Beautiful Siren: Conquering Bloodthirsty Guy


Thinking about all this terrible consequences, Mei Xiang felt her entire body turn cold.

"Be careful. If you do good work for me, you will benefit greatly!"

Seeing her terrified expression, Miao You Ran warned her softly once more.

Mei Xiang repeatedly expressed her sincerity before leaving in a hurry.

When he was about to leave, he bumped into a new servant girl. When that person saw her face, he quickly retracted his curses.

Although it was a new arrival, she still felt strange. The person who just entered was obviously the servant girl who just came back with the owner of the East District. Why did she come over to the matriarch's side?

Seeing her expression, the mama glanced at her with a dignified look, "There are some things in this Prime Minister's Palace that you should pretend you didn't see. Otherwise, you will never understand how you died one day!"

This mama usually treated her quite well, so when she reminded her, she was so scared that she immediately shrank to the side. I didn't see anything! "

"Why haven't you woken up yet? The medicine which was given to her according to the dosage, as well as the poison in it, should also be used pretty quickly. Logically speaking, you should have woken up by now, right? "

Xuanyuan QIyuan asked indifferently, but the old man who he had heard before broke out in a cold sweat. It's not that I don't want to do my best, but that I really should wake up. But it's been two days and she's still unconscious. From what I can see, this is because the young miss is unwilling to wake up, which is why such a situation has occurred. "

Wiping away the sweat on his face, the old man's legs went limp.

He had been a doctor in the Prime Minister's Estate for many years, but he had never been so nervous before. The reason for this was because Xuanyuan QIyuan would come visit him every day and ask him about it. Slowly, it created an invisible psychological pressure on him.

"Hmph, you're already an old man in my residence. Still trying to find an excuse even at a time like this." Don't think that just because I don't know this kind of medicine you can coax me. "

Xuanyuan QIyuan was a little impatient. He had always been pleasant to talk to people in the residence, but this time, his tone had become harsh.

This time, the old man was so scared that his legs went soft. Putong! He fell to his knees and kowtowed continuously, "Prime Minister, I will coax no one!" If I hadn't been able to make you wise and discerning, I would still be a folk doctor in the countryside. Miss really did not want him to wake up, which was why she was in this situation. This should be because she had lost all will to live, which was why she chose to live happily in her dreams. Actually, she did not walk out of her beautiful dream. "

Xuanyuan QIyuan's body trembled. He had not expected such a situation to occur.

It seemed that she really did feel that she would be able to obtain all kinds of relief if she died. He would never let her die.

With a wave of his hand, this old man who had been frightened out of his wits withdrew. With a dark look in his eyes, he walked towards me.

Because there was everything she wanted in the dream, she slept very peacefully. It was also very steady, looking at her smiling face like a flower, as if she was facing all the beautiful things.

Thus, she would rather sleep in a beautiful dream than wake up.

He used his hand to pinch her off her horse, causing a white mark to appear on the flesh.

"Gu Feng'er, it won't be that easy for you to die. Even if you want to die, I'll let the other living dead die first. If you were willing to wake up, perhaps you and I would have a way to save your father. However, if you die, do you think that you die alone? And your poor old father. Haha … I am a demon, I am your creditor. You cannot and cannot die before I let you die. Unless you can move me and make me willingly let you go. "

As he spoke, the strength in his hands increased.

With his hideous and distorted facial features and his slightly scarlet eyes, it made him look like a demon that was about to devour blood.

It was unknown if it was because his words were useful or because it caused her to feel pain, but Feng'er, who had been sleeping all this time, let out a soft snort at this moment.

Her light and elegant eyebrows were also knit together. Seeing her like this, Xuanyuan QIyuan was overjoyed.

The face that had been angry a moment ago was now filled with sunlight. Those eyes, in particular, were scorching hot.

"Good, very good. You finally woke up."

He turned and strode out of the room, no longer waiting at her side.

When Mei Xiang, who was carrying hot water in, saw her master coming out with an excited expression, she immediately ran inside.

What he saw was Feng'er gently swinging her head.

"Great, great, looks like young miss is about to wake up." "It's not wrong to take care of him every day, this …"

Clutching her eyes, Mei Xiang's tears also began to flow.

Even though she had told her everything about Feng Er in front of Miao You Ran, she still had feelings for him after spending so much time with him.

Seeing her finally awaken from that state of slumber, she felt indescribably happy.

