Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 895

"Daoyou, don't you agree on ten days? It's less than three days. Why did you come here? Many of my classmates have not recovered yet Seeing ye Tian's figure, Murong Yan greets Ye Tian in a hidden valley. As soon as she meets Ye Tian, she says, fearing that ye Tian can't wait to fight now.

"If I don't come here, ha ha, I'm afraid your temple will be destroyed! Let the students get ready. It's too late to go now. Get ready to fight! " Ye Tian pointed to the north and said.

Murong Yan looks tight and looks to the north, but she doesn't see any movement. She looks to Ye Tian and is ready to listen to Ye Tian.

"Look again!" Ye Tianxia Ba points to the north and reminds me again.

Murong Yan's eyes swept towards the other side again. This time, she saw many black spots on the horizon. They were obviously monks flying in the imperial air.

"You see, if they didn't take the initiative to attack before, they would be given time and opportunity to join hands. Now this situation appears. It seems very troublesome!" Ye tianpo shakes his head helplessly, and his face looks dignified. Most of this dignified comes from the sleeping insects.

"Daoyou, what do you want to do?"

In the face of a powerful enemy, Murong Yan has no idea. She can't fight. There are 56 people on her side. Most of them have not recovered. She has to look at Ye Tian like asking for help.

"There is no way, but the disciples of the temple have to obey my command completely!" Ye Tian takes back his eyes from a distance and falls on Murong Yan's face.

"All right, listen to the Taoist friends!"

Murong Yan hesitated a little and nodded his head happily. Now Xiang Xiang must be unable to escape. There is no other choice but to trust ye Tian.

But she has seen Ye Tian kill more than ten monks in Longmen realm with a spirit insect. Her fighting power is absolutely a nightmare for all monks in Longmen realm.

"Follow me!" Ye Tian said no more and took the lead to fly to the valley where the temple disciples were.

At this time, those disciples had seen many monks flying from the north, standing up from the ground one after another, their faces full of solemn color.

"Fellow disciples, the enemy is at hand. In order to protect ourselves, we now give the command to this Taoist friend. If you disobey the orders, you will be dealt with according to the rules of the temple." Looking at the enemy friars getting closer and closer, Murong Yan gave a direct order.

"Fellow Taoists, now you take out your momentum, you will regard yourself as a golden elixir, take out the arrogant momentum you can imagine, and try to scare them away!" Ye Tian doesn't talk nonsense either, and says decisively.

The temple disciples looked at Ye Tian and began to talk. They were disappointed at Ye Tian's words. They thought Ye Tian had a good idea. Unexpectedly, it was this way. Did they think that the golden elixir realm is the golden elixir realm? When you start, don't you have to show it?

"Too stupid!" Ye Tian saw that the momentum of those people had not improved because of his words. He said: "look how I play Jindan realm, even though I'm just a monk watching the sea!"

With that, ye Tian rose from the ground and didn't fight with the sword. He was facing nearly a hundred monks on the opposite side with his feet in the sky. That momentum really had the spirit of Mount Tai collapsing in front of him without changing his color.

Seeing ye Tian, nearly a hundred fierce monks stopped slowly and looked at Ye Tian.

"No, it's a bug devil!" I don't know who yelled, and then many friars were in a mess. They drove to the distance to escape.

In a short time, I can't see a figure any more.


Ye Tian stood in the air, looking back at the two words that the other side said. It seemed that he was really talking about himself!

I often use the spirit insect to kill the enemy, and the number of monks I killed is huge. It's not too much to say that it's the insect devil. However, there was a doubt in his mind.

Some people were killed with spirit insects, and some corpses were not completely disposed of. However, except for the people in the temple, all the people who saw themselves killing the enemy with spirit insects had become dead.

Where does the name of "insect devil" come from?

What's more, I'm wearing the clothes of the disciples of the temple. Now this face is only used after meeting Murong Yan and his group. Why can they recognize themselves when they see themselves?

Ye TIANYAO looks at the north, and he already has a guess in his heart.

