Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 270: Mine, all mine!

A soft arcane light glowed in the dim eyes of eternity, and a huge blue dragon wearing a crown sat in front of Andrea and Onyxia, staring at them with piercing eyes.

"Long time no see, Andrea Moon Shadow, I have a hunch that you will bring me some surprises this time."

\'Fart hunch. \'

Andrea curled her lips, "I just felt the magic power of my old friend." \'

Although he slanders in his heart, Andrea, who has been in power for thousands of years, has long been familiar with the truth of talking to people and talking nonsense, and it is obviously not a good choice to reason with the bitter and bitter Blue Dragon King.

"Your Majesty Malygos, long time no see, I do have good news to tell you this time."

Malygos nodded indifferently, "Speak, I\'m listening."

Andrea asked tentatively, "I wonder if His Majesty Malygos still remembers a blue dragon named Senegos?"


Malygos squinted down at Andrea, "It\'s because I sensed that old guy\'s aura that I have such patience to listen to your nonsense here. Stop talking nonsense and get straight to the point."

Andrea shrugged her shoulders and told Malygos the current situation of Blue Wing Habitat and Senegos.

Malygos: "..."

The Blue Dragon King was silent for a while unexpectedly, and Andrea took the initiative to ask a little unexpectedly, "Your Majesty Malygos? May I ask if you want to..."

"Saragosa! Come in!"

Malygos\' urgent call blocked Andrea\'s unspoken words.

A portal appeared above the Eye of Eternity, and the dragon\'s head of Saragosa protruded from the portal.

"What is it? I\'m teaching Kalecgos with Chromie."

The corner of Andrea\'s mouth twitched, "Poor Zhan Wuscum..."

Malygos said impatiently, "Don\'t worry about that useless idiot, immediately call the clansmen to arrange a new habitat in Coldarra."

Although Saragosa was a little puzzled by Malygos\' impatience, it was not a day or two for the Blue Dragon King to dislike Kalecgos. Stretched back through the door.

"Let\'s go! Let\'s start now, tell me the coordinates!"

In the Blue Wing Habitat of Azsuna, feeling the hostile eyes of the surrounding blue dragons, Onyxia rolled her eyes helplessly.

Stellagosa twitched the corners of her mouth, "Princess Black Dragon, please don\'t mind, these children are still young, their eyes have very clear boundaries between black and white, good and evil, and they don\'t know much about the gray place in the middle."

Onyxia looked at Stellagosa displeased, "Why do I think you have something to say? What is a gray area? Are you describing me?"

"Hehe~ who knows."

Leticia was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and yelled beside her, "Fight, fight!"

Celeste patted the back of her friend\'s head angrily, "Don\'t make trouble there, what good will it do us if we really fight?"

Leticia replied confidently, "It\'s fun!"

Aurora put her hand on her forehead speechlessly, "Is this person... really over 7,000 years old?"

Shandris spent the longest time with Leticia, and she was used to it.

Glancing at Leticia seemingly unintentionally, Shandris said with a half-smile, "If you want to fight the Blue Dragon King who is extremely protective after losing most of his tribe, you can continue to choose there."


Leticia is indeed mischievous and loves to watch the show, but she herself doesn\'t want to be the show in the eyes of others.

Although Leticia\'s strength has grown a lot, and she is already considered a high-ranking expert in the Republic of Night, but facing the blue dragon king Malygos alone... has no chance of winning at all.

In his heyday, Malygos didn\'t even want to fight Deathwing head-on. Even if his strength declined due to the Dragon Soul, it would not be difficult to crush Leticia.

While Shandris restrained Leticia, who was jumping and jumping, Seres started teaching Aurora on the spot, and immediately used the books she had obtained from Nathalas Academy.

Onyxia was annoyed by the blue dragons\' hostile gaze and Stellagosa\'s cynicism.

"Little guy, since you have a problem with me..."

Staring at Stellagosa and raising the corners of her mouth, Onyxia said provocatively, "Then let\'s fight, I will give you two front paws and a tail."

"Who is afraid of whom!"

Stellagosa, who was already upset in her heart, also exploded at one point, and immediately changed into a dragon prototype to fight Onyxia.

Senegos lightly sent a sentence, "It\'s fine to have a discussion, don\'t go too far."

"Princess Onyxia, I hope you will be merciful and let this child who sits in the well understand the strength of other dragons."

Stellagosa\'s eyes shot fire, and her grandfather\'s attitude made it clear that she was not optimistic about her winning.

Onyxia turned up the dead fish and looked at the little stars in the sky full of fighting spirit.

"Where does this silly boy have the confidence to defeat an adult dragon as a young dragon..."

There was no suspense in the result. Even if Onyxia released the water to the limit, the difference in physical strength between the two alone would determine the outcome of the battle.


The black dragon, which was obviously larger in size several times, stepped on Stellagosa to the ground, snorted contemptuously and asked, "Are you convinced? You are still far away, don\'t think that what you saw in Azsuna can represent worldwide."

"How dare you! A mere black dragon dares to bully my people!"

The sudden shout made Onyxia tremble all over. She hurriedly flapped her wings and took off again. A series of arcane missiles passed by her feet, almost hitting the target.

Then a helpless voice advised, "Your Majesty Malygos, calm down, they were just sparring and playing, and they didn\'t play hard."

Stellagosa, who had just got up, saw with his own eyes a mighty blue dragon that was bigger than his grandfather coming out of the giant portal, and that majestic aura immediately overwhelmed all the young dragons present.

Malygos\' aura didn\'t last long. After seeing the hundreds of blue dragons in the blue wing habitat, his eyes seemed to be shining brightly, and his breathing became a lot faster. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Many... so many baby dragons, mine, all mine!"


Stellagosa shuddered, and stepped back a few steps as if seeing an idiot in disgust, spreading her wings to block a group of shivering young dragons.

Senegos venomously said, "Old maniac, what do you want to do? Have you been hungry for too long? Saragosa didn\'t satisfy you?"

"Shut up! You old...stubborn?"

Malygos turned his head back in embarrassment, but when he saw Senegos in distress, he unconsciously lowered his voice, and his expression became serious.

"...Old man, is it worth it?"


Senegos sneered disdainfully and said, "It\'s worth it, why isn\'t it worth it, especially compared to Coldarra who was messed up by you, I think the hardships of these thousands of years are really worth it."