All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 968

No accidents!

When the army of the dead built the first line of defense, the ghosts appeared on the snowy horizon.

Of course, because they are relatively few in number, those who rush in front are the living corpses with a faint smell of death all over.

Moreover, because the extreme north is frozen all year round, the meat on the living corpses has not rotted and deteriorated. At least most of them still retain their former appearance. They can\'t see the end at a glance, and they don\'t know whether it is tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands.

However, the number is not the most important factor for both belligerents. It is the night king and xiuma who have stronger control over the dead that really determines the outcome of the war.

In less than ten minutes, the swarming living dead rushed to the waiting army of the dead and launched a scuffle that the human world could never imagine.

No formation!

No command!

There are no so-called tactics!

Some don\'t even have a decent weapon in their hands. They fight with the most primitive weapons such as hands and teeth.

"Interesting! They seem to be life bodies composed of pure energy, and use this energy to revive the dead and control them." xiuma murmured to herself, touching her chin.

Although he is not very good at complex thinking, he can still feel the extremely strange energy.

It\'s like distorting life and showing it in the opposite situation.

Different from the simple death energy, the ghosts are obviously special lives created artificially. They don\'t even have the ability of self reproduction. They completely rely on energy transmission to change the nature of life and constantly expand their own ethnic groups.

Although it sounds very tall, the disadvantage is also very obvious. That is, the power of new ghosts is far less than those old ghosts who have lived for unknown years. They can kill all of them with only one soul shock.

"Sir, when will we start the death array?" the necromancer came close and asked in a low voice.

He didn\'t even have an interest in the full-scale war ahead. He focused all his attention on the magic ceremony in the rear guided by six death mages.

"Don\'t worry, wait. It\'s best to let the other party invest more troops. In addition, let the meat grinder start throwing large pieces of obsidian. I\'ll see how long the enemy commander can last." xiuma touched her chin and gave the battle order without thinking.

The greatest advantage of commanding the undead army is that there is no need to worry about soldiers at all. As long as we can win the war, we basically need as much cannon fodder, especially when fighting with living people. Anyone who is not completely killed at once can quickly improve his strength in a short time.

Creak, creak, creak

With the harsh sound of wood friction, hundreds of meat grinder trucks were pushed to the front line.

With the help of zombie slave workers, pieces of stones weighing up to platinum were put into the designated position, and then thrown into the rear of the enemy position in the form of parabola.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Every black stone falling down can kill a lot of unlucky people. Whether it\'s a living corpse or a strange ghost, they can\'t escape death.

After being stationed near the relics of the valerian civilization for so many years, xiuma has already excavated countless crazy treasures in the world, of which a large number of steel weapons of the valerian are only one, and these black stones are two of them.

Obsidian, that is, Dragon Crystal, is undoubtedly one of the most deadly enemies of strange ghosts. Whether it is scratched on the skin or directly hit, the blood, flesh and bones melt rapidly into a pool of cold liquid.

Aware that their weaknesses were discovered by their opponents, the ghosts suddenly became a little flustered. Nearly a third even kept retreating back, trying to escape the attack range of the meat grinder, and controlling the corpses under their hands to rush forward to buy time for themselves.

Looking at the dense cannon fodder, xiuma finally opened her mouth and showed a ferocious smile. Without looking back, she said, "what are you waiting for? Start the death array! I can\'t wait to see the stunned expression on the enemy commander\'s face."

"Hey, hey! I believe it must be very impressive." the necromancer smiled insidiously, returned to his position, raised his hands and began to sing the astringent spell loudly.

In just a few seconds, the chaotic battlefield was suddenly shrouded in a gray fog. The undead who were originally dominated by the energy of death suddenly became like a stimulant, and their strength, speed, agility and response were greatly strengthened.

On the contrary, the corpse controlled by the strange ghost began to twitch uncontrollably. After a while, the blue pupils in the eyes lost their light, replaced by the breath of desperate death, and turned the spearhead to attack the strange ghost.

Needless to say, this is the real function of the death Dharma array. It erodes the corpse through negative energy to get rid of the original master\'s control and join the army of the dead.

After all, compared with the original magic invented by the son of the forest, whether it is the necromancer magic of philon or the psychic magic of Azeroth, it is far more than the former.

Moreover, the ghost is not the creator of this energy.

On the contrary, they are just a group of users who don\'t understand anything, don\'t understand the essence of supporting their own survival energy, and don\'t have enough population to support in-depth research.

Enjoying the spectacular scene of the overwhelming army of the dead, xiuma immediately jumped on the back of the dragon of death and soared into the air. Holding up the cold magic sword in her hand, she went straight to the leader of the strange ghost, the night king.


The night king, who was acutely aware of the danger, roared and threw out his sharp ice spear.

But unfortunately, this blow not only failed to hit the target, but was caught by the dragon of death and thrown back with a backhand claw.


With the terrible power of gravity acceleration, an unlucky ghost was punctured on the spot and nailed to death in situ.

"Surrender or destroy! Choose!" xiuma read out the ultimatum.

He had a hunch that if his death army had these strange ghosts, he would be able to go to a higher level and even create a new subspecies of the dead.

However, the night King obviously did not intend to surrender, jumped up and tried to attack again.

But before he threw the ice spear for the second time, the dragon of death swooped down, opened its big mouth full of sharp teeth, snapped each other\'s head, took out a silver and translucent soul from the broken body, and swallowed it with enjoyment