Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 291: Offensive and defensive transposition

When Sinsa personally led the Amani trolls to attack the defense line, the Amani Forest was close to the East Weld Hills, and the Kingdom of Arathor also took the opportunity to attack the trolls\' rear formation.

Compared with the frontal battlefield where sparks are scattered everywhere, the pressure on the Kingdom of Arathor is obviously much less.

Xinsa originally wanted to concentrate his forces to defeat the high elves\' defense line at once, and solve the crisis situation of being surrounded on both sides, but Quel\'Thalas\' tenacity exceeded his imagination.

If he continued to maintain a high-intensity attack, he was confident that he could break through Qingfeng Village\'s defenses within three days, but the humans constantly harassing the rear prevented the trolls from devoting all their energy to attacking the city.

The advisor Nikolai sent by Zandalari once again suggested to Sinza that he should turn his head around and defeat the human army, and it would be best to annihilate the main human force at once.

Although the high elves desperately defended Qingfeng Village\'s line of defense at all costs, anyone with a discerning eye could see that they were now at the end of their battles.

If they continue to attack the high elves, Quel\'Thalas, who is on the verge of desperation, may explode with amazing combat power in despair, and may not be able to take them down in a short time.

There are no eggs under the nest, and the high elves have a deep enough foundation. Once they fall into the crisis of destroying the country, those nobles who usually don\'t work hard will definitely do their best, which will cause a lot of obstacles to the troll\'s offensive.

In contrast, humans are much easier to deal with.

There are no spellcasters, no healers, just relying on the brute force of physical strength to fight, and the discipline of the army is not as strict as that of the high elves, which seems to be a soft persimmon that is easier to pinch.

After some ideological struggle, Xinsa decided to adopt the suggestions of Niklai and Esser, temporarily suppress the temptation to destroy the high elves and regain the Amani ancestral land, and shift the main attack direction to the rear.

Amani\'s army formation is relatively large, and the movement from the front to the back is very obvious.

Thoradin looked at the troll\'s flowing army formation from a distance, and said with a solemn expression, "Sure enough, as Advisor Leticia said, the troll has turned its main attack target to us."

Ignaeus, who was wounded all over his body and wrapped in countless **** bandages, asked, "Your Majesty, are we going to withdraw our troops as planned?"


Thoradin ordered without hesitation, "Although the trolls suffered a lot in the war with Quel\'Thalas, their total strength still far exceeds ours, so we cannot fight them head-on."

"Let\'s fight and retreat, try to show the enemy\'s weakness, lure them to continue chasing south, and act according to the plan."

Thoradin turned to look at Lordane, "Is there any news from Alterac Fortress? How are the mages preparing?"

Lordain nodded solemnly and said, "Consultant Aurora sent a message early this morning, and everything is ready, just waiting for the troll army to take the bait."

"Very well, soldiers, act!"

Arathor\'s army has received Leticia\'s assault training for more than half a year. Although it is still unable to integrate various tactics in actual combat, at least the formation of the army is already in shape.

Xinsa got the news that the human army was retreating, and brought two advisors and senior Amani generals to check it out in person.

Nikolai looked at the Arathor fighters retreating in an orderly manner and frowned, "Advance and retreat in an orderly manner, our army is just changing direction now, even if we send troops to pursue it in a hurry, it may not be able to play a decisive role. These humans were really barbarians not long ago. ?"

Xinsa also grinned in disbelief, "At least when Amani fought them last time, humans couldn\'t put up such a strict formation."

Esai rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "That is to say, someone behind these humans is pointing them? High elves?"

Nikolai\'s brows twitched, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

"When did Quel\'Thalas and Arathor establish an alliance?"

Sinsa replied, "About half a year ago, what happened?"

"Half a year...that should be fine."

Nikolai silently calculated the time, ‘It should be impossible for humans to quickly grasp the mysteries of magic in just half a year. \'

"Chief Xinsa, pay attention to the human ambush on the way. I always feel that they seem to have some kind of plan."

As the trolls and humans left the Amani Forest one after another, the high elves on Qingfeng Village\'s defense line finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In just half a year, the soldiers on the front line felt like years. Every day, countless comrades-in-arms sprayed blood on the wall, giving their lives to defend the country.

Although under the proper control of Anasteria, Quel\'Thalas\' army turned pressure into motivation to defend their home and country, but this spirit has its limits after all.

Of the 30,000 elite high elf soldiers, only about 10,000 remained, with more than 5,000 dead, and there were still a large number of wounded soldiers waiting for the priest\'s treatment in the barracks.

The scrapping rate of arcane puppets is even more astonishing. If Quel\'Thalas hadn\'t accumulated enough foundations for thousands of years, coupled with the support of cross-sea trade that the Dark Night Republic has intentionally or unintentionally facilitated, Quel\'Thalas would have died at this time. I ran out of ammunition and food.

Anasterian could not bear to look at the remaining troops that had barely assembled, gritted his teeth and gave up the hesitation that should not have been during the war.

"General Windrunner, I\'ll leave it to you to command the pursuit battle. We must control the speed of the harassment, so as not to provoke the trolls to turn around and attack us again. Drive them to the Alterac Mountains step by step according to the plan."


The Ranger General Windrunner solemnly accepted the army delivered by the Sun King. These troops are the last troops that Quel\'Thalas can muster now.

In the face of the national crisis, Anasteria didn\'t care about playing elegant political struggles with the nobles. He strongly demanded that the nobles take out their own private soldiers and send them together to the defense line of Qingfeng Village to replace the ones taken away by General Ranger. Elite defenders.

Quel\'Thalas adopts the enfeoffment system of nobles, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com Every noble has its own territory in Eversong Forest, and of course it also has its own leading army.

Of course, the combat effectiveness of these second-line troops is not as good as that of the regular army, but they should be barely enough to defend the city.

After all, the main force of the trolls had gone south, and the troops left in the Amani Forest could only be used to warn and defend Zul\'Aman, and it should be impossible to launch a large-scale siege again.

After sending off the Ranger General, Anasteria still couldn\'t get free time.

This war undoubtedly caused heavy damage to Quel\'Thalas. In addition to balancing the grievances of the nobles and calming the panic in Silvermoon City, the Sun King also had to arrange manpower to ensure the supply route of the pursuing troops.

A lot of work was placed on the young Anasteria, which not only caused great pressure on him, but also became a powerful driving force to accelerate his growth.

Quel\'Thalas was temporarily out of crisis, and the three of Andrea followed General Windrunner all the way south.

The decisive battle that will determine the future fate of the three countries in the Eastern Continent is about to begin, and Andrea does not want to miss this opportunity to witness it with his own eyes.