Beneath the Embroidered Brocade

-2 Glossary


-Eastern Jin Kingdom/ Great Jin Dynasty

Ruling clan with the surname Jin

-Northern Wei Kingdom/ Great Wei Dynasty

Ruling clan with the surname Wei

-Southern Mo Kingdom/ Great Mo Dynasty

Ruling clan with the surname Mo


Currency: Usually measured in pieces, coin, taels (ingots)

Copper (Least value)



Gold (Holds the most value)


Eighteen weapons: Main weapons used in ancient times

-Bow (弓)

-Crossbow (弩)

-Spear (槍)

-Single-edged sword (刀)

-Double-edged sword (劍)

-Ancient style spear (矛)

-Shield (盾)

-Ax (斧)

-Greataxe (鉞)

-Dagger halberd (戟)

-Round bar mace or iron whip (鞭)

-Bar mace (鐗)

-Pole pick (撾)

-Spiked Mace (殳)

-Trident (叉)

-Rake (耙)

-Rope (綿繩套索)

-Barehanded (白打)



Zhen: How an Emperor refers to himself

Furen: What a married woman is called