Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 803

In the mind of the Dragon demon, the appearance of she Qing gradually coincides with the woman in the underground palace many years ago.

It's her?

Two hundred years later, the appearance of Jue Qing changed so much that the impression at that time was not very clear. The Dragon demon almost forgot such an existence.

Recognize the identity of green, dragon demon immediately gave birth to a very bad feeling, can't help but slightly change color on the face, this time may be calculated by Ye Tian.

"From here, you can get to the underground palace!"

I don't know how long I've been diving in the sea, and finally I see the vast sea floor. He Qing points to a cloud of chaos somewhere on the sea floor.

In the process of diving, ye Tian always let go of his mind. Naturally, he had already found this unique place.

At this time, he had a thoughtful look on his face, and Yuan Tianyan observed the chaotic part.

That's right. It's exactly the same as the air from the qingmingzong Tongtian tower to the entrance of xiaotiandi. It's a space passage.

"I'll go into the underground first!"

He Qing looked back at Ye Tian and then disappeared into the dense clouds.

Ye Tian congealed a layer of protective soil beetle, and then entered it.

The space tearing force here is slightly stronger than that of qingmingzong's small space channel, but now ye Tian is able to cope with it.

After a short space transmission, ye Tian appears from the gray space.

At this time, he had been in the sky, the air was foggy, but when he saw the scenery on the ground, his eyes could not help coagulating.

The space below is tens of miles, with countless buildings and pavilions scattered, high mountains and flowing water.

"Follow me!"

He Qing was suspended in the air, looking at the scenery below, breathing out a breath gently, and floating to the ground as if he had no weight.

"Big dragon, how did you find such a hidden place?"

Ye Tian slowly follows Yu Qing and asks the Dragon demon.

"Coincidentally, I got a map by accident, which indicated the terrain and the way to get in and out. At that time, I was eager to find a place for healing, so I came to take a chance, and I fell in love with it

The Dragon demon pondered a little and spoke slowly.

Ye Tian nodded slightly. He didn't fully believe in these explanations, but it didn't matter. The aura here is very strong. It's not only suitable for healing, but also for practicing here. It's also effective with half the effort.

Chen Qing didn't pay attention to their conversation. She came to a tall building and pressed a few times on an exquisite rockery nearby. The rockery began to rotate slowly and faster. Until it stopped completely, the position of the rockery had become a hole leading to the underground.

The exquisite rockery also moved back in some directions.

"This is where I come into being."

With that, she stepped down the aisle.

"Dragon, please!" Ye Tian reaches out to invite each other and gives way to a position.

The corner of the Dragon demon's eyes twitched a few times, and he followed behind him with a stiff head. At this time, he had no idea of fluke. All the situations before showed that the spirit was more familiar here than himself.

At the end of the passage, there is a wide basement, surrounded by smooth bluestone masonry.

In the basement, there are many metal frames, which are filled with all kinds of things.

At this time, there was no need to lead the way. Ye Tian moved to those metal frames and stopped to watch. When his eyes fell on the pile of jade of different colors, Rao Shi's wealth was extremely rich, and he could not help feeling a little shortness of breath.

On the wide iron shelf, there are many kinds of jade of different colors, at least tens of thousands of pieces.

Lingyu, all of which are extremely rare outside.

This is a metal spirit jade!

This is the fire attribute jade!

This is a native spirit jade!

This is a more rare wind property Lingyu!

This is more precious than the wind attribute of the thunder attribute Lingyu!

Ye Tian walked slowly in front of the metal frame and recognized the attributes of those Lingyu.

These Lingyu, even in Fangcun Lingyu, are also a huge wealth. Even in the most prosperous period of Qingming, there were not so many Lingyu of the same nature.

After all, there are so many disciples in Fudi that their daily consumption is also very considerable.

"There is only a lack of wood property Lingyu and water property Lingyu. Have you used all of them?"

Ye Tian saw all the Lingyu and found the problem. He turned to the Dragon demon.