Feng'er only felt that she had dreamt for a long time.

In the dream, he was still that carefree, carefree little girl who was deeply doted on by her family.

His mother, his father, and even the granny who always had an unpleasant expression on her face, were all smiling at him.

He went out with his mother every day to play. He had his father's broken kite with him, and there was also a little boy on the other side, Elsa.

That guy was running and jumping around, making a ruckus. From time to time, butterflies would fly over.

They flew together with the kite, looking at the kite getting taller and taller, their own laughter also getting louder and louder.

At this time, his mother waved to him, and his father took her hand, telling him that he had to take care and not be too willful.

Don't, don't leave me, take me with you.

He wanted to go with them, regardless of everything. His mother and father were discussing something in a low voice. It seemed as if they were discussing about their departure. In the end, his mother waved to him, indicating that he should follow her.

Red leaves continuously drifted over, along with countless butterflies that swirled around them.

Just as he was about to hold his mother's hand, he heard a loud roar coming from behind him.

Feng'er, no one wants to leave, and I forbid you from leaving. In this life, you were born for me, and you died because of me.

You can't and won't leave without permission until I let you go.

The flying leg was being grasped by someone. He continuously tried to break free, trying to break free from the restraints, but his other hand reached out as well.

From the looks of it, it seemed to be that brat, Elsa.

Let me go, let me go, I want to go with my mother.

She watched as her mother continued to fly upwards, but she was holding on tightly to her mother. This time, she was truly anxious.

He wanted to get rid of this man who dared to disobey him.

"Arsa, you bastard …"

Feng'er woke up, and before she could open her eyes, she let out an earth-shattering roar. Hearing this, Mei Xiang and the doctor froze on the spot. She would never have thought that after falling unconscious for so long, she would wake up again in such a valiant manner.

It had been hidden in the darkness all this time, but when it heard the sound of Alsa, its body trembled slightly. He flew down from the bed and looked at Feng Er, who was lying on the bed with her eyes still open. Why, why is that strong sense of familiarity returning to my mind again? Why does this name sound so familiar to me? "

He kept asking himself in his heart, his dark eyes filled with pain. Mei Xiang, who was at the side, thought that Feng Er had woken up, which was why she did such a sudden action. She turned around and shouted at him, "Hurry up and inform the lord that Miss has woken up! She has woken up!"

He was in the dark, struggling to think, when he heard Mei Xiang's call. He turned around and rushed outside.

Even when he reached the courtyard, he continued to mutter under his breath.

The first time he saw Feng'er, he felt that she was very familiar, very familiar to him. At that time, he only thought that it was because he had less contact with women. But today, when he heard her call out his name, he was shocked again.

No, his background was definitely wrong. There was something about it that he did not know about.

Not far away, he saw Xuan Yuan standing by the lakeside, watching as Lin He lightly swayed about. He quietly stepped forward and reported, "My Lord, she has awoken!"

Xuanyuan QIyuan did not make a sound nor respond to him. He only stared blankly at the lotus flowers in front of him.

The two of them just stood there. When the wind blew from the lake, it gave off a slight chill. After a while, Xuanyuan Qiyuan softly asked himself as if he were mumbling to himself or perhaps he was asking about the darkness behind him.

"What do I need to do to make her willingly submit to me? In a barbaric way, or Huai Rou's way? Tender feelings for her, and tender feelings for her … "

The darkness did not answer, because he knew that he could not answer this question. This answer had long since formed in his lord's heart. It was just that he was wandering around.

The instant she opened her eyes, Feng'er saw Xuanyuan Qiyuan. There was not the slightest emotion in her eyes. It was as if she had really only been sleeping for one or two days.

Mei Xiang, who was standing to one side, and the old man in the manor laughed when they saw her open her eyes.

The old man continuously shook his beard as he laughed, "Haha …" This is good, this is good! "The prime minister is wise, once he steps out, he can wake the miss up from her slumber."

Hearing these words, Feng Er slightly frowned. Right now, her head was still in a state of confusion. She couldn't quite remember a lot of the things that had happened before. He only knew that his beautiful dream had been disturbed. This made her feel very unhappy. Thus, when she heard that he had been woken up by Xuanyuan QIyuan, she did not have the slightest trace of happiness on his face.

Feng Er stared at him powerlessly, then dejectedly closed her eyes again. If only I didn't wake up! "