in. Then she said rudely, "tut Tut, I say, some people feel sour when they talk. It turns out that they are too ugly and nobody wants them, but they are jealous of others' beauty! Waiter, do you still sell your clothes to such ugly people? "

Seeing the waiter's stupefied appearance, MI Xiaoxiao felt sorry for herself: "Alas, I'm blind in a good skirt. I look short and fat when I wear you. Thanks to the people around you who can still open their eyes and tell lies, I'm not like her. I don't have a conscience when talking."

In fact, Jili's skirt is knee length and high-quality lace technology. If she is tall and slim, she will look very beautiful. However, Jili is less than 1.6 meters tall and has a delicate face like a doll. Wearing this slim and mature dress completely covers her advantages and exposes her shortcomings. Moreover, this skirt is obviously of size The number is too large, it seems a little incongruous to wear on the delicate Jili.

However, Jili's character is absolutely not allowed to be said that what she wears is not good-looking, and Shangguan rouxue always flatters her. For Jili, she is happy to see her success, so as to reflect her beauty.

Where they went, Shangguan rouxue was praised and loved, because she not only dressed better than Jili, but also was gentle, tolerant and considerate in dealing with people. However, Jili's personality was obstinate, and she was not satisfied with anything. She was always beating and scolding. Everyone was afraid of her.

Shangguan Ning did not know how many times she had suffered from Shangguan rouxue. When she was with her, she was always a foil. Shangguan rouxue was the princess who attracted the attention of the public. Now she is with Jili, she is still the same. She will secretly use various means to let Jili set off her.

Ji Lili has been spoiled since childhood. She has no idea. Shangguan rouxue praises her and she will be in a flutter. At this moment, of course, she believes Shangguan rouxue's words, but she will not believe that she looks ugly in this dress.

At the moment, Xiao Xiao'er pointed to something and said, "go away! What do you say to Princess Ben! My princess looks good in everything. It's useless for you to be jealous. You two are ugly and dare to say I'm ugly. I won't tear your mouth

Shangguan rouxue rushed to stop her: "Lili, forget it, don't argue with people here, you'll be more generous, forgive him and them!"

She stopped, looked at Shangguan and showed a pitiful expression: "sister, last time my mother was wrong, she shouldn't have poured coffee on you, but she definitely didn't mean to, and you also poured it back. She was scalded all over her body. Don't you go to see her? After all, you raised her

Shangguan rouxue didn't wear sunglasses and masks today. Mi Xiaoxiao recognized her quickly.

Listening to her call shangguanning "sister", she was surprised to see shangguanning. It turned out that the famous host of a city was shangguanning's sister!

Isn't she the daughter of vice mayor of city a? So shangguanning is also the daughter of vice mayor? Thanks to such a hard supporter, thanks to the official's tight cover, no one in the company knows that she is the daughter of the vice mayor.

Now that we have met it, shangguanning has absolutely no reason to escape.

She fixed to look at Shangguan rouxue and said coldly, "Oh? She didn't mean to? Is she blind? Ha ha, she just wants to show your fiance how cruel I am. If you don't agree with me, you can pour hot water and set off your kindness. I'm a victim. Why go to see a bad guy? It's all for you that she's responsible for herself. It's nothing to do with me! ""Besides, I was raised by my mother before I was ten years old. After your mother robbed my father and forced my mother to death, my uncle helped me grow up. Your mother raised me?! Every day she tries her best to cheat me out of my inheritance, and she also prescribes medicine in my food. You think I don't know anything? "

"Don't you know how two cats and a dog in the family died? They ate my rice, slowly poisoned to death! So, don't tell me about the kindness of parenting, otherwise, the past account will not be finished

Shangguan rouxue has already sobbed and said sadly: "sister, you misunderstood me. My mother has no intention of harming you. She always treats you as her own daughter. All the good things are given to you first. I don't have any dolls you have. You wear beautiful new clothes and I wear old clothes. How can you frame her so much?"

Yes, because of all the good things, Yang Wenshu will give her, and then shangguanzheng will feel that she is generous, that Shangguan rouxue has been wronged, and then she will buy her a better one.

She is a sister who wears new clothes every time, and Shangguan rouxue wears her remaining old clothes. Everyone says that Yang Wenshu is closer to her mother than her own mother. Only she knows that Shangguan rouxue's new clothes are moldy in the cabinet. Every time she goes out to meet people, she will change into old clothes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!