Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 785: sublimation

Immersed in his own sea of ​​consciousness, Andrea knew nothing about the outside world.

As the understanding of the rules of the power of chaos deepened, Andrea gradually felt something strange.

At first, he thought that the power of chaos was the representative of destructive power, possessing invincible attack power, and the power he comprehended was also related to attack.

But the facts proved that there was an error in his understanding. The power of chaos is not just pure destruction, it also has surprising power of creation.

With the epiphany of the true source of the power of chaos, Andrea clearly felt a pulling force, his body was calling for his flying soul.

Obedient to this suction force, Andrea\'s soul re-integrated with her body in the meditation room located underground in Moon Shadow Manor.

Gray clouds enveloped his body, and the council members who were dealing with official duties in the Great Moon Temple felt an indescribably amazing energy gathering somewhere underground in Anakis.

Maiev stood up first in surprise, "That direction is... Moon Shadow Manor?"

Tyrande closed her eyes and communicated with Elune, a relieved smile gradually appeared on her face, "It seems that Andrea won in the end."

The star soul of Azeroth also laughed happily, feeling the joy of the star soul, and the elements that have integrated into the material world also showed different degrees of joy.

In the next few years, Azeroth will be nourished by the cooperation between Star Soul and the four elements, and the population growth rate of the entire planet will reach a new high.

Andrea retracted the front foot to start the final finishing sublimation, and the center of the endless sea also changed accordingly.

The spreading weird space shrunk rapidly, and Nazjatar on the bottom of Azeroth also erupted with terrifying energy fluctuations.

"Hmph~" Star Soul, who observed this information, proudly said to Elune, "Azshara is half a step too late, this competition is won by Andrea!"


Elune, who has been annoyed by the brat recently, showed a relieved expression, "It\'s finally over, thanks to Andrea for being patient enough to answer the kid\'s hundred thousand whys." \'

The star soul of Azeroth has a certain amount of spiritual intelligence since birth, and the furnace of origin and the furnace of will only accelerated her growth rate.

The gradually growing star soul is hungry for all knowledge. Originally, the Titans of the Pantheon prepared relevant databases for her to read in Ulduar, but during the ravages of Yogg-Saron, this part of the information has long been lost.

As a last resort, apart from reading some historical records in the Platinum Disc, Xinghun could only use the most primitive way—to ask the knowledgeable person personally.

Elune took advantage of Star Soul when she was young and ignorant, and stole a lot of demigod soul binding rights from her, and Star Soul has always been critical of her.

But at the moment when Andrea is retreating and practicing hard, Xinghun can only rely on this old man to supplement his knowledge.

Elune originally didn\'t want to play quiz games with the bear kid, but she did owe something to the Star Soul of Azeroth. Coupled with Andrea\'s entrustment, Luna could only deal with this curiosity with a strong thirst for knowledge patiently. Baby.

In the underground cultivation quiet room of Moon Shadow Manor, the gray mist wrapped Andrea into a cocoon that looked like an entity.


With the crisp cracking sound from the cocoon, soft gray light spread in the quiet room, and the translucent gray energy cocoon dissipated by itself when it shattered, and merged into Andrea\'s body.

At this time, Andrea\'s appearance was the same as before, but his temperament became more profound and distant.

At the same time as the eyes were opened, there seemed to be a bright starry sky emerging from the depths of the golden eyes, but they soon returned to normal.


Andrea got up and moved her body, and pinched her own skin.

"Is this the divine body? It doesn\'t look any different on the surface."


The left hand condensed a demigod-level holy light cutting knife, and Andrea cut it on his skin with little effort.


The edge of the light knife rubbed against the skin fiercely, and the seemingly soft skin was unharmed.

Surprised, Andrea increased the pressure of the light saber until he felt a slight pain before dispelling the spell.

The simulated attack almost with the full strength of a demigod left only a small white mark on his skin, without even cutting the skin.

"This... should it be said that it is a qualitative change from a human to a god?"

Andrea touched the white mark on his skin with emotion, and when he let go of his hand, the mark that wasn\'t even an injury quickly disappeared without a trace.

"Sure enough, the recovery ability has also been greatly improved."

The clothes all over her body had already turned into fly ash when her divine body sublimated, and Andrea waved a gray mist casually, and these energies quickly condensed into a solid body, wrapping her body in a set of ancient Greek-style white Hima pure robes.

"The power of chaos is quite convenient in creating things, especially these simple objects with no special abilities."

Looking at the robe on her body with satisfaction, Andrea closed her eyes and felt the powerful energy source within the range of the planet Azeroth.

Most of the powerful auras were people he was very familiar with. When Karazhan was scanned, Andrea paused for a moment.

"Heh~ That cunning crow really didn\'t die completely."

At the same time when the divine sense reached Nazjatar under the sea, Azshara and Andrea, who had just emerged from the white transparent cocoon, happened to stare wide-eyed.

"Hey! See no evil!"

Andrea didn\'t expect that Azshara would follow her to break through. The divine sense took a panoramic view of Azshara\'s flawless new body and automatically saved it in his memory.


The corners of Azshara\'s mouth curled up, unabashedly showing her divine body full of mature female charm.

After being promoted to the sublimation of the gods, Azshara completely broke away from the cursed body of the Naga and returned to the night elf form.

And this time it wasn\'t transformed by illusion, it was a real night elf body.

"You won this competition, UU Reading But don\'t let me give up so easily, our divine life will still grow in the future, just wait and see, Andrea."

Becoming a **** is a complete sublimation of the soul and body, and Andrea\'s memory has also been greatly improved with the promotion of the true god.

The evocative picture that he accidentally saw just now has been in his mind for a long time and cannot be dispelled.

Shaking her head vigorously, Andrea forced herself to shift focus.

This soul strengthening made his past life memories that he had gradually forgotten since a long time ago become clear again, and now he can even recall the first time he wet the bed when he was a child... Cough.

With a thought, Andrea left the underground quiet room through the greatly enhanced shadow shuttle.

When I returned to the living room at home, the family was already waiting here.

"Daddy is back!"

When Andrea appeared, Reinhard cheered and rushed towards his father.

With a warm smile on his face, he picked up his growing son and held him high. The little guy is almost five years old, and he is still very clingy to his father.


Kissing Reinhardt on the face, Andrea smiled and said to Shandris, Celes and others, "I kept you waiting for a long time, and finally fulfilled my mission and broke through to become a true **** before Azshara."

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