Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 426 - 426: You’ll Make A Mess

The man with the silver pistol had a silver fox mask on. He held the gun and raised it to shoot at the pigeons in the air. Then he fired another shot. The white feathers were stained with blood. The pigeon lay on the lawn. One drop; two drops; the blood scattered.

Avery couldn't help yelling. Both men turned back at her.

Evan froze for a bit and asked with care.

"What are you doing here?"

Avery was released to see Evan in one piece. That was all she hoped for.

But she was in such a panic, and her face turned pale. It was like she was terribly shocked. Evan noticed.

He never knew Avery could be so horrified. He walked over to hold her up.

"What's wrong? Why are your hands so cold? Why are you running about? You're hurt."

Avery shook her head. She dreamt that he was shot and lay in a pool of blood. The fear was overwhelming that it lingered in her heart. She thought something terrible happened to him. But he was okay. Avery had to hold back her care and worry. She pushed his hands off.

Avery wasn't dreaming. Evan was neither shot at nor hurt...

The man with the mask didn't shoot at Evan's direction. Instead...

Avery's look followed the gun, and she was shocked again!

A woman in a white nightgown lay on the ground with blood all over her body. She kept crawling. Avery could see her shoulders shivering because of fear.

Evan reached out, and his thick and wide palms covered Avery's look.

"Don't see it."

"What happened?"

Evan stood in front of Avery to stop her from seeing the bloody scene.

"None of your business. I'll take you back."

Evan looked down at her hurt feet. He bent over to pick Avery up. Avery didn't have time to respond, and she was in the air suddenly. She screamed in a low voice. And she put her arms around Evan's neck to keep steady.

Evan smiled because of Avery's actions. Avery had such a sharp tongue. But occasionally, she would be gentle.

Avery looked at the girl covered in blood over Evan's shoulders. She took a closer look than before. At the same time, she looks changed!

Avery immediately patted Evan on his shoulder.

"What's wrong with her? Is she shot? Why is she covered in blood? Let me down. I have to check on her."

Avery kept struggling, and Evan had to put her down. But he put his hands on her shoulders.

"Don't go over there! Let them fix their problems. You'll only make a mess."

"She's covered in blood. She'll die!"

Suddenly, the girl's name hit Evan. His look changed instantly.

"You care about her because she is Andrew's sister?"

"It's not the time for jealousy. Jessica is important to me. I don't want her dead!"

"What can you do?"

Evan grabbed Avery's arms. He was determined to stop her.

In the far distance, Jessica, covered in blood, got up, and started running. The man fired the gun in the air. Shots were heard.

The pigeons were hit and fell on top of Jessica. She was too frightened and kept waving her hands to dust off the pigeons.

Was she wrong?

Avery vaguely heard the mask man's laughter. He laughed like a small boy who made a prank and couldn't help gloating off.

"She's not hurt, Jessica."

Evan held Avery in his arms and whispered in her ears.

"It is pigeons' blood."

"Why does he shoot at pigeons?" Was he sane?

"It's his punishment for the misbehaved woman."

"Are all men sadistic? Do you honestly believe you can conquer them? That's nonsense! Only an incapable man thinks like this."

Avery was righteous. She was not impressed with the man who resorted to coercion to force a woman.

Evan stared at Avery, who suddenly became angry.

"Maybe it's just he doesn't realize how important she is to him."

"That's an excuse. How could you bear to see that someone you like is suffering? No matter what mistake the woman makes, it is her man's fault when she starts crying."

Evan paid full attention to what Avery said. He chewed her word over and over and said.

"It's my fault that you cry."

Avery shoved him off.

"What does it matter to you?"

Then Avery looked not far away.

"Here comes someone that you upset."

Evan looked over. Rebecca came over, near them.

"Evan, there you are. Where do the shots come from? What's going on? Who fired them?"

Rebecca came to Evan and put her arms around his.

"Hi, Avery."

Avery ignored her and kept looking for Jessica.

Rebecca followed her and mumbled.

"What's going on with my brother? Why does he shoot at his valentine early in the morning? It's so noisy."

Jessica got up from the lawn and kept running. The masked man was behind her like a demon. He laughed out evilly. The laughter echoed in the air. It was like Satan was coming.

He shot at the pigeons sometimes, which shocked Jessica more, and she couldn't stop screaming.

Suddenly, Jessica was tripped over on a garden hose.

The faucet was left open, and water kept bursting out.

In a rush of emotions, Jessica took the hose and aimed at the man's mask. Jessica squeezed the head of the hose. The water streams came out fast and strongly. The man's mask was washed off.

The man covered his face subconsciously. He took steps back because of the force.

There were numerous drops in the air. Soon the bloody scene was left behind. It seemed like they were a couple flirting ignorant of others.

Avery watched it in surprise. The man's mask was washed off so she could finally see his face.

He was the personal bodyguard of Jessica. He brought an unusual presence at first sight. He was like a royal member.

He was James Moore!

Maybe the shock was too great for Avery that everything between the sky and earth froze. Every figure was vague except the man and his face. Avery could match it to her memory.