America's Road To Fame

Chapter 552: Underwater City Set

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the road to fame and fortune in the United States!

Time pulled back to June 30. On the morning of this day, William Chen received the [fourth anniversary gift package] in the Future Bank, and he couldn\'t help but feel a little emotional. It has been more than four years since he came to this world.

Thinking that four years ago, he just came to this world, facing the situation of the complete model, until now, he has his own business empire, and the territory that has entered the fast lane of development-Atlan.

Time is really fast.

In the [4th Anniversary Gift Pack] he just got, to Chen William\'s surprise, there was a chance for a high-level lottery in the technology tree.

You must know that in the [Survivor] Easter Egg Incident, William Chen spent so long and tried his best to win the final championship, only to get the intermediate lottery opportunities for two technology trees and the primary lottery for three technology trees. Chance.

Now, in a [4th Anniversary Gift Pack], you can get the chance to win the advanced lottery of the technology tree. When did the system become so generous?

But since he got such a rare opportunity, Chen William is also curious about what kind of technology can be obtained in the so-called advanced lottery of the technology tree.

As usual, after going through a process that was no different from the previous tech tree lottery, William Chen got the result of his lottery—[Undersea City Construction Technology Set].

When I was looking at the technical information I just got, I wondered if it was because I got the technology from the tech tree lottery last time, so after I fainted, my body\'s ability to bear it improved.

This time, Chen William only felt a little dizzy when the familiar knowledge entered his brain, not to the point of fainting directly.

After reading the content of these technical materials, Chen William finally understood that it is worthy of the advanced lottery of the technology tree. This [Undersea City Construction Technology Set] is not like the previous [Super Battery] or [Quick Charge], it is a single technical information.

The so-called "suite" is a complete set of materials, including all the key technologies that need to be possessed in the construction of an underwater city, such as pressure-resistant materials, oxygen preparation, artificial sun, and underwater nuclear power generation... etc. It is very complicated.

If these technologies are really to be realized, I am afraid that it cannot be completed in the short term. I am afraid that it will not be several years or even decades before it is difficult to improve some technologies and processes to the required level.

However, William Chen knew that, given the current situation in Atlanta, the underwater city on this information was really suitable for the future development direction of Atlanta.

After all, Atlanta itself is an island, and the development of the surrounding area is very limited in terms of land.

On the contrary, the marine resources are very rich, and the development to the sea is very valuable for Atlanta to be able to realize it.

After the successful development of graphene batteries and fast charging technology, William\'s laboratory has become famous, and now the laboratory\'s personnel are much more abundant.

After the screening of the magic mirror system, the personnel composition of William\'s laboratory is still very trustworthy. Now, after obtaining this [undersea city construction technology kit], Chen William continues to carry out the second stage research of super battery, and also Ready to start, some of the technologies that are relatively easy to implement, begin to enter the research and development stage.

The highest priority is naturally the manufacturing process of graphene.

Graphene is a new material in which carbon atoms connected by sp2 hybridization are closely packed into a single-layer two-dimensional honeycomb lattice structure. It has excellent optical, electrical and mechanical properties. It has important application prospects in energy, biomedicine, and drug delivery, and is considered to be a revolutionary material in the future.

Just like in super batteries, graphene is one of the important materials, and in the construction technology of submarine cities, graphene is also one of the key materials with its excellent performance and characteristics.

Up to now, the common powder production methods of graphene are mechanical exfoliation method, redox method, sic epitaxial growth method, and the thin film production method is chemical vapor deposition method (cvd).

But what these methods have in common is that the manufacturing difficulty is very high and the yield is low, which also causes the scarcity and extremely high value of graphene, an excellent material.

Now for the research and development of key technologies in the [Subsea City Construction Technology Set], William Chen is going to choose the graphene material manufacturing technology first to increase its output.

If this technology can be successful, then the significance is still very important, whether it is the production of super batteries, or the construction of future submarine cities, it is very important.

Even once they can master the large-scale and rapid production technology of graphene, the mere export of graphene raw materials can make huge profits for Atlanta.

Therefore, William Chen hired a top headhunting company and began to search for materials science around the world, especially experts with certain experience in the preparation of graphene. After passing through the magic mirror system, he entered William\'s laboratory.

With the completion of the construction of the gb1 battery manufacturing base and the optimization of the entire battery production process, gb1 batteries have been manufactured one after another.

Among them, a large number of relevant technical personnel and production workers are gathered in the Atlanta Economic Zone of Majus Island, and a large part of them come from the Huaguo battery production base of CATL, a future energy partner. Experienced personnel ensure the rapid production of gb1 batteries.

With the supply of gb1 batteries, related products using this high-performance graphene battery have also been launched.

In July this year, zero intelligence launched a new generation of intelligent robot dog - Alpha Dog 2013. The new Alpha Dog uses gb1 battery, which not only has stronger battery life, but also can perform fast charging, especially when the fast charging pile has been After the layout was started on Atlanta Island, the upgraded robot patrol dog has been able to complete the city patrol mission around the clock.

The AlphaGo 2013 model uses the most advanced achievements of the artificial intelligence laboratory, and both behavior patterns and intelligence levels have been greatly enhanced.

In addition, the rimac electric supercar company under zero intelligence also launched a new electric supercar using gb1 The performance of this at2013, because it was specially developed for gb1 batteries, compared to The previously launched notonepro is more powerful and can be said to be the strongest civilian supercar on land.

Part of the performance of at2013 even surpassed that of F1 racing cars, but it can only be shown on the professional track. For driving safety, the ordinary road mode will limit the performance, but even so, it also beats the current supercars of other brands. run.

That\'s why, after the official release of at2013, the electric supercar, which was limited to 499 units worldwide, broke the fastest sales record. Within 5 hours of the launch, the order interface on the official website was already sold out. typeface...

Although Musk is quite critical of the at2013 of the rimac electric supercar being the world\'s first electric car using gb1 batteries.

But in the final analysis, the positioning of the rimac brand itself is different from that of Tesla. at2013 is just a luxury supercar with a total sales volume of less than 500 units. To put it bluntly, it is just a big toy for the rich - more than 1.5 million The price of dollars is not within the reach of ordinary people.