In the eyes of the disciples of the temple in the valley behind him, his posture seemed lofty and majestic, and his arrogance was vividly interpreted.

Tu Jun patted his face and whispered to the friars beside him: "I was confused just now. That Taoist friend asked us to play the role of Jindan Jing. Why not? Do you still need us to fight? He can do it by himself. I estimate that he doesn't want the temple to lose its prestige! See, this Taoist friend's name is worm devil. Those people must know each other. The name of the person and the shadow of the tree. When they saw him, they didn't dare to fight, so they just slipped away. "

"Oh, I'd like to understand what you said. It should be like this!" A temple disciple next to him thought about it, nodded and agreed."Don't talk about this master worm any more. Don't offend him!" See ye Tian turned back, Tu Jun quickly sound reminder, for a time the crowd quiet down, people's eyes have cast on Ye Tian.

"See, this is the effect of playing the golden elixir realm. To retreat from the enemy, we should not only use force, but also wisdom. If we are afraid first, we should also play a ball?"

After explaining, ye Tian began to glance coldly at the disciples of the temple, from one person to another, looking down one by one.

"Daoyou, what's wrong?" The disciples of the temple were not clear, so they were uneasy. Murong Yan gently touched the ground and jumped to Ye Tian.

"Taoist Murong, there are traitors among these Temple disciples!" Ye Tian's words made Murong Yan tremble in her heart and said in a hurry, "where are you saying this?"

"I appear in this way, only the temple disciples know. Why are those people scared away when they see me? If it's not revealed by the people in the temple, I'm afraid it can't be said? What's more, why are those people here? It's because I know I'm not here. Why do you know I'm not here? Who else can know except the people in the temple? " Ye Tianleng snorted and expressed his dissatisfaction.

"Taoist friend Murong also knows that I'm waiting for those who want to kill more people and take some treasures. Now when I see that I'm here, I'm scared away. Do I want to chase them one by one? I'm afraid there won't be many such opportunities! "

Murong Yan didn't realize that ye Tian was bragging. Instead, she was more concerned about what ye Tian said about the traitor. It's true when she thinks about it.

Unconsciously, her face was ugly, but she still forced a smile at Ye Tian: "Daoyou, this time it's a temple. I'm sorry for you. I'll make up for it later. However, the most urgent task is to determine whether there are traitors in our sect, and if so, which one? "

Ye Tian nodded slightly: "well, if it's not convenient for Taoist Murong to doubt his fellow disciples, then I'll show you. You can search for your soul!"

Murong Yan looks a Su, said: "listen to friends, for the safety of all the same door, even if the doubt is wrong, many of the same door will understand!"

"Originally, I didn't want to be a villain. To tell you the truth, I still have some connections with the temple, otherwise I would not have been able to protect the disciples of the temple all the time. If traitors are not removed, I am afraid more people will suffer. Taoist friend Murong, if you look into it, you should look into it first! "

Ye Tian talks and suddenly points to a beautiful nun.

"Miao night? Can't you? " Seeing the person Ye Tian refers to, Murong Yan is a little surprised. He is familiar with Miao ye and has a good impression of this younger martial sister. Psychologically, it's hard to accept that this constant companion is a traitor who betrays the temple.

"Anyway, I pointed out the suspect, and Taoist Murong decided on his own!" Ye Tian looks indifferent, and has the posture of leaving.

"You won't let Daoyou down!"

Murong Yan went to Miao ye and said, "younger martial sister Miao, I'm sorry for you. It's routine. After searching, you can prove your innocence."

Miao Ye looked indignant and said wrongly: "elder martial sister Murong, I'm loyal to the temple and have no second heart. Everyone has his own privacy. Especially I'm a daughter's family. How can I let people search the soul at will. If death can prove my innocence, I'd rather die here! "

"Take it easy, younger martial sister. I don't mean that..." Murong Yan comforted a few words and looked at Ye Tian in embarrassment. She didn't want to hurt any disciple of the temple just because ye Tian pointed at him without any reason. , the fastest update of the webnovel!