All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 702

At night, Longwan villa area.

After dinner, Yang Ling and Liu Muhan took a walk in the park of the villa area. Liu Muhan said with a smile, "a Ling, you are right. I won't accept Tian's group."

Yang Ling said with a smile, "thank you for your praise."


Liu Muhan chuckled and pinched Yang Ling's hand, and then said: "this is a big event. I will take the personnel department to do docking in the past few days. It is estimated that the audit work will take one month."

"However, once the talent is absorbed there, it will be a qualitative leap for the group."

Yang Ling nodded with a smile: "it is during this period of time that the colleagues in the personnel department have to work hard. They have to work overtime until very late. They have to work overtime to review and prepare for the job fair."

"Why don't we cooperate with some nightclub and give them a snack when it's time?"

Liu Muhan said with a smile: "look at you, the capitalist's face has come out. Listen to the first half of your sentence, I thought I would give them a raise in wages!"

If the salary increase of the whole group is not good, then the salary will increase


"In this way, new and old employees will be happy, and the corporate culture will certainly be in a cohesive period!"

"Ding, you have satisfied Liu Muhan's wish to increase employees' awareness of corporate culture. The wish value is + 2."

Liu Muhan deeply thought, she nodded and chuckled: "yes, the chairman accepted Yang Dong's proposal."

"In view of your excellent proposal, I'd like to reward you..."


Say unexpectedly blush, Yang Ling heart smile bloom, female president always like this, find strange reason to want to be intimate with oneself.

He took Liu Muhan's hand and said with a smile, "is it so early today?"

"Well, let's go home."

"You I hate it

Liu Mu Han blushed like an apple, but still let Yang Ling pull to go home.

Late at night, the female president seems to be a little tired, holding Yang Ling to sleep, and the system's prompt tone rings in the heart: "Ding, you have satisfied Liu Muhan's desire to be intimate with you, wish value + 2."

"Ding, Liu Muhan's intimacy breakthrough task has been completed today. Current progress: 8 / 30"

Yang Ling smiles and begins to allocate the harvest of this period of time.

At present, he has 21 free attribute points, with a wish value of 49 / 10.

According to the old rules, the panel changes are as follows:

strength: 137

Agility: 130

physical strength: 130

mental strength: 130

Charm Value: 38

wish value: 49 / 10

"Ding, it is detected that you have two attributes up to an integer. Current reward times: 2 times"

are not enough to synthesize treasure chest The wish value is close to 50 points. After hesitating for a moment, Yang Ling said in a deep voice: "the system, give me the Jinluan Huofeng upgrade to LV3."

"Ding, the host chooses to improve the quality of Jinluan Huofeng and consumes 20 points of wish value. Are you sure?"


A burst of wonderful music sounded, Yang Ling clearly felt his two red anklets, the aura came more rich.

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