All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 2520

He got up in a hurry and said, "Your Majesty misunderstood me. I just took the opportunity to lead out this villain and kill him. I didn't mean to use the money secretly."

"Is it?"

"What's the matter with the array you set up in the imperial capital of Fenglei Empire?"


Lei Wenxue's body is fierce for a while. It seems that he can't believe it. How could Yang Ling even know this kind of thing.

Of course, he knows, because the spaceship has launched 30 man-made satellites, secretly monitoring the major gates and empires. Zhang Chengwu is not a dry eater, so he has made a clear investigation.

Yang Ling is not angry, but said with a smile: "say it, what little animal do you want to become?"


Lei Wenxue trembles with fear. She retreats slightly, and the next one is about to rush out of the palace. Just as she has taken action, she is caught back by a big hand. Lei Wenxue's big hand opens, and it is no longer Lei Wenxue who is held in the palm, but a snow-white kitten.

Yang Ling turned the leader of the clan into a kitten!

Like the fire phoenix fairy, although he was turned into a small animal, his cultivation didn't drop greatly, and he still maintained in the holy land.

At the moment, they are already Mini beasts.

The whole audience was silent. Yang Ling didn't speak much, but the thunder was so popular that even the patriarch became a cat and a dog.

And Yuan Lei three people beside Yang Ling, the expression on the face is much more comfortable, can be regarded as the solution of the heart hate.

After catching the little white cat by his side and gently touching the head of the white cat, Yang Ling said with a faint smile: "ten years later, you will be back to your original state. I hope you will have a better life. Don't make it again."

Little white cat was gently stroked at the moment, and her whole body trembled slightly because of fear. She wanted to speak, but she meowed out, which made Yang Ling laugh.

"Ding, you smashed Lei Wenxue's desire not to become a kitten. Attribute points + 70 points."

"Ding, it's detected that your aura has covered the whole field. You have completely controlled the conference. You have obtained + 5 progress of cultivation promotion and + 5 war chest. Current progress of cultivation promotion: 6950."

After hearing the prompt sound of the system, Yang Ling was happy that she had made 69 progress points. As long as she had enough energy, she could rely on the progress points to break the bottleneck and rush into the dangerous situation!

Cultivation is so fast, sometimes it really makes people feel comfortable!

Yang Ling, who has experienced the heart devil's disaster, is no longer worried about the problem of fast improvement of cultivation. It's time to make good use of a wave of dragon beads!

After giving the little white cat to the friar of fengleizong, Yang Ling looks at the green dragon fairy.

This female whole body a shock, quiver a voice way: "you... What do you want to do."

Just as everyone was secretly guessing whether Yang Ling would turn the green dragon fairy into a dog or loach, Yang Ling said with a smile: "green dragon fairy, what's your opinion when I deal with it like this?"

"I mean... Opinions?"

"No, no comment!"

The green dragon fairy is terrified. Where can he have any opinions now?

To everyone's surprise, Yang Ling didn't aim at the green dragon fairy any more, but said with a smile: "since no one is against it any more, it's settled that all the major sects are under the jurisdiction of our dragon god palace. Let's start another topic."

"Ding, you have satisfied Qingling fairy's wish not to be turned into a small animal by you. The wish value is + 270 points."

"Ding, you smash people's hope that Qingling fairy will also become a small animal, so that it can be used for future talks. Attribute points + 6000 points."

Everyone has a ghost in his heart, but yuetianteng looks at Yangling with admiration. He really admires her.

This skill is so high that it turns the two patriarchs into small animals, but ignores the green dragon fairy. What do the other two major sects think?

Invisible collapse of the other party's Alliance ah!

Moreover, it will make the world feel that the green dragon fairy is a member of the dragon god palace. People are all green dragons. They must secretly unite with the dragon god palace and pretend to take the lead. In fact, they are suppressing the other two main gates.

Jumping into the Yellow River, I can't wash it clearly.

This is the imperial mind!

High, really high!

Yang Ling said with a faint smile: "then the next topic is about the affairs of the alien race."

"As you all know, the barbarians have always been a serious problem for all continents after the breakup of Pangu supercontinent. The barbarians of Tianyue star have been eliminated, but the other sister continents are still in dire straits. My opinion is that the major sects should send their elite disciples to form a united army and fight with me in the future."

"We can also take advantage of this excuse to plunder the resources of heaven. What do you think?"

When this statement came out, all the people were smiling. Everything else was fake, but it was true to snatch resources.

At this moment, the green dragon fairy did not dare to speak. Ran mengcai stood up and said, "Your Majesty is right. Our caiyunzong is willing to do his best to wait for your majesty."

They all expressed their willingness to send elite disciples to form a coalition, and the sooner the better.

There is a great desire to plunder the heavens at once.

In fact, Tianyue star is not very strong among so many stars in the universe, but it is absolutely not weak. It is qualified to send elite to plunder the universe.

The next meeting set the tone completely.

In two years' time, Tianyue star will send its elite to the dragon god palace. Then they will work together for three years. That is to say, in five years' time, the army will be led by the dragon god palace to the sky.

Yang Ling didn't say where the first stop was, and the leaders of these major departments didn't ask much. If they can earn resources, it's the same everywhere.

This conference lasted for three days. After three days, the conference ended. The dragon god palace was the leader of the whole world. Branches of the dragon god palace were set up in all the cities of the people. Every household began to worship the memorial tablets of longevity of Yang Ling, Lei Ya and Liu Muhan. Tianyue star was completely changed.

Half a month later, Su Qiling and others came back one after another. As expected, they also successfully advanced to the holy land. In the following days, we didn't rush to return to the earth. Most of the time, we practiced in the space of desire.

Qi Ling and others want to consolidate the realm, while Yang Ling wants to impact towards a higher realm.

My life is a disaster!

The last realm before the Sendai realm is actually a realm extended from the realm of creation. The so-called plunder of life is naturally the constant plunder.

Only by constantly suffering from the baptism of natural calamity, can we thoroughly wash away all foetuses and become immortals.

Of course, Yang Ling will not be so easy to directly enter the realm of life, he has to fill all his potential, and then make a breakthrough.

Just like the realm of creation, only when the realm can no longer be promoted can we choose to break through the realm of life and robbery. , the fastest update of the webnovel!