"Yes, it's all used by me to stabilize my state and heal my wounds. I'm afraid I can't recover to the present level without those Lingyu!"

The Dragon demon nodded with the color of happiness.

Because of the existence of the power of curse, ye Tian did not ask more about the injury of the Dragon demon, but said with a smile: "big dragon, these things have been found by me, according to the previous agreement, I'm not polite!""The dragon is a promise, and the nature you find is yours. However, don't forget the time limit of one hour. As soon as the time comes, you will lose the qualification of treasure hunting! " The Dragon demon's face obviously showed the color of flesh pain, but still said so.

"Oh, I forgot, there's a time limit." As soon as ye Tianyi patted his forehead, he suddenly opened his mouth. Then he stopped wasting his time and began to search the treasure in the basement.

After collecting all the Lingyu, ye Tian doesn't have time to look at the other things one by one. All the things on the shelves are collected in Xumi commandment. Anyway, there is a lot of time to get together after going out.

The treasure in the vault is full of four sutras, which empties all the metal frames.

Fortunately, he now has 13 Xumi commandments, and 12 of them are large space. Otherwise, with his former Xumi commandments, I'm afraid he can't take all the things in the basement.

With the time limit, the Dragon demon regrets it. He wants to slap himself in the face. If he doesn't remind Ye Tian, the agreement will end as soon as the time comes. He believes that ye Tian won't search again for blood oath.

However, now ye Tian is like a hungry thief, a crazy search, but it doesn't take much time.

"God, you look so ugly!" Although the Dragon demon is limited to the previous agreement and can't go back on it, he doesn't mind delaying Ye Tian and wasting his time.

"Ha ha, isn't it? You're right. If you have a chance, you'll find that my Lasso is ugly, too! "

The leaf day returned a, made a wink to the green.

He quickly stepped out of the basement and came to a big mountain. He also opened the mechanism and entered a long and narrow cave.

There is nothing else in the cave, only a huge sword placed on a huge bluestone. The width of the lightsaber is more than one meter, and the length is more than ten meters. The body of the sword is dark and lusterless, but there are many complicated runes carved on it, which is very mysterious.

Ye Tian comes to the hilt and holds the big hilt in his right hand. He suddenly feels that the sword is extremely heavy. With his strength of more than 100000 Jin, he can only force the hilt away from Qingshi.

Don't ask, it's a magic weapon!

Ye Tian didn't look at it carefully again. His mind wrapped the sword and made his own brand.

At this time, the Dragon demon also watched carefully around the huge sword, with a complicated look in his eyes, and finally turned into a color of regret. In the underground palace for more than 200 years, he did not find such a treasure in the mountainside.

But ye Tianjie was the first to board!

A moment later, the sword was refined by Ye Tian, and a magic power hit it. The sword suddenly shrank and turned into a big palm. Ye Tian opened his mouth and swallowed the sword, and put it in the elixir field.

"Yu Qing, go on!"

Although Ye Tian was very satisfied with the two gains, he still cherished the opportunity and went out of the cave while greeting Yu Qing.

The Dragon demon was silent behind him, and his face was covered with black lines, but he was helpless.

These things are also of great use to the Dragon demon, but they are more important than the restoration of cultivation.

Just, he now special regret, really shouldn't have promised Ye Tian's condition, otherwise, his loss won't be so hurt.

Next, she took Ye Tian to another basement and collected a large amount of gold, jade, pearls and other treasures.

A lot of weapons were collected in one armory, most of them were heavy weapons, a few were high-class spirit soldiers, and even two were half magic weapons.

"Well, an hour has come!"

When ye Tian went six or seven places, the Dragon demon finally spoke. Many good things in these six or seven places were taken away by Ye Tian. This is the limit that the Dragon demon can endure.

At this time, ye Tian has already reaped amazing wealth and is very satisfied. He doesn't want to give the Dragon demon a big move, so he nods and responds: "OK, the agreement is over. Next, let's explore other secrets of this underground palace! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!