Almighty Little Secretary, She is Flirtatious and Arrogant

Chapter 254: Anxiety hovering in my heart (4)

Chapter 254 Anxiety hovering in my heart (4)

"what have you done?"

The woman\'s voice was low and feminine, with a frenzy that seemed like nothing, like iron wire passing through white porcelain bowls

A shivering feeling hovered in my heart.

At that time, the man with white hair on his temples shrank his pupils, his Adam\'s apple rolled back and forth, revealing a sense of fear that came from the bottom of his heart.

Watching the woman step on those sharp fragments without any hesitation, she opened her mouth and said intermittently,

"Did nothing."

When he said this, his eyes turned left and right involuntarily, the sullen whites of his eyes were wrapped in shriveled pupils, and his timidity was naked and obvious.

The woman naturally did not believe what he said.

was already standing in front of him at this moment. After being silent for a few seconds, he suddenly waved his hand and slapped him in the face with a slap in the face.

The slender nails swiped across his cheeks, leaving five scarlet bloodstains unscrupulously. At the same time, he opened his mouth coldly and said word by word,

"Kneel down."


There was hardly any struggle. The man\'s head was beaten before he had time to turn around, and his body seemed to have autonomous consciousness. As soon as his knees went soft, he immediately knelt down.

In the next second, he was stabbed on his knees by the extremely thin high-heeled shoes, and his flesh was instantly pierced.


"Cover his mouth!"

The man couldn\'t stand the pain, and before he could stop screaming, two men covered his mouth.

At the same time, the heel of the woman\'s shoe that was still stuck on the soft flesh of his knee also exerted force again.

Abruptly stepped down a few points.

A few people around were already in a cold sweat.

This woman looks weak, but she is actually crazier than anyone else.

What she did to her biological parents, all of these people present witnessed it with their own eyes.

I don\'t know if it\'s to warn them or something else, once this woman really starts, even a man will not be ashamed.

Abusive and brutal, he never changed his face and never turned his back on others.

And the reason why these people did not resist is precisely because in the hands of this woman, there is something that they can\'t give up at all.

For a long time, when the man was finally dying and couldn\'t even cry in pain, the woman finally smiled "softly", and then raised her legs.

pulled out the heel without hesitation.

With a   poof—a sound, blood splattered everywhere.

"Stop his bleeding, don\'t let him die."

After saying that, he turned around without the slightest nostalgia and walked out of the basement.

And on the expensive wooden floor from the basement to the first floor, a series of

Origin trace of mottled blood red


Meanwhile, the other side

Jiang Mingyu returned home in the Tang family\'s nanny car.

On the way, Tang Jinchuan remained silent.

Although his expression looked mild, there was a pent-up anger swirling around him.

Jiang Mingyu was held by his hand and leaned quietly in his arms, but he never mentioned the accident he encountered during the day.

Actually, the person who called her just now at the hospital was the gangster who was very secretive.

Nangong Qingcheng.

It was also she who told her personally that the one who attacked them today should be the crazy woman who has been coveting Tang Jinchuan for a long time.

Chen Ke.

In other words, Chen Ke is very likely to have come to City A!

and has been hiding in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to attack her.

Half an hour later, Tang Jinchuan insisted on getting out of the car with Jiang Mingyu in his arms.

Butler Tang waited at the door early in the morning, and when he saw the two getting out of the car, he immediately handed over a blanket and put it on Jiang Mingyu.

After that, he sent dinner thoughtfully to Tang Jinchuan\'s bedroom.

It was still Tang Jinchuan who fed her little by little and ate it.

But Jiang Mingyu understands that although this feeling of being cherished is good, it also means that in Tang Jinchuan\'s heart, there is a deep unease

keeps circling.

And at midnight, after Jiang Mingyu finally fell asleep beside Tang Jinchuan, the man slid off the bed gently from one side.

After   , he opened the door and walked out.

And almost as soon as the door closed, the woman who was still sleeping on the bed suddenly opened her eyes.

About ten minutes later, Jiang Mingyu unexpectedly saw Tang Jinchuan get into an SUV at the gate of Tang\'s house.

And if she remembered correctly or read it wrong, the car.

should be Sheng Hao\'s!

Update completed today~

Thank you for your liking, and please be merciful~

Code words are not easy, please don\'t hurt each other~

Bow ING~

(end of this chapter)