All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 795

There is no doubt that the female devil knows that she has only two choices at present. One is to drink this dangerous "magic blood" and try whether her potential can withstand such manic energy, and the other is to be killed.

The latter\'s suicidal behavior is obviously impossible to be accepted by selfish demons, so drinking "magic blood" has become the only chance to survive.

After understanding this, without saying a word, she picked up her skull and was lifted up to drink the viscous liquid emitting green fluorescence inside.


The surging force that could not be described tore the chest, and the whole heart seemed to be stimulated. Plop, plop, plop, and beat wildly at least ten times per second.

And with each jump, it will become harder and harder, and finally the relatively soft and tenacious heart muscle becomes an unknown substance as hard as a stone.

At the same time, the blood gradually changed from the original dark red to the green symbolizing evil energy.

Not only the heart and blood, to be exact, the female devil is undergoing a drastic change all over her body.

No one knows whether there will be a terrible collapse or the evolution of the essence of life in the next second. The only thing they know is that this process is extremely painful, so painful that even the scream is very weak.

About two or three minutes later, her body seemed to have reached a certain limit, and finally burst open with a bang. The splashing green liquid dissolved everything she came into contact with. At least six unlucky demons died on the spot, and several quickly cut off a part of their body, successfully avoiding following the former.

"What a pity! It seems that you are a worthless garbage!" Zhang Cheng commented in a cold tone, followed by a glance at the remaining demons. "Who\'s next?"


No one in the palace dared to make even a little sound. Even Warren, who has a relatively equal identity, did not intend to show his sense of humor at this time.

Because from his black hole like eyes, even the dullest fool can feel danger.

But silence doesn\'t mean you can escape. Just a few minutes later, screams and wails from the palace can be heard in the whole city.


Some biologists once said that life evolution is an extremely cruel process. Almost every step forward is often accompanied by the extinction of a large number of species.

In fact, if we forcibly destroy the genetic stability of a biological population and make it evolve to a higher level, 100% will cause a devastating blow to the biological population. Finally, it can be called a miracle that 1% or even 1 / 1000 lucky people can survive.

After three hours of struggling and wandering on the edge of death, less than 60 of thousands of high-level demons survived successfully, accepted the transformation of the blood of the abyss Lord, and their bodies were filled with powerful evil powers from another universe.

As for the rest, it has long been integrated into the thick pool of viscous blood and meat mixture on the ground.

With practical actions, Zhang Cheng finally let these demons who originally thought they were the source of all evil understand what is real cold-blooded and cruel.

Looking at the demons who knelt on the ground and dared not move, Warren suddenly asked, "your so-called plan to conquer hell is not going to be completed by transforming demons?"

"Why, you who can predict the future don\'t know my next plan?" Zhang Cheng asked meaningfully.

"Damn it! I said that the power of fate can accurately predict all possibilities only when I focus on a certain point in time. Moreover, in order not to be killed by you, I have set myself rules and will never predict what you will do next without your permission." Warren shrugged innocently.

"Really? Do you think I\'ll believe it?" Zhang Cheng was completely unmoved.

To be exact, although the relationship between the two can be called the closest ally, he always regarded Warren as one of the most dangerous potential enemies, even far above the sleeping gods.

"It\'s your business to believe or not. Anyway, I\'ll do it according to the rules I set. After all, you\'re an extremely dangerous guy. I don\'t want to be caught and die in your hands one day." after that, Warren took out a rolled "tobacco" from his pocket, ordered it, took a deep breath, and soon began to laugh happily.

Due to the lack of corresponding information, it is almost impossible to judge whether his current hedonistic style is caused by nature or deliberately disguised.

Zhang Cheng didn\'t struggle with this problem for too long. He directly took out the reformed "code of controlling demons", closed his eyes and communicated with thousands of demon souls of the Burning Legion, especially those high-ranking commanders who had made great achievements, such as arida, the Lord of fear, the leader of the abyss and silvara.

When he opened his eyes again, he immediately sang loudly in the ancient demon language: "Resurrection! Powerful life from the end of another universe! You were born on the edge of order and distorted time and space. You are born destroyers and destroyers! Your name is the Burning Legion! Today, I will lead you to conquer the world..."

With the last word blurted out!

The book of controlling demons suddenly opens a huge black hole out of thin air, and millions of demon souls in different forms fly out of it!

They are like a group of hungry beasts, circling over the huge palace, as if waiting for something important.

Obviously, these guys need souls, and a large number of souls, in order to reshape the body and complete the most important step of resurrection.

Without saying a word, Zhang Cheng, who was already prepared, directly opened his magic wallet and poured out tens of millions of soul fragments, allowing the demon souls of the Burning Legion to compete and even fight each other.

In just five minutes, the first pit lord grabbed enough fragments, and his huge body gradually began to materialize. When the green evil energy fire above his head was lit, it suddenly stamped on the ground and roared with anger and wildness: "ah!!!!! The great brotavis is back! Tremble! The enemy of the Legion! I will crush you!"

But before he could raise his huge weapon and do something, he heard a cold voice echoing in his ear: "fool! Shut your mouth! And kneel in front of me!"


The deep Lord\'s thick knees were completely out of his control. He bent down and knelt straight on the ground. He couldn\'t move, or even raise his head to look ahead.

With the first example, the demons of the Burning Legion resurrected behind also knelt on one knee and waited patiently for the new master to give orders.