Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 831

This white flat jade can't sense how rich aura it is from the top, but it has a remarkable feature, that is, it emits obvious power of mind.

Ye Tian picked up the white flat jade and stuck it on his forehead. His mind went into it. As he expected, it was a jade slip with the mark of his mind.

This kind of jade slips is made of a kind of strange jade which can preserve the spirit. It can store the contents that need to be preserved in the jade slips through the spirit. It can generally replace letters and save information.

Because this kind of jade is rare, it is generally used only for extremely important materials. The advantage of jade slips over ordinary paper books is that they are not afraid of insect bites and fire, and can be kept forever. Unless the jade slips are broken, the stone used to make jade slips is extremely hard, and will not be easily damaged as long as it is not deliberately damaged.

This kind of jade slips also exist in the square inch spirit realm, but they are not widely used. What ye Tian did not expect was that they could be found here.

Out of curiosity, he carefully looked at the contents recorded on the jade slips. After reading them, ye Tian showed the color of meditation.

There is a lot of information in it. It can be regarded as a Book of strange insects and beasts. It introduces many kinds of strange insects and beasts, including what kind of supernatural power these things have, how to distinguish them, how to raise them, how to control them, what kinds of things are the Nemesis of them, or what methods can be used to restrain them. It's written very well For details.

Some of Ye Tian knew it, but most of Ye Tian knew it for the first time. It seems that the friars who left the bamboo slips had a lot of research on strange insects and animals.

Ye Tian didn't study it deeply. He simply put it into his Xumi commandment. Maybe he can use it later, but not now.

Ye Tian didn't waste too much time on this Xumi ring. After a simple look, he continued to go deep into the valley.

The valley of death here is already very open. On both sides are the high mountains. In the middle of the valley, the dark valley is more than a hundred feet wide. It is still full of black and white runes, which is not much different from before.

While exploring, ye Tian pays attention to the ground in the valley. When he goes all over the valley, he finds another Xumi ring. A little look shows that there are five Xumi rings in it.

Needless to say, it must be the people who entered the valley of death before that have searched it, but in the end, they have not escaped the end of exhaustion of life.

All the life and death rhyme fields in the valley are formed naturally, there is no sign of artificial arrangement, and no similar space channel is found.

The appearance of this field is not accidental, even if it is natural, there must be conditions for its appearance.

Ye Tian didn't give up exploring. Since he didn't find any clues in the valley, there are only two possibilities, one is in the sky, the other is underground.

Looking around, the sky is far away, and there is not even a cloud above the valley. The tile blue is clear and clear at a glance.

Ye Tian automatically ignores the search for the sky and continues to cast the source eye to penetrate the underground through the dark soil.

A moment later, when he reached the center of the valley, he was shocked and finally found something.

Hundreds of feet underground, we found a field array artificially arranged, forming a misty fog with a radius of more than ten feet.

Outside the fog, you can see the black-and-white life and death rhyme field under the source sky eye. There were also several skeletons buried at the edge of the fog.

Ye Tian takes a look at the three monks of Dongzhen ruins in the distance, swallows a drop of nature liquid again, and then disappears from the original place.

Then he used the technique of earth hiding and went underground carefully.

The speed of tudun was slower than that of fengdun and Shuidun. However, it didn't take long for ye Tian to come to the periphery of the fog.

After observing the skeletons beside the fog, ye Tian comes closer slowly. These skeletons are complete. They should have died of exhaustion of life, not being attacked by the field array.

On each skeleton, ye Tian found a Xumi ring, which has not been taken away.

Ye Tian didn't move those people's Xumi precepts. Instead, he used Yuantian's eye to observe this artificially arranged field array again. He felt some excitement and expectation in his heart.

This time I came in and finally got something. I found the source of the formation of the field of life and death. I just don't know whether it is related to immortal meteorite. If not, what secret is hidden in it?

Under the eye of the source sky, the fog in the field of vision ignored no longer exists, only those crisscross black and white lines, constantly cutting the field space, forming a complex field.

In the array, the source eye can't see through. There must be another arrangement inside, which can't be penetrated by the naked eye and the mind.

After more than half an hour, ye Tian looked around the whole fog and saw the layout of the field array.

Thinking for a moment, ye Tian has a sudden idea. He has a black cloth bag in his hand. He opens the black cloth and takes out the ancient book that Anyi grandfather gave him.

After several quick turns, I stop at a page in the book. At the beginning of this page, I introduce a kind of ancient strange array called Suolong juexian array.Ye Tian compared the contents of the book with the array under the fog one by one, including all the details. Finally, he confirmed that this array is the one introduced in the book.

Is he really the chosen son of heaven, the variable in the mouth of the blind old man? Otherwise, how so coincidentally, I got this ancient book before I entered the valley of death.

The field array is basically divided into killing array, trapped array and magic array. Some of them have the above two or three functions. The rest of them have some partial field array, such as summoning field, gathering spirit field, and even those altars with peculiar functions are also some field array.

Killing array, magic array and trapped array all have their own way of life and death. Because they are too complex to be familiar with a certain field array, they can't be broken by luck alone.

There is no way to crack it. It may need brute force. As long as the attack field is powerful enough, it can be broken. Of course, except for the field array with some kind of endless power, the field array on one side will be broken, and the field array on the other side will be automatically repaired, which is a dead cycle.

Ye Tian can't do anything about this immortal array with his current cultivation level.

But coincidentally, the book gives the solution.

In this battle, there are twelve gates of life and 360 gates of death. If you make a mistake, you will be doomed.

For the next more than an hour, ye Tian deduced the way to enter the field according to the book. He didn't let out a long breath until he knew all about life and death.

Put away all the Xumi Commandments on those bones, and ye Tian took a drop of nature liquid again.

At this time, he kept himself in the peak state, looked at a fast-moving black light, and stepped in one step.

Probing into the moment, the three black-and-white lights suddenly came to Ye Tian. Ye Tian took a step to the left without hesitation and stepped between the two black-and-white lights.

In this way, ye Tian went from left to right, sometimes like flowing clouds and flowing water, sometimes with great care. It took him more than ten minutes to let 360 gates of death enter the field, followed by 12 gates of life.

It's a very wide hall.

Ye Tian felt dizzy, and the terrible pressure came to him. He quickly let out a strong breath to resist the everywhere pressure.

If he didn't feel that he could barely bear it, he would immediately turn around and leave here.

At this time, while resisting the coercion, he observed the situation in the hall, his heart inexplicably shocked.

In the main hall, a huge yin-yang fish is slowly rotating, one side is black, the other is white. With the rotation of Yin-Yang fish, countless black and white lights are emitted from it, which is more dazzling than the rotating lights in the dance hall.

There are two people lying quietly on the Yinyang fish.

On the white yang fish lies a middle-aged friar in white. On the black Yin fish lies a ferocious black monster with two curved corners on its head.

The reason why Ye Tian regards him as an adult is that he is no different from other people except his head. He has two hands and two feet, but he is more burly and nearly three meters tall.

If it wasn't for the size of yin yang fish, I'm afraid it would be very difficult for them to lie down.

"Are you the handed down disciple of Suihuang?"

When ye Tianzheng looked at him, there was an ethereal sound coming from the hall. It seemed that the sound came from all directions. With Ye Tian's cultivation, he could not determine which direction it came from. , the fastest update of the webnovel!