Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 821: A New Era (End of the book)

In the Pantheon, the six Titans, with the assistance of the throne, relying on Andrea\'s positioning and extreme delay, worked together in a weak state to pull Sargeras back from the distant star universe and seal it.

Returning with the sealed light is the demon hunter hanging on Sargeras.

When the Demon King uttered his final unwilling roar and was sealed into the underground of the Pantheon, Illidan, who had experienced long-distance interstellar travel again, was already weak in his feet.


Seeing Sargeras disappearing in the seal with his own eyes, Illidan collapsed on the gorgeous floor of the Pantheon made of unknown materials, with a relieved smile on his face.

Aman\'Thul also breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the half-demon who returned with Sargeras with great interest.

"Demon Hunter, don\'t you plan to return to your home planet?"

Illidan struggled to sit up, and the twin blades of Azzinoth, which he never left his hands, were placed by his sides.

"No, my long-cherished wish, my goal in life is to witness the end of Sargeras with my own eyes. Since he was only sealed but not dead, I have the obligation to continue to be his jailer."

Aman\'Thul and the other titans exchanged glances, and after a while they basically came to an agreement.

The father of the gods promised Illidan as a representative, "Yes, you will become the first mortal who is eligible to stay in the Pantheon. I, Aman\'Thul, in the name of the Pantheon, grant you the authority to guard Sargeras. "

Illidan\'s departure had long been expected by Andrea.

This demon hunter is too stubborn, his outlook on life is just like his own persistent feelings, once he has identified a goal, he will never give up.

When Malfurion, who stayed behind in Azeroth, heard the news from Azshara, he was silent for a while.


The archdruid sighed with a very complicated expression.

No matter how different the ideas are between the two, they are brothers of the same mother after all.

Illidan voluntarily went to the Pantheon to guard Sargeras, and he didn\'t know when he would meet again next time.

Tyrande held Malfurion\'s hand and comforted, "The night elves have a long enough lifespan. I believe that one day in the future we will meet Illidan again."

Malfurion adjusted his breathing, calming down the complicated thoughts in his heart, "I know, let\'s not talk about this, how is Andrea\'s situation?"

Azshara shrugged gracefully, "It\'s in good condition, but it\'s still in hibernation to complete the final attunement with Gesarak. This sword of order doesn\'t seem to be easy to control."

According to the information given by the Titans of the Pantheon, within the scope of their known material universe, there is no weapon that is stronger than the dark judge Gesarak.

Sargeras once used this sword to destroy a planet that was deeply parasitized by the ancient gods, and the power of the dark judge can be imagined.

However, because of the dark emotions in Sargeras\' heart when he drew the sword, he buried the hidden danger of Gesarak\'s active split.

After wandering in the universe for countless years, Gesarak finally has a new master, which is exciting news for the forces of order in the entire universe.

"The Pantheon is temporarily closed, and the severely injured Titans need time to recuperate."

"Argus was completely destroyed under the active catalysis of Kil\'jaeden. The Burning Legion was seriously injured in this expedition and raid, and began to fall apart. The demon legions scattered in various stars stood on their own hills one after another."

Malfurion leaned back in his chair and heaved a sigh of relief. "In the future, the entire material universe should have a period of peace. It is thanks to the hard work of the soldiers of the expedition that we can achieve what we have achieved today."

"Of course, the most important credit still goes to Andrea who planned all this."

Maiev gave a rare smile, and turned her head to look in the direction of Moon Shadow Manor, "I just don\'t know how long it will take for our great hero to wake up from his sleep."

Andrea didn\'t know where her consciousness sank.

Indeed, as Azshara said, he completed all the attunement steps with Geshalak in hibernation.

While fully mastering Gesarak\'s power, Andrea officially became the new master of the Dark Judge.

But this process did not actually take long. Andrea drifted unconsciously in a misty unknown space for a long period of time afterwards, and for some reason could not wake up from hibernation.

When he finally saw a little light shining through the endless fog, Andrea, who was in a daze, immediately concentrated on reaching out to the distance.

But at this moment, Andrea\'s soul was stimulated by a sharp sense of threat like a needle, as if there was some kind of extremely dangerous existence behind this blurred light.

At the very moment, a beam of soft moon-white light shrouded Andrea\'s body, and he felt that his soul body was rapidly moving away from the unknown space that continued to emit dangerous premonitions.

Vaguely, Andrea heard an unwilling roar coming from behind the fog.


The scenery in front of me changed dramatically in the next second, the gray mist completely dissipated, replaced by a group of gorgeous palaces in the style of the Temple of Olympus.

"here is…"

Andrea looked up and looked around in surprise.

The gray mist that I have seen before is all around the outside of the temple complex. The buildings built in the mountains seem to be forcibly opened by some unknown force, and the surrounding mist cannot invade at all.

