All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 423




Standing in the top room of the tower full of powerful magic power, Akram Grice, the leader of the arcane brotherhood, saw the energy emitted by the broken magic crystal, and the old heart began to beat violently.

As an old mage who only managed to survive today by relying entirely on vows and longevity potions, he knows better than anyone what klingnippon means.

At the same time, the master of the North Tower, the spot wizard dandiba, also stared at the light emitted by the broken magic crystal in the sun.

After a long time, he recovered from the shock, clenched his teeth and cursed loudly: "bastard! How dare he take what should belong to me to show off in public! No! I will never allow the broken magic crystal to fall into the hands of outsiders!"

Obviously, the executioner who personally murdered Mokai, the wizard in red, the former head of the North Tower, indirectly shaped the distorted character of akar Kesuo. He had long noticed the existence of klingnippon and was eager to be surprised.

Unfortunately, the snowstorm blocked the ice wind Valley\'s contact with the outside world, and he had to wait patiently for the end of winter.

In fact, just showing the broken magic crystal, Zhang Cheng makes the dark tide of the arcane brotherhood full of conspiracy and betrayal surging. Wizards eager for power and power can\'t refuse the temptation of artifact at all.

Soon, under the leadership of Akram Grice, the owners of the four minarets in the southeast and northwest left their territory and stood at the only entrance.

He was so weak that he was about to forget when he last left the central spire. Even in order to prolong his life, he had to temporarily put down his power and let the organization compete for power and profit.

But today, he saw an opportunity, an opportunity to get rid of the threat of death.

As long as he can get the help of broken magic crystal, he is fully capable of improving and creating a new advanced life prolonging magic, or directly replacing this dead body.

Seeing this group of senior members of the arcane brotherhood with different looks, Zhang Cheng flashed an imperceptible mockery in his eyes, stroked his chest with one hand and bowed slightly: "good afternoon, respected wizards, I think you must want to know what purpose I came for."

"No, I don\'t care about your purpose. Just say the conditions. You show the broken magic crystal recklessly, just ready to use it as a bargaining chip." Akram Grice skipped the part of mutual temptation and went straight to the subject.

Because he could feel that both the people outside and the men behind him began to be lured by the power of klingnippon, and there was a danger of losing control at any time.

"Hehe, that\'s right. I can give it to the arcane brotherhood for free, but in return, you must allow me to be the owner of one of the towers and open all the magic knowledge recorded in the library to me." Zhang Cheng calmly asked.

As a dragon of the evil camp, he can\'t get what he wants from the spell casting organizations of the good camp such as silver moon city and deep water city, and AMM\'s masked mage association is too mysterious to recruit members.

Candle castle is a good place. You can get the corresponding knowledge as long as you give money, but if you want to complete all your studies there, even robbing the wealth of ten adult dragons is not enough.

Therefore, the arcane brotherhood is the only choice at present. Although it is far better than the red robed Wizard of shangsel, it is enough for Zhang Cheng, who is still in the exploratory period.

"You want to learn magic here?" Akram Grice\'s cloudy eyes showed surprise.

I can\'t help but be surprised!

Perhaps in the eyes of others, standing in front of him is just a young human who looks a little strange, but he has long used magic detection, but he is very clear that the young man in front of him is actually a giant dragon.

Otherwise, where would he talk nonsense? Just grab it.

Zhang Cheng smiled and nodded: "that\'s right! I\'m eager to learn and explore the mysteries of magic, but I don\'t want to participate in the messy struggle for power and profit, so the owner of a high tower can just meet my needs. How about your answer?"

Akram Grice frowned, hesitated for a moment, turned directly and shot a deadly negative energy at the spotted wizard dandiba!


The schemer who planned and killed the last leader of the North Tower suddenly turned blue and fell to the ground without even a sound.

Advanced necromancer Magic - death finger!

The other three tower owners at the scene quickly recognized the terror spell just cast, and the pupils contracted and enlarged violently.

They couldn\'t believe that a rival who could compete with them was killed so easily by the supreme leader of the arcane brotherhood.

"Now, you are the master of the North Tower. You will inherit all the rights, wealth and status of dandiba, even his body," announced Akram Grice in a gloomy voice.

Although he was fully capable of solving the alternation of power in another relatively peaceful way, he deliberately chose the most intense one in order to frighten his restless men and buy time for himself to study new spells.

Glancing at the corpse completely eroded by negative energy on the ground, without thinking, Zhang Cheng handed over the shining broken magic crystal to the other party\'s hand, smiled and bowed: "thank you very much! Klin Simpson is yours."

"You made the right choice. On behalf of the arcane brotherhood, I welcome you to join. Remember, you can do anything in your own territory, but you are never allowed to enter the central spire without my invitation." Akram Grice revealed a strong warning in his tone.

In fact, whoever dares to rush in, no matter who, will immediately hurt the killer.

After all, this mage tower, like a huge tree, does not awaken the tower spirit. Whoever controls the core can control the whole tower.

What does it mean to control the mage tower?

It means that you can freely transfer the magic energy accumulated in ordinary days and instantly release a large number of terrible damage spells, such as fireballs and lightning. Most spell casters can\'t resist such a fierce attack, so they will never allow anyone other than themselves to get close to the control center.

"As you wish..." Zhang Cheng smiled indifferently, grabbed the body on the ground and disappeared at the end of the stairs leading to the North Tower in full view of the public.

He believed that when it was dark, the owners of the other three towers would secretly gather together to discuss how to seize the broken magic crystal from Akram Grice and overthrow his cruel rule.

The broken magic crystal obviously looks forward to the arrival of destruction and chaos, and won\'t give the old mage a little reminder at all.

When the assassination is launched, the whole luscan will fall into disorder and panic!

He can easily take control of the city with a little use of his pre arranged chess pieces.

Of course, before that, he also needs to select and cultivate several confidants