Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 729

"What kind of monster is this? What kind of monster is he? "

Fat Taoist scared looked at the monster in the devil jade, then looked at Ye Tian, trembling and murmuring.

This kind of momentum has gone beyond the scope of human beings, and even beyond his cognition. It makes him feel that ye Tian, like the monsters in the devil jade, is a powerful existence that should not appear in this world. But now, they are just like this in front of him.

But there is no doubt that he knows that this time, if ye Tian had not followed him to the mine, and he was the only one, then, at this moment, I'm afraid he would have become the belly meal of the ferocious monster without any suspense, which is no different from the blood stains he saw on the ground before.

"So strong!" And at this time, after this terrible collision, ye Tian's body, can't help but back a few steps, looking at the same backward flying monster, slightly took a breath.

This monster's physical strength is beyond his expectation. It is comparable to the strength of the seventh floor of the cave. It can be seen that there must be some secret hidden in the other person's body. Otherwise, it will not be so powerful.

"Roar!" At this moment, the monster roared, followed closely, behind the wings flapping, moving forward again, near Ye Tian moment, behind the wings suddenly hold tightly, followed, very quickly open, with a strong wind, swept to Ye Tian.

Gusts of wind, a wisp, are like a sharp steel knife, it seems that as long as the contamination to a fraction, the body will be cut into debris.

"You can even use the five elements! His body remains the ability to connect heaven and earth However, how can this secret method be so similar to the idea of suihuangguan? "

When ye Tian saw the wind whirling suddenly, his eyes were slightly awe inspiring, his hands were raised, and the wind blades were flying out. At the same time, he was even more surprised to find that the secret method of the monster in the devil jade was extremely similar to his idea of Suihuang temple.

All this made him suddenly wonder whether these monsters would be Kunlun friars.

However, Kunlun was robbed and died. Why did these monks become what they are now? All this is really puzzling.

"Boom! Boom! Boom

At this time, ye Tian's wind blade and the wind whirl of the monster's meat wings collided with each other. The two collided. The terrible sound of air flow, the noise and vibration reverberated in the huge mine, making everyone feel that the eardrum is about to crack. They were so depressed that they wanted to vomit blood.

"It seems that we can only use the sword!"

Ye Tian's eyes scan. When he sees that the wind blade has not caused any damage to the monster, his mind moves, and the fierce sword suddenly appears in his palm. He moves with his sword to attack the monster. One sword after another, he cuts it out.

"Roar!" When the fierce sword is near, the monster is not afraid. Instead, it raises its claws to resist. What's more incredible is that the fierce sword is so sharp that when it hits the monster's hands, it can't cut into the enemy's hands. On the contrary, there are countless sparks.

That feeling, as if the skin of these monsters, is made of some kind of god gold, indestructible.

Although they are the seventh floor of the cave, they actually have the powerful power to compete with the eighth floor of the cave. Ye Tian is very glad that he has broken through the eighth floor of the cave. Otherwise, it is really unknown who will win this time.

"Lei Mi!" The fierce soldier's flying sword doesn't work. Ye Tian's eyes change a little immediately. Without thinking, he uses Lei Shu's secret skill to kill this ferocious monster with the help of thunder's powerful destruction ability.


All of a sudden, in the pit, the light was shining, thunder, intertwined and circling. Finally, it merged into a force, threatened with irrefutable power, and fell on the monster. The terrible thunder was almost as thick as a bowl, shining like lightning, which made the dark pit shine like day.

"He Is he a fairy? This Is this the immortal method? "

This scene makes the fat Taoist feel that his eyes are not enough at this moment.

Whether it's sword cutting, wind blade sweeping, or thunder dancing, it's all beyond my understanding. In particular, the scene of Ye Tian leading the thunder, falling from the sky and bombarding the monster is more similar to the legendary immortals.

All this made him think that he thought he was a living immortal before, but now it seems that he is a Mao immortal, and genius Ye is a real immortal!

"Mr. Ye, it's too strong!" He was not only a fat Taoist, but also the Jade Emperor. Even at this moment, he was about to regret. If he had known that ye Tian was so powerful, he should have listened to Lu Yanzhao's advice and contacted Ye Tian early. In that case, how could he have dragged the trouble to the present.

"Click! Boom

The thunder suddenly fell, and suddenly hit the monster's body. In the fierce roar, everyone immediately saw that along the monster's body, suddenly, there were large areas of thunder shining and dancing. Not only that, there were some places in its body, such as the red color after burning with charcoal.That kind of feeling, let a person feel, its body skeleton, as if it were made of metal, or carbon block.

"Is it over?"

This crazy and incomparable blow fell, so that everyone around the eyes, do all show the color of expectation.

Such a fierce attack, they feel that even if it is really a metal monster, at this moment, I'm afraid it's difficult to escape. Although this monster is powerful, how can it resist the terrible power of thunder.

"Huh?" More than these people, ye Tian's heart, also have similar ideas, but when his mind dispersed, covering the monster body skeleton moment, his face is suddenly changed.

He felt that the powerful blood gas emitted from the monster's body did not decrease, but became more and more powerful. It was as if his sharp Lei Shu had just fallen into a pot of boiling grease and ignited it. His power was more powerful than before.


Almost at the same time, the monster suddenly put his head forward and roared violently at Ye Tian. Even, along his mouth, there was a terrible flame spewing out. That kind of picture was absolutely terrible.

"The devil, it's the real devil..."

The fat Taoist murmured, his body was like a gust of wind, and his heart felt a kind of extreme terror.

It's not the devil. What is it? Moreover, this can be said to be the devil king of the devil!

"Damn it, this thing is really troublesome! What is its origin and why is it so difficult to deal with? "

Ye Tian looked at this scene, frowned, and at the same time, he was perplexed.

The difficulty of the monster in the devil jade was beyond his expectation, and his fierce power was beyond imagination.

The flying sword can't penetrate, and Lei Shu can't work. He can hardly think of any way to annihilate the monster.

"Shua!" Almost when he thought about it, the monster came again and attacked him with a sharp voice. Moreover, his scarlet eyes were full of longing. It was obvious that his interest in friars' flesh was far more than that of ordinary people.

"To seek death, do you really think I have nothing to do with you?"

Ye Tian drinks coldly and uses the evasion method. His body disappears suddenly. After the monster appears, he cuts the sword horizontally and takes it straight to the neck. At the same time, the emperor's fist runs and smashes it on the back. We should try to suppress it by both ways.


But almost at the same time, the monster turned in mid air, waving a pair of meat wings. In the sound of the sound of gold and iron, he swung away the fierce sword and Emperor's fist in Ye Tian's hand, and then raised one of his feet and stabbed Ye Tian's chest like a dagger to make a transparent hole in his chest! , the fastest update of the webnovel!