Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO

Chapter 1601 - Just The Thought Of It Made Me Shudder.

Chapter 1601: Just The Thought Of It Made Me Shudder.

Fei Rui shook his head gently to show that he was fine. Then he asked Gu Mengmeng, if it was you, would you accept someone you don’t like so that you could escape?

Gu Mengmeng really wanted to shake her head and say with confidence that she won’t. If it was five years ago when she had just come to the Beast World, she might really say this.

But the experience during the past five years had taught her to accept reality.

Imagine if Cole had imprisoned her and forced her to become his partner?

Hah, in order for her to escape to land to meet with Elvis and Lea, she would definitely agree to become partners with a mermaid.

It was not just about her defying with her life at stake, there was still Elvis and Lea’s life tied to hers. In her womb, there was still another child’s life.

If she had died, Elvis and Lea would be suffering pain worse than death. They would go crazy and destroy the entire Beast World, including themselves.

And Gu Mengmeng cannot let such things happen. So her answer was obvious – she would definitely accept a mermaid as her partner in order to escape.

Even though she hesitated, she eventually nodded her head and said, “If it was me, I would do it.”

She could feel that Elvis’ arms, that were around her, had tightened.

She turned back to look at Elvis. His face was straight and solemn. As though he had hesitated for a lot, he said cautiously, “You did right.”

Gu Mengmeng stayed in Elvis’ arms and smiled lightly, “But this scenario won’t happen to us. Lea and you are both Beast Kings, there would almost be no chance of trying to kidnap me under your watch.”

Fei Rui laughed and did not expose the truth.

In fact, if one did not care about the outcome, it was still possible.

For example, they were both underwater now. Even if Elvis and Lea were Beast Kings, but in this depth underwater, there was no chance of them moving agilely.

They just had to burst the oxygen bubble around the two of them to easily capture Gu Mengmeng.

But in this deep sea, all the mermaids had become faithful to Gu Mengmeng. No matter how much they desired becoming her partner, they would not go to such extreme.

This was the difference between a mermaid and a snake beast.

Fei Rui knew that given Gu Mengmeng and Lea’s intelligence, it was impossible for them to not consider this possibility, but they had given the mermaids their utmost trust. As such, they dared to dive down with them to this place that was this dangerous to them.

This trust was very precious and the mermaid tribe treasured it extremely, that’s why they would not do anything to break it.

Since they would not do it, then why did they say those suspicious words?

So Fei Rui kept his gaze and continued looking at the Kiss of the Ocean, saying, “The female did not escape blindly. Even though she was in the deep sea, she had obtained a way to communicate with the outside world through the mermaid. Her partner found the seaside and fought with the snake beast. He risked his life to fight and hold back the snake beast, while the mermaid took her away using this opportunity.”

Gu Mengmeng held her chin up as she listened to this story. Although Fei Rui said it calmly, it made her feel emotional as she heard it.

Little shit’s capability had already reached the level of a demigod. How much had Wang Xiaoxin’s partner risked to hold him back so that she could have the chance to escape?

Just the thought of it made her shudder.

With little shit’s hot temper, it seemed like he would not stop at all in a fight.

Chapter 1602: A Fool’s Dream

“After the female successfully escaped ashore, the mermaid unfortunately could not leave with her.” Fei Rui continued, “Because once they were on land, the mermaid no longer had an advantage over fighting. Not only was he unable to protect her, it was highly likely that he would be a burden to her as well. He could not let the chance that he had sacrificed so much for her to escape, to go to waste. So the mermaid decided to let the female leave herself, whereas he returned to the sea to hold back the snake beast and fight for a chance to save her partners. Even if only one of her partners could survive and leave, it was still a very precious blessing to her.”

Gu Mengmeng took notice of this key point – Wang Xiaoxin had agreed to become partners with the mermaid but before they could actualise it, they were separated.

In other words, the mermaid could not make a breakthrough in the restrictions of his level and the highest level he could reach was the third-level.

A third-level orc challenging a demigod snake beast, hah, it would even be an exaggeration to call it a challenge, it was practically suicide. With little shit’s fighting style, a simple sweep of his tail would instantly crush him into fish balls.

“Of course, the mermaid was no match for the snake beast, but he still managed to stop him, because he told the snake beast… He had stolen away the female while the snake beast was not around and only he knew where she was hiding.” Fei Rui turned his head to look at Gu Mengmeng and said, “This lie is very lousy, right? If he had really stolen away the female, why did he return to walk right into the trap? Wouldn’t the normal choice be running away? But probably because the mermaid tribe was usually honest and won’t lie, or because the snake beast was overwhelmed with rage and could not differentiate a lie in an emotional state. In any case, the mermaid’s lie successfully distracted the snake beast into chasing after him. In order to fight for a chance for her partners to escape, he continued to swim deeper into the ocean…”

Indeed, the mermaid had an advantage in speed when underwater, but this advantage would only exist when their capabilities did not differ much.

If little shit was a third-level or fourth-level beast, the mermaid’s strategy would have a likelihood of succeeding.

But little shit was a demigod at that time. With such a great difference in their level, it was sufficient to overcome the advantage that he had as a mermaid.

Moreover, little shit was not an ordinary land beast, it was also considered his territory underwater. It was practically a fool’s dream for the mermaid to want to earn time by swimming faster than little shit.

True enough…

Fei Rui continued his story, “Sadly, the mermaid was caught by the snake beast before he could get far. But the snake beast did not kill him. Instead, the snake beast hung him and the female’s partners on the shore to force her to return. The female did not run too far away and had been hiding nearby the whole time. When she saw her partners and the mermaid caught and in life-danger, she eventually appeared in front of the snake beast.”

Gu Mengmeng had guessed this. Even though Wang Xiaoxin was terrifyingly rational, she was not someone who was so selfish that she would not care about other’s lives, especially when those who were caught were her partners.

Fei Rui stayed silent for a while, then said, “The female ate the black pearl that was covered in the snake beast’s venom and needed the snake beast to give her the antidote every day, otherwise she would be poisoned to death. All this for the exchange of her partners’ safety. The snake beast never locked the female underwater again, and allowed her to stay on land with her partners, except that she needed to return to his side every sunset to obtain the antidote.”

“In order for the snake beast to lower his guards, the female cooperated. Until one day, the mermaid who had returned to the sea to look for the antidote came back…”