Gesarak\'s weapon spirit has been following Andrea after completing the attunement. At this time, it reminded vigilantly, "Master, please be careful. If I guess correctly, this place should be located outside the material universe and has not yet been opened. out of the unknown world."


Familiar laughter came from the depths of the desolate and deserted palace, "I didn\'t expect you to stray into the chaotic space in an unconscious state. If I didn\'t find out and pull you over in time, you would have been torn apart by those hungry lords of the void." It\'s in pieces."

Andrea\'s face moved, "Eluen?"


The same doubt came from a different existence. Gesarak had already guessed who this existence was, but its tone seemed a little weird.

"You call her Elune? Is this a brand-new alias that the lord used on a material planet?"

Andrea looked at the dark judge in her hand unexpectedly, "Do you know her true identity?"

"Of course I know, but..."

Gesarak\'s sword automatically pointed forward, "I won\'t do it for you, let her explain it to you herself."

There is no breath of life in the entire gorgeous palace group. Although the surrounding temples are beautifully built, it is obvious that no one has settled in.

In front of the largest temple at the top of the palace complex, Andrea could clearly see a woman in a moon-white dress sitting on her throne, looking at herself with smiling eyes.

Andrea was not unfamiliar with the beautiful and elegant appearance that did not lose to Azshara. Since the statue in Moonlight City was built, he has seen it countless times in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Before Andrea could straighten out his thoughts, he was forcibly teleported in front of him by the master of the temple in the next second.

"I didn\'t expect that with the help of Gesarak, you could break through the restrictions of the material universe and enter this chaotic space."

Elune raised her legs and looked at Andrea with a smile, "Let me remind you first, there is nothing here except me and the whole palace, it\'s very boring, do you need me to take you back?"

Andrea also nodded with a smile, "Of course, my family is still waiting for me, but before that, can you tell me your real name?"

Elune tilted her head, a mischievous smile curled up at the corner of her mouth.

"Now is not the time for you to go to the chaotic space to open up a new world, but with the power of chaos and Gesarak under your control, that day will come sooner or later."

"Go back, go back to your family, remember to take more time to chat with me and Azeroth."

Andrea\'s soul body clearly felt the sense of falling from his feet, and before his consciousness returned to his body, Elune\'s leisurely voice came from afar.

"All conscious souls in the universe are under my jurisdiction, and the gods outside the sky, including the Void Lord, call me...the Lord of All Souls."

"But this title doesn\'t sound good, and I personally don\'t like it."

Elune said meaningfully, "Based on the many stories you told me over the years, I thought of a good name, how about... you can call me Alaya."

"Wake up! Finally woke up!"

After the consciousness returned to the body, Andrea immediately heard the noise from the surroundings.

Opening his eyes, the first thing that appeared in front of his eyes were three beautiful faces with their own characteristics. The years had not left any traces on their faces, and the three of them still maintained their youthful looks.

"Santis, Seres, and Azshara."

Andrea rubbed his temples and sat up on the bed, and the considerate Celeste hurriedly helped him raise the cushion behind him.

"How long have I been asleep?"

Compared with the relieved Shandris, Azshara\'s attitude was obviously more indifferent. She never thought that Andrea would not be able to sleep because of this.

Shandris shook her husband\'s hand and replied with a smile, "One year and 213 days, you missed the grand ceremony to celebrate the victory of the Battle of Argus."

Andrea shook her head dismissively and smiled, "It doesn\'t matter, as long as everything goes well, I\'m not interested in these formalistic things."

Following Andrea\'s awakening, Moon Shadow Manor was in a state of chaos.

Aurora led the grown-up Reinhardt and hurried over. Seeing that his father finally woke up from his deep sleep, the little guy immediately showed a happy smile on his face. Andrea pounced.


"Oh! My good son."

Leticia, Onyxia and Lunara who happened to be guests at home also poured in one after another, followed by a rather strange pair of maids, Vashki and Xalatas.

Holding Reinhard up with a smile, it is said that Fandral, Malfurion and others are about to leave their work and come. Andrea looks at the relatives and friends in the room with a gratified smile on his face.

‘Spirit of all things, Alaya? \'

Put aside Elune\'s words for the time being, as Elune said, there is still a long way to go before he goes to the chaotic space to open up a new world.

Jumping up from the bed with Reinhardt in his arms, Andrea twisted her body, which had not moved for a long time, and there was a crisp "click" sound when the bones moved.

"The Burning Legion falls apart, and the greatest threat in the physical universe is history."

"The mighty era of interstellar voyages is about to begin, and the glory of the orderly world will spread throughout the material universe. Everyone, welcome the arrival of a new era with me!"

(End of the book)