America's Road To Fame

Chapter 398: Princess?

In fact, Chen William\'s main purpose is not beyond the GT Championship. This cooperation is only for the beginning of a cooperation with the FIA.

After that, what he valued most was the electric traffic jam event, but the conditions for this kind of event were not yet mature.


After letting William Chen talk with the people from the FIA, when he was walking on the street casually, he suddenly heard a woman\'s voice calling his name.

Chen William has an excellent memory. He immediately felt that this voice was somewhat familiar. It should be someone he had met. He turned his head to look, and it turned out to be her.

"Miss Marta, I didn\'t expect to meet you here."

Chen William was indeed a little surprised. The last time he saw her, he went to Russia to attend a ball in the Kremlin. At that time, he recognized the identity of the eldest lady and did not want to provoke too much.

"I went to school here, but I really didn\'t expect to meet you in Switzerland, William. At first I thought I was wrong."

"I happened to be here for business, and this is my first time in Switzerland."

To be honest, William Chen had only met Marta once before. After meeting like this, there was really not much to talk about for a while, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

But it seems that Marta does not feel this way, she smiled and said:

"Switzerland has many beautiful places. If you have time, you can enjoy it. If you don\'t mind, I can be a tour guide for you."

"That\'s my honor, but I\'m afraid... You know, my time is not so free, and many things are very full."

Seeing Marta\'s performance, William Chen couldn\'t help but be suspicious. Could it be that she was interested in him?

I\'m afraid this won\'t be good news, although he also admits that the other party is indeed very beautiful, and her identity also makes people want to conquer...

But William Chen didn\'t want to have any consequences if he collided with her... Then, I\'m afraid the emperor would not let him go easily.

"You seem to be afraid of me? William."

But Marta didn\'t want to let William Chen go, she said directly:

"You already know my identity? What Orisa told you? It\'s the girl you went to the competition with. I remember the last time I saw you, she was with you."

"Well, it\'s not her, your identity is not a secret, is it? Marta, although you have always been well protected."

William Chen shrugged and said, "We can be friends, but the others are destined to have no results, so keep the status quo and be good to each other."

At this time, Marta approached William Chen, took his arm into her arms, and said:

"What if I didn\'t just want the status quo? William."

William Chen\'s eyes were placed on Marta\'s embrace holding her arm, uh, I have to say that his figure is really good, the weather in Switzerland is getting colder at this time, Marta is wearing a woolen coat, but it still can\'t hide her strong body. capital……

"Marta, I\'ll take it as your rebellion against your father\'s authority... not a real affection."

"It\'s too arbitrary for you to say that, William, in fact, from the first time I saw you, I was fascinated by you, you are very special, I understand that we may be destined to have no results, but even if we leave a paragraph Good memories are better than missed misses, don\'t they?"

Listening to Marta\'s confession, William Chen was calm. With her background, she would not be like those little girls, or his female fans. If she said so, it was like the United States electing an old and confused commander. Or the British Prime Minister was forced to resign, or even the Japanese right-wing leader was assassinated...

In other words, how could it be so magical.

But it\'s not that kind of thing to be entangled with her all the time. William Chen doesn\'t believe that she is alone in a foreign country, and there are no people around to protect her.

"Do you just want to stand in the cold wind and talk to me like this? William."

In Switzerland in September, the temperature had already started to cool down. When the wind blew, Marta\'s blonde hair was blown up and brushed against William Chen\'s face, feeling a little itchy.

"Then go to my hotel and have a drink."


The next morning, when Marta woke up and there was no one around, she picked up the phone beside the bed and saw William Chen\'s message.

She turned to her side and put her head on the pillow Chen William once slept on. It seemed that there was still a faint fragrance on his body.

She didn\'t know what to think, but her smiling face became colder...

At this time, William Chen has already boarded the plane to Paris, where ten beauties will be waiting for him to board the "Future" super yacht together.

These beauties are naturally among the more than 50 female fans he added before, and they are currently in Europe.

After traveling across the Atlantic with selected fans in the Americas, the fan benefits distributed by William Chen this time are naturally aimed at those female fans in Europe.

Of course, these fans have also gone through background checks and physical checks, and have signed nondisclosure agreements.

While on the plane, William Chen couldn\'t help thinking that in the end he still had a close relationship with Marta, but it wasn\'t that he didn\'t hold on to it, it was just that yesterday, when he was with Marta, he inadvertently changed his mind from the future. In the task bar in the bank, I saw a task message.

For so long, apart from receiving gift packages and lucky draws from Future Bank on special William Chen hasn\'t seen Future Bank\'s mission for a long time. After checking it, he felt quite speechless.

Conquer two princesses from extraordinary backgrounds, get a chance to win a high-level lottery, and have a chance to get rare items.

Chen William was very interesting when he saw this mission prompt, "His Royal Highness Princess of extraordinary origin"? ?

And the progress of the task is that this shows that he has conquered one, and now among his women, the best ones are Ivanta and Paris sisters, but since there is only one progress, then only can be...

From this point of view, the Marta in front of him can really be regarded as what was described in this mission.

So the question is, do you want to have a chance to draw rare items for this high-level lottery chance, this is the first time you have encountered this kind of reminder so far... to aggrieve yourself? ?

At that time, in William Chen\'s heart, heaven and man were at war, and the balance of indulgence or persistence kept pulling back and forth.

In the end, when his consciousness returned to reality, he found that Marta seemed to be drunk and was leaning against his arms.

The heating in the hotel is very strong. She took off her coat as soon as she came in. At this time, her close-fitting clothes could not hide her graceful curves at all.

Chen William\'s eyes fell on her. I don\'t know if it was because his mouth was a little dry, so he couldn\'t help swallowing a mouthful of water. It\'s so big... er, no, it\'s so beautiful.

But Marta said, "William, why don\'t you drink anymore..."

Then, she picked up the wine glass, poured the wine into her mouth, raised her head, and pressed her lips to his...