All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 142

After getting the clue about the doomsday catastrophe of Valeria, Zhang Cheng\'s eyes stayed on danilis\'s almost * * body. After a full minute, he suddenly stretched out his hand and gently touched each other\'s forehead.


A faint red light emerged from the part touched between the fingers!

Although not particularly dazzling, everyone in the room was startled.

"Damn it! What did you do to her majesty?"

Jora Mormont pulled out her sword nervously, her face full of anger and vigilance, as if Zhang Cheng had committed some unforgivable crime.

In contrast, daenerys was much calmer and asked curiously, "what did you do to me just now?"

"Nothing, just a little test to see what you call the truth that the bath fire doesn\'t burn." Zhang Cheng explained, pushing away Jora Mormon with a sharp sword, took out a small gray powder from his pocket and sprinkled it along the circular track.

In just a few seconds, he drew a circle under each other\'s feet.

Just when everyone didn\'t know the significance of these strange actions, the gray powder suddenly seemed to be manipulated and rotated by some mysterious force, and the faster and the smaller the scope.

When she was about to touch danilis\'s white skin, the disappeared red light reappeared, and even fuzzy cyan lines appeared on the surface of her white skin.

Perhaps most people don\'t understand what these strange phenomena mean, but Zhang Cheng, who has systematically studied the principles of arcane art, understands that those red lights mean flame resistance, and the cyan lines mean magic constitution.

In other words, the tangaryan family is no longer human in the ordinary sense. They are either transformed by magic or mutated in a specific environment. Anyway, their offspring have a high chance to obtain talents that ordinary people do not have.

The flame resistance reaches a certain degree, that is, the legendary bath fire does not burn, and the magical constitution can be favored by the magical creature dragon.

Of course, the prerequisite for the awakening of these two talents must be that the whole world is full of enough mysterious energy. If the concentration is low to a certain extent, the born baby can\'t absorb enough energy and naturally can\'t show his talents.

To make this clear, Zhang Cheng took out a glass test tube and said in a slightly deliberative tone, "if you don\'t mind, can you give me some of your blood? Please rest assured, I swear I will never use it to cast any evil spells or curses, just do some interesting research. In return, I will join your camp when you land in westero."

"Don\'t you feel presumptuous and impolite, sir Mason?" daenerys frowned and glanced at a test tube thick enough to connect a finger.

It was the first time she met a man who could ignore his attractive body curve and beauty, but was interested in his own blood.

Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders in disapproval: "impolite? No, no, no, I just don\'t want to waste my time on meaningless topics. You know, there are countless secrets waiting for me to explore in this world, and countless knowledge waiting for me to learn, so please don\'t care too much about these little things."

Daenerys stared with purple eyes at the young man only a few steps away, as if to see through the real thoughts in each other\'s heart.

About two or three minutes later, a smile suddenly appeared on her serious face: "Well, I have to admit that you are a strange person, more strange than everyone I have met. But it is undeniable that you are also an interesting person. The most important thing is that I don\'t feel even a little hostility from you. However, since we met for the first time, should you express your sincerity a little? At least answer my previous questions first. How do you tame me Take a one-stop suit? "

"No problem! My way to tame the dragon is very simple. That is to sign a powerful binding magic contract with the Dragon when it was born. With this binding force, I can make the Dragon obey orders and even understand the ideas in my mind." Zhang Cheng gave a straightforward answer without trying to hide anything.

Anyway, in the song of ice and fire world, except him, no second person can use arcane energy. Even if outsiders know, they can\'t copy the whole process.

"So all the rumors outside are true? Are you a powerful and evil wizard?" Denise looked surprised.

She seemed a little incredulous that someone would reveal her secret so easily.

"Ha ha! Powerful evil wizard? Is that what those ignorant fools describe me?" Zhang Cheng laughed and took the steaming breakfast from the maid.

Due to the sea breeze blowing all night and hunger, he didn\'t care about the eyes of the people around him. He sat down and began to eat.

Danilis took advantage of this, put on a coat, covered her attractive figure, and then sat on the other side of the table and asked, "you seem to despise those who evaluate you?"

"Of course!" Zhang Cheng nodded without hesitation.

"You know what? In fact, magic is not an ethereal force that can not be controlled by mortals, as many people suspect.

On the contrary, it is a kind of technology and knowledge like planting crops, building ships and smelting metals.

Varelia, the birthplace of the tangorian family, once mastered this knowledge, so they can tame dragons, create varelian steel that has not been cracked so far, and even the unique stonemason technology of Longshi island castle.

It may be a magical skill mastered by the warelians at that time. Through this magical skill, your ancestors continued the ability of not burning the bath fire to future generations.

I am a person with a strong desire for knowledge. I very much hope that one day I can unlock the secrets covered up by history.

For example, why did the sons of the forest disappear? What supernatural power did they once master?

Another example is why Valeria was destroyed overnight?

Why did the Dragon disappear? Why did it die?

Do those terrible ghosts north of the Great Wall really exist?

For those who really understand, magic is never an illusory prophecy, nor a gift from God, but a power obtained through exploration and learning.

So, please don\'t confuse me with the garbage wizards you met in the immortal palace. They don\'t even understand why their power disappeared and why they suddenly appeared. What\'s the qualification to claim that they have mastered the power of magic