Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 793: through the stars

Ulduar and Pandaria\'s cramped soldiers are stuck in the bottleneck of insufficient materials, and it is difficult to raise more resources for construction in a short period of time while ensuring the supply of the army.

Algalon\'s information sent back to Azeroth from the Sanctuary of Life is still continuing. The Burning Legion has discovered the different space where Eonar is hiding and has begun to send troops to attack.

However, since the Burning Legion is now leaderless, the army attacking the Sanctuary of Life lacks a unified command, and the offensive situation is somewhat chaotic, and it is temporarily unable to break through the Sanctuary of Life\'s defense.

But this situation is only temporary. Once Sargeras, who has retreated and corrupted the soul of the titan, knows the news, he will definitely use his army to launch a fierce attack on the Sanctuary of Life.

Time was running out, and although there were still some final preparations to be made, Andrea decided to send the vanguard to the star area where Argus was located to support the Sanctuary of Life.

Following Andrea\'s order, the Artemis Naval Port began to operate at full speed, soldiers from various countries officially started the boarding process, and dozens of space battleships took off from the base.

Demon hunter Illidan stood on the top floor of the Anarchis Mage Tower, pouring a large amount of fel energy into the Sargerite Keystone with a serious face.

The green spar began to spin faster, and a huge space gate gradually opened on the outer layer of the planet Azeroth.

Through the space gate, one can intuitively observe the scene on the opposite side, and a planet that has been riddled with evil energy has appeared in front of everyone\'s eyes.

The Draenei headed by Velen opened their mouths in disbelief, "This is the current Argus?"

Argus, who appeared in front of Velen and others, seemed to have been devoured by some kind of huge monster.

The surface of the planet is covered with large and small gaps, and there is very little complete land. The earth that has been deeply corroded by evil energy emits a creepy green shimmer.

Andrea shook his head sympathetically, and waved his hand to open a shadow passage. "Prophet, there is no time to feel sorry, let\'s go first."

Through the Shadow Passage, representatives of the various races of the Crusade on Argus straddled the vast distance between Azeroth and the Blue Children, appearing directly on the bridge of the fleet flagship Enterprise.

Compared with the flying battleships used in the atmosphere, the bridge of the Starship Enterprise is very wide, enough to accommodate hundreds of people at the same time.

When Andrea and other high-level coalition forces arrived, the crew members in the bridge were already busy, and the fleet was about to depart, and all coordination and command orders had to be issued from this flagship.

The first batch of vanguards took up one-third of the total fleet, led by Andrea himself.

The follow-up main force was entrusted by him to Jarod to lead. Once the final preparations were completed, they immediately rushed to the star area where Argus was located for reinforcements through the portal.

Including Azshara, it was the first time for representatives of various races to board a spaceship for interstellar voyages. When the fleet was making final preparations before takeoff, these curious babies, led by the crew responsible for guiding them, began to fly in the spaceship. visit.

Of course, for most alien races, the more important areas such as the power room and energy storage room of the spaceship are not open.

Andrea was not as leisurely as others. After boarding the Enterprise, he immediately took over the command and took over the preparations of the entire fleet.

"94% of the vanguard fleet preparations have been completed, and the final preparations are expected to be completed within thirteen minutes."

Andrea nodded solemnly, "Very well, inform all the vanguard warships, turn on the repulsion power furnace, and prepare to pass through the portal at any time."

Ten minutes passed quickly, and Azshara and other visitors returned to the bridge after hearing the announcement in the ship.

Actions in a state of weightlessness amazed many first-timers, but now is not the time for them to slowly experience space roaming.

While buckling up her seat belt, Andrea reminded, "Everyone, please fasten your seat belts, the fleet is about to depart!"

The CIC of the bridge also reported the situation to Andrea at this time, "The repulsion power furnace has entered the state of maximum power operation, please get ready to simulate the start of the gravity system."

Everyone who was originally floating on the seat felt that they were being pulled back to the seat at the same time, and the familiar gravity gave them the illusion of returning to the ground.

Andrea continued to order "The whole ship advances with 30% engine propulsion, and the fleet forms a formation to pass through the portal!"

The tails of dozens of warships ejected dazzling tail flames at the same time and escaped from the star port of the Artemis base. They passed through the portal opened by the Sargerite Keystone at an unhurried speed, and entered the opposite Argus sector. .

"Adjust the course, turn on the automatic navigation, fully open the engine, the target, the shelter of life!"

"Yes! The engine is fully turned on, and the automatic navigation is turned on!"

The training of Enterprise and the crew of the entire fleet in the past few months has not been in vain. The fleet has skillfully turned around in Xingyu, which is still some distance away from Argus.

This star area has already been completely controlled by the Burning Legion, and the uninvited guest from Azeroth came, and the fel fleet defending the star area immediately responded accordingly.

After receiving the alarm, the CIC immediately reported loudly to the entire fleet, "There are fel battleships sailing from the star port of the Argus satellite, the number is 22, and the main ones are cruisers!"

"Don\'t panic!"

Even after undergoing rigorous training and exercises, it was the first time that the crew of this expeditionary fleet actually participated in an interstellar battle.

Andrea issued an order calmly, "We are sailing at full speed before the enemy. They will not be able to catch up in a short time, so keep moving forward! Try to defeat the legion warships besieging the Sanctuary of Life before the pursuers from behind arrive!"


Just like what Andrea said, when the expedition fleet left at full speed, the fel warships of the legion had just started to accelerate, and they could only watch the invaders\' fleet disappear before their eyes.

The Life Shelter where Algalon sent the signal was not far from Argus, and Eonar probably chose to build a temporary shelter so close because she wanted to save her companions.

When the fleet arrived near the coordinate location, more than a dozen fel battleships were sparsely scattered in the universe, and the Life Sanctuary that had emerged from the subspace blocked the enemy\'s attack with the power of life shield propped up by Eonar. Fel bombardment.

"Open all the gun doors and shoot down the enemy warship!"


As soon as the fleet approached the sanctuary of life, the vanguard fleet of the expeditionary force immediately protruded from the spaceship with countless muzzles, powered by the elimination power furnace, and countless energy beams neatly launched attacks on the fel battleships with irregular formations.

The fel warship attacking the Sanctuary of Life, UU Reading and the fleet that was chasing hard behind the expeditionary force are not under the control of the same legion general.

When the two sides got in touch with each other through remote communication equipment to pass the news, the fleet of the Azeroth Expeditionary Force was already approaching the Sanctuary of Life.

The fel warships that didn\'t have time to turn their heads were beaten to the brink of embarrassment, and many warships simply exploded into huge **** of fire in the universe.

Andrea turned to look at Raiden who had shrunk his body down to the size of a mortal. "Ray, get in touch with Algalon immediately, and ask the life-giver to grant us teleportation authority."

"no problem."

The titan guardians have their own set of communication channels, and when they are close enough, they can get in touch directly without the aid of equipment.

A few seconds later, Layden opened his closed eyes. "Okay, the teleportation coordinates have been sent to all warships, and they are ready to go at any time."

Andrea unfastened her seat belt, stood up and ordered loudly, "Assault team starts teleporting! Eliminate the enemies inside the shelter as soon as possible!"

"After destroying the remaining battleships of the Legion, the fleet immediately turned around and got ready for the battle!"

Andrea turned to look at Tyrande, "High Priest, the fleet will be handed over to you for the time being."

Tyrande did not contradict Andrea at the critical moment, and nodded solemnly, "No problem, you also have to be careful